APR 2017
Evaluation Report:

The annual performance report (APR) provides an update on performance of the Global Environment Facility's (GEF) portfolio of completed projects. It provides an update on project outcomes, the likelihood of sustainability of project outcomes, the quality of project implementation and execution, co-financing trends, the quality of project M&E systems, and the coverage and quality of terminal evaluation reports. It also includes the adoption of GEF Council decisions that are based on GEF IEO recommendations, and a summary assessment of the performance of GEF Agencies. Reporting in the APR is primarily based on the evidence provided in the terminal evaluation reports of completed projects. All terminal evaluations and ratings are reviewed and validated by the IEO and/or the evaluation office of the respective GEF partner Agency.

The analysis presented in APR2017 includes a cumulative portfolio of 1,372 completed projects, representing $6.1 billion in GEF funding and $30.1 billion in realized co-financing. This includes 188 projects for which terminal evaluations were recently received. These 188 projects account for $861.8 million in GEF funding, and $5.6 billion in realized co-financing, and are referred to as the APR2017 cohort.

APR2017 also presents an in-depth analysis of sustainability of GEF projects. It includes an assessment of outcome sustainability at project completion, assessment of actual sustainability during the post completion period, quality at entry for sustainability, and a comparison of GEF IEO approach to measuring sustainability with the approach of other peer organizations.

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