APR 2014
Evaluation Report:

The Annual Performance Report (APR) 2014 was completed by the GEF Independent Evaluation Office in May 2015. The report provides a detailed overview of the performance of GEF activities and processes, key factors affecting performance, and the quality of monitoring and evaluation (M&E systems) within the GEF partnership. The APR provides GEF Council members, the Secretariat, countries, partner Agencies, and other stakeholders with information on the degree to which GEF activities, systems, and processes are meeting their objectives and identifies areas for further improvement. The findings presented are based primarily on the evidence and ratings in the terminal evaluation reports prepared by the GEF partner Agencies at the time of project completion.

The APR was presented to the GEF Council in June 2015 as part of the GEF IEO's Semi-Annual Evaluation Report.

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