APR 2001
Evaluation Report:

The Project Performance Report (PPR), prepared by the GEF Monitoring and Evaluation Unit, draws on the findings of the 2001 Project Implementation Review (PIR), a monitoring process based upon reporting by the GEF Implementing Agencies (IAs) on all projects being implemented for at least one year as of June 2001. The findings within PIRs are designed to help refine the GEF operation program, improve project design and management, identify scientific and technical questions for further consideration, and identify lessons learned and topics for further evaluation.

This PPR also draws on information about the performance of GEF programs from evaluations and other studies. It does not report on the Second Overall Performance Study (OPS2) of the GEF, which was completed at the end of 2001 and published separately. This Review focuses on 205 ongoing full and medium-sized projects.

The report includes the following general conclusions and recommendations:

  1. Securing participation of all relevant stakeholders is critical to project success and should be ensured throughout the life of a project.
  2. Effective partnerships enhance participation, strengthen institutional capacity, and contribute to project sustainability.
  3. Engaging the private sector via partnerships and mobilizing additional private funding are increasingly important for the GEF.
  4. Adaptive management is very desirable - project logical frameworks should not be seen as static documents but should be adapted and amended to meeting changing conditions and lessons learned.
  5. Replication, catalytic effects, horizontal exchanges, and mutual learning are all crucial to GEF projects but their implementation varies between focal areas. Successes should be replicated and encouraged.

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