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World Map

Overview for Completed Projects in the Satisfactory/Likely Range

This visualization, from the filter criteria reflects an analysis of 2,152 completed GEF projects, which have independently validated terminal evaluations. These projects account for $9,341.25M in GEF grants and $60,233.02M in realized cofinancing.

Geographic Scope # of Completed Projects GEF Grant Promised Cofinancing Realized Cofinancing
National 1666 $6,870.57M $40 473.05M $42,513.67M
Regional 272 $1,452.10M $5 247.07M $13,190.66M
Global 214 $1,018.58M $2 446.35M $4,528.69M
All Projects 2152 $9,341.25M $48 166.47M $60,233.02M

Graphic Distribution for independently validated Projects by GEF replenishment period, Focal Area, and Project Size

GEF replenishment period

Focal area

Project size

Ratings for Completed Projects in the Satisfactory/Likely range by GEF replenishment period

GEF replenishment period Outcome # of Projects with Outcome Ratings Sustainability # of Projects with Sustainability Ratings M&E Implementation # of Projects with M&E Implementation Ratings
Pilot Phase 74% 76 47% 70 41% 41
GEF-1 80% 112 60% 105 63% 70
GEF-2 78% 300 59% 283 64% 236
GEF-3 78% 488 59% 469 60% 462
GEF-4 81% 632 68% 588 67% 608
GEF-5 86% 465 63% 414 74% 443
GEF-6 89% 56 72% 53 88% 52
GEF-7 100% 1 100% 1 100% 1

Click below to display project terminal evaluations and terminal evaluation reviews by GEF replenishment period


GEF replenishment period: Pilot Phase

Wildlands Protection and Management (Project ID: 48)
Coastal Wetlands Management (Project ID: 49)
Tana River National Primate Reserve Conservation Project (Project ID: 50)
Lake Malawi/Nyasa Biodiversity Conservation (Project ID: 51)
Household Energy (Project ID: 52)
Transfrontier Conservation Areas Pilot and Institutional Strengthening (Project ID: 53)
Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and Mgahinga Gorilla National Park Conservation (Project ID: 54)
West Africa Pilot Community-Based Natural Resource and Wildlife Management (Project ID: 55)
Biodiversity Conservation (Project ID: 57)
National Biodiversity Project (PROBIO) (Project ID: 58)
Ship-Generated Waste Management (Project ID: 59)
Tejona Wind Power (Project ID: 60)
Biodiversity Protection (Project ID: 61)
Protected Areas Program (Project ID: 62)
Demand Side Management Demonstration (Project ID: 64)
Red Sea Coastal and Marine Resource Management (Project ID: 66)
Coal-to-Gas Project (Project ID: 67)
Oil Pollution Management Project for the Southwest Mediterranean Sea (Project ID: 68)
Danube Delta Biodiversity (Project ID: 69)
Greenhouse Gas Reduction (Project ID: 70)
In-Situ Conservation of Genetic Biodiversity (Project ID: 71)
Sichuan Gas Transmission and Distribution Rehabilitation (Project ID: 75)
Alternate Energy (Project ID: 76)
Biodiversity Collections (Project ID: 77)
Wildlife and Protected Areas Conservation (Project ID: 78)
Conservation of Priority Protected Areas (Project ID: 79)
Leyte-Luzon Geothermal (Project ID: 80)
Promotion of Electricity Energy Efficiency (Project ID: 81)
Biodiversity Conservation and Management (Project ID: 85)
Solar Water heating (Project ID: 86)
Danube Delta Biodiversity (Project ID: 100)
Brazilian Biodiversity Fund (Project ID: 126)
Biodiversity Data Management Capacitation in Developing Countries and Networking Biodiversity Information (Project ID: 145)
Global Biodiversity Assessment (Project ID: 173)
Biodiversity Conservation and Management in the Coastal Zone of the Dominican Republic (Project ID: 195)
Control of Exotic Aquatic Weeds in Rivers and Coastal Lagoons to Enhance and Restore Biodiversity (Project ID: 346)
Biodiversity Conservation and Resource Management (Project ID: 347)
Biodiversity Conservation in the Darien Region (Project ID: 348)
Conservation of Biodiversity through Effective Management of Wildlife Trade (Project ID: 349)
Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal (Project ID: 350)
A Dynamic Farmer-Based Approach to the Conservation of African Plant Genetic Resources (Project ID: 351)
Development of Wildlife Conservation and Protected Areas Management (Project ID: 352)
Patagonian Coastal Zone Management Plan (Project ID: 354)
Conservation of the Dana and Azraq Protected Areas (Project ID: 355)
Restoration of Highly Degraded and Threatened Native Forests in Mauritius (Project ID: 356)
Institutional Support for the Protection of East African Biodiversity (Project ID: 357)
Sustainable Development and Management of Biologically Diverse Coastal Resources (Project ID: 358)
Optimizing Biological Diversity within Wildlife Ranching systems; A Pilot Demonstration in A Semi-arid Zone (Project ID: 359)
Protecting Biodiversity and Establishing Sustainable Development of the in Sabana-Camaguey Region (Project ID: 363)
Strengthening Conservation Capacity and Development and Institution of a National Biodiversity Conservation Plan (Implementation Phase I) (Project ID: 365)
Conservation of Biodiversity in the Choco Biogeographic Region (Project ID: 366)
Conservation of Biodiversity in the Eastern Wetlands (Project ID: 367)
Programme for Sustainable Forestry (Iwokrama Rain Forest Programme) (Project ID: 368)
Development of High Rate BioMethanation Processes as Means of Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Project ID: 370)
Decentralized Wind Electric Power for Social and Economic Development (Alizes Electriques) (Project ID: 371)
Reduction of Greenhouse Gases (Project ID: 372)
Photovoltaics for Household and Community Use (Project ID: 374)
Control of Greenhouse Gas Emissions through Energy Efficient Building Technology in West Africa (Project ID: 376)
Community Based Rangeland Rehabilitation for Carbon Sequestration (Project ID: 377)
Biomass Integrated Gasification/Gas Turbine Project (Project ID: 381)
Optimizing Development of Small Hydel Resources in Hilly Areas (Project ID: 386)
Fuel Efficiency in the Road Transport Sector (Project ID: 391)
Support for Regional Oceans Training Programmes (Project ID: 392)
Water Pollution Control and Biodiversity Conservation in the Gulf of Guinea Large Marine Ecosystem (LME) (Project ID: 393)
Protection of Marine Ecosystems of the Red Sea Coast (Project ID: 394)
Lake Manzala Engineered Wetlands (Project ID: 395)
Prevention and Management of Marine Pollution in the East Asian Seas (Project ID: 396)
Pollution Control and Other Measures to Protect Biodiversity in Lake Tanganyika (Project ID: 398)
South Pacific Biodiversity Conservation Programme (Project ID: 403)
Biodiversity Conservation and Marine Pollution Abatement (Project ID: 535)
Biodiversity Protection (Project ID: 537)
National Trust Fund for Protected Areas (Project ID: 538)
Forest Biodiversity Protection (Project ID: 539)
Trust Fund for Environmental Conservation (Project ID: 542)
Transcarpathian Biodiversity Protection (Project ID: 543)
Biodiversity Protection (Project ID: 566)
Biodiversity Protection (Project ID: 567)
Teheran Transport Emissions Reduction (Project ID: 572)

GEF replenishment period: GEF-1

Regional Environment and Information Management Project (REIMP) (Project ID: 47)
Gulf of Aqaba Environmental Action Plan (Project ID: 72)
Water and Environmental Management in the Aral Sea Basin (Project ID: 73)
Ozone Depleting Substance Consumption Phase-out (first tranche) (Project ID: 74)
Nature Reserves Management (Project ID: 83)
India Ecodevelopment (Project ID: 84)
Protected Areas Management Project (Project ID: 87)
Biodiversity Conservation (Project ID: 90)
Small and Medium Scale Enterprise Program (IFC) (Project ID: 91)
Biodiversity Conservation Project (Project ID: 92)
Ozone Depleting Substances Phase-out Project (Project ID: 93)
Technical Support and Investment Project for the Phaseout of Ozone Depleting Substances (Project ID: 94)
Conservation and Sustainable Use of Medicinal Plants (Project ID: 95)
Efficient Industrial Boilers (Project ID: 97)
Energy Conservation (Project ID: 98)
Kerinci Seblat Integrated Conservation and Development (Project ID: 99)
Institutional Capacity Building for Protected Areas Management and Sustainable Use (ICB-PAMSU) (Project ID: 101)
Biodiversity Restoration (Project ID: 102)
Biodiversity Resources Development (Project ID: 103)
Energy Services Delivery (Project ID: 104)
Caribbean Planning for Adaptation to Global Climate Change (CARICOM) (Project ID: 105)
Klaipeda Geothermal Demonstration (Project ID: 106)
Ozone Depleting Substances Phaseout Project (Project ID: 107)
Phaseout of Ozone Depleting Substances (Project ID: 108)
Central Asia Transboundary Biodiversity Project (Project ID: 110)
Photovoltaic Market Transformation Initiative (IFC) (Project ID: 112)
Lake Ohrid Management (Project ID: 113)
Phaseout of Ozone Depleting Substances (second tranche) (Project ID: 114)
Phaseout of Ozone Depleting Substances (Project ID: 115)
Coral Reef Rehabilitation and Management Project (COREMAP I) (Project ID: 116)
Atlantic Biological Corridor (Project ID: 117)
Sustainable and Participatory Energy Management (Project ID: 118)
Solar Home Systems (SHS) (Project ID: 119)
Honduras Biodiversity Project (Project ID: 121)
Solid Waste Management and Landfill Gas Recovery (Project ID: 123)
Renewable Energy in Rural Markets Project (Project ID: 124)
Environment Program Support Project (Project ID: 125)
Kyjov Waste Heat Utilization (Project ID: 127)
Energy Efficiency Project (Project ID: 128)
Biodiversity Conservation Management Project (Project ID: 129)
Atlantic Mesoamerican Biological Corridor Project (Project ID: 133)
Cape Peninsula Biodiversity Conservation Project (Project ID: 134)
Small and Medium Scale Enterprise Program (IFC, first replenishment) (Project ID: 135)
Natural Resource Management (Project ID: 136)
People, Land Management, and Environmental Change (PLEC) (Project ID: 142)
Integrated Management of Jigme Dorji National Park (Project ID: 192)
Integrated Biodiversity Protection in the Sarstun-Motagua Region (Project ID: 197)
Conservation of Biodiversity in the Lake Titicaca Basin (Project ID: 202)
Consolidation and Implementation of the Patagonia Coastal Zone Management Programme for Biodiversity Conservation (Project ID: 205)
Consolidation of the Banados del Este Biosphere Reserve (Project ID: 206)
Vietnam PARC - Creating Protected Areas for Resources Conservation (PARC) in Vietnam Using a Landscape Ecology Approach (Project ID: 209)
Strengthening of National Capacity and Grassroots In-Situ Conservation for Sustainable Biodiversity Protection (Project ID: 216)
A Highly Decentralized Approach to Biodiversity Protection and Use: The Bangassou Dense Forest. (Project ID: 218)
Conservation of Biodiversity and Sustainable Development in the Federal Islamic Republic of Comoros (Project ID: 220)
Conservation and Sustainable Use of the Biodiversity of Socotra Archipelago (Project ID: 223)
Establishment of a Programme for the Consolidation of the Meso-American Biological Corridor (Project ID: 243)
Conserving Mountain Biodiversity in Southern Lesotho (Project ID: 245)
Rehabilitation of Protected Areas in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Project ID: 248)
Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Livelihood Options in the Grasslands of Eastern Mongolia (Project ID: 250)
Southern Africa Biodiversity Support Programme (Project ID: 260)
Capacity Building for the Rapid Commercialization of Renewable Energy (Project ID: 261)
Energy Conservation and Pollution Control in Township and Village Enterprise Industries (Project ID: 263)
Supply-Side Efficiency and Energy Conservation and Planning (Project ID: 264)
Energy Efficiency Improvements and Greenhouse Gas Reductions (Project ID: 267)
Reduction of Methane Emissions and Utilization of Municipal Waste for Energy in Amman (Project ID: 280)
Capacity Building for GHG Emission Reduction through Energy Efficiency (Project ID: 284)
Capacity Building to Reduce Key Barriers to Energy Efficiency in Russian Residential Buildings and Heat Supply (Project ID: 292)
Energy Efficiency Strategy to Mitigate Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Project ID: 302)
A Program for Rural Electrification with Renewable Energy Using the Popular Participation Law (Project ID: 314)
Coal Bed Methane Capture and Commercial Utilization (Project ID: 325)
Renewable Energy-Based Electricity for Rural, Social and Economic Development in Ghana (Project ID: 333)
Biomass Power Generation: Sugar Cane Bagasse and Trash (Project ID: 338)
Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme(SAP) for the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden (Project ID: 340)
Phaseout of Ozone Depleting Substances (Project ID: 343)
Lithuania Phase out of Ozone Depleting Substances (Project ID: 344)
Conservation and Sustainable Use of Dryland Agro-Biodiversity of the Fertile Crescent (Project ID: 400)
Pilot Biosafety Enabling Activity (Project ID: 402)
Energy Efficiency (Project ID: 404)
African NGO-Government Partnership for Sustainable Biodiversity Action (Project ID: 406)
Inventory, Evaluation and Monitoring of Botanical Diversity in Southern Africa: A Regional Capacity and Institution Building Network (Project ID: 407)
National Parks Conservation and Management Project (Project ID: 408)
Protected Areas Management (Project ID: 409)
Conservation of Wetland and Coastal Ecosystems in the Mediterranean Region (Project ID: 410)
Conservation Management of Eritrea's Coastal, Marine and Island Biodiversity (Project ID: 411)
Biodiversity Conservation in the Azov-Black Sea Ecological Corridor (Project ID: 412)
Global Biodiversity Forum Phase II (Project ID: 413)
Off-grid Electrification Pilot Demonstration, A Component of the Laos Southern Provinces Rural Electrification (Project ID: 424)
Energy and Water Sector Reform and Development (Project ID: 444)
Barrier Removal for the Widespread Commercialization of Energy-Efficient CFC-Free Refrigerators in China (Project ID: 445)
Renewable Energy Development (Project ID: 446)
Industrial Energy Efficiency Improvement Project (Project ID: 448)
Photovoltaic-Based Rural Electrification in Peru (Project ID: 449)
Participatory Management of Plant Genetic Resources in Oases of the Maghreb (Project ID: 456)
Biological Diversity Conservation through Participatory Rehabilitation of the Degraded Lands of the Arid and Semi-Arid Transboundary Areas of Mauritania and Senegal (Project ID: 457)
Biodiversity and Natural Resources Management Project (Project ID: 458)
Coastal Contamination Prevention and Sustainable Fisheries Management (Project ID: 459)
Preparation of A Strategic Action Programme (SAP) for the Dnieper River Basin and Development of SAP Implementation Mechanisms (Project ID: 460)
Determination of Priority Actions for the Further Elaboration and Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme for the Mediterranean Sea (Project ID: 461)
Preparation of A Strategic Action Programme (SAP) and Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) for the Tumen River Area, Its Coastal Regions and Related Northeast Asian Environs (Project ID: 462)
Programme for Phasing Out Ozone Depleting Substances (Project ID: 463)
Global Environmental Citizenship (GEC) (Project ID: 464)
Development of Best Practices and Dissemination of Lessons Learned for Dealing with the Global Problem of Alien Species that Threaten Biological Diversity (Project ID: 465)
Promotion of Biodiversity Conservation within Coffee Landscapes (Project ID: 466)
Management of Avian Ecosystems (Project ID: 483)
Conservation and Management of Habitats and Species, and Sustainable Community Use of Biodiversity in Dinder National Park (Project ID: 534)
Conservation Priority-Setting for the Upper Guinea Forest Ecosystems, West Africa (Project ID: 536)
Reducing Biodiversity Loss at Cross-Border Sites in East Africa (Project ID: 541)
Barrier Removal to Encourage and Secure Market Transformation and Labeling of Refrigerators (Project ID: 576)
Global International Waters Assessment (GIWA) (Project ID: 584)
Coral Reef Rehabilitation and Management Project Phase II (COREMAP II) (Project ID: 1829)
Protected Areas Management and Sustainable Use (PAMSU) (Project ID: 1830)

GEF replenishment period: GEF-2

Transhumance for Biodiversity Conservation in the Southern High Atlas (Project ID: 1)
Samar Island Biodiversity Project: Conservation and Sustainable Use of the Biodiversity of a Forested Protected Area (Project ID: 2)
Hon Mun Marine Protected Area Pilot Project (Project ID: 4)
Capacity Building for the Adoption and Application of Energy Codes for Buildings (Project ID: 5)
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Buses for Urban Transport (Project ID: 6)
Second Beijing Environment Project (Project ID: 7)
Rural Energy (Project ID: 8)
Biomass Energy for Rural India (Project ID: 10)
Hybrid Solar Thermal Power Plant (Project ID: 12)
Removal of Barriers to Biomass Power Generation and Co-generation (Project ID: 13)
Regionally-Based Assessment of Persistent Toxic Substances (Project ID: 14)
Programme for Phasing Out Ozone Depleting Substances (Project ID: 15)
Management and Protection of Laguna del Tigre National Park (Project ID: 16)
Conservation of Globally Significant Biodiversity in Agricultural Landscapes through Conservation Farming (Project ID: 17)
Lewa Wildlife Conservancy (Project ID: 18)
Concentrating Solar Power for Africa (CSP-Africa) (Project ID: 19)
Conservation Planning for Biodiversity in the Thicket Biome (Project ID: 20)
Community Conservation and Compatible Enterprise Development on Pohnpei (Project ID: 21)
Commercialization of Super Insulated Building Technology (Project ID: 22)
Promoting Best Practices for Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity of Global Significance in Arid and Semi-arid Zones (Project ID: 23)
Arid and Semi-Arid Ecosystem Conservation in the Caucasus (Project ID: 25)
Conservation of Elephant Landscapes in Aceh (Project ID: 26)
Creation and Strengthening of the Capacity for Sustainable Renewable Energy Development in Central America (Project ID: 27)
Renewable Energy-Based Small Enterprise Development in the Quiche Region (Project ID: 28)
Palawan New and Renewable Energy and Livelihood Support Project (Project ID: 29)
Upper Mustang Biodiversity Project (Project ID: 30)
Introduction of Viable Electric and Hybrid-Electric Bus Technology (Project ID: 31)
Mini-Hydropower Project (Project ID: 32)
An Indicator Model for Dryland Ecosystems in Latin America (Project ID: 33)
Integrated Coastal Management Project (Project ID: 488)
Kibale Forest Wild Coffee Project (Project ID: 490)
Kopacki Rit Wetlands Management Project (Project ID: 495)
Northern Belize Biological Corridors Project (Project ID: 496)
Conservation of Biodiversity and Protected Areas Management (Project ID: 497)
Creating A Co-Managed Protected Areas System (Project ID: 499)
In-Situ Conservation of Native Cultivars and Their Wild Relatives (Project ID: 500)
Paraguayan Wildlands Protection Initiative (Project ID: 503)
Management of Indigenous Vegetation for the Rehabilitation of Degraded Rangelands in the Arid Zone of Africa (Project ID: 504)
Mountain Areas Conservancy Project (MACP) (Project ID: 505)
Protected Areas Development (Project ID: 512)
Forestry and Conservation Project (Project ID: 513)
The Role of the Coastal Ocean in the Disturbed and Undisturbed Nutrient and Carbon Cycles (Project ID: 514)
Emergency Response Measure to Combat Fires in Indonesia and to Prevent Regional Haze in South East Asia (Project ID: 518)
Experimental Validation of Building Codes and Removal of Barriers to Their Adoption (Project ID: 520)
Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme (SAP) of the Pacific Small Island Developing States (Project ID: 530)
Rural Environmental Project (Project ID: 531)
Strengthening Capacity for Global Knowledge-Sharing in International Waters (Project ID: 532)
Western Indian Ocean Islands Oil Spill Contingency Planning (Project ID: 533)
Building Chiller Replacement Program (Project ID: 540)
Efficient Street Lighting Program (Project ID: 569)
Energy Efficiency Market Development (Project ID: 570)
Low-Cost/Low-Energy Buildings in the Czech Republic (Project ID: 571)
Removal of Barriers to Energy Conservation and Energy Efficiency in Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (Project ID: 573)
Integrated Watershed Management Program for the Pantanal and Upper Paraguay River Basin (Project ID: 583)
Integrated Management of Land-Based Activities in the Sao Francisco Basin (Project ID: 586)
Priority Actions to Consolidate Biodiversity Protection in the Sabana-Camaguey Ecosystem (Project ID: 591)
Conservation And Sustainable Use of the Barrier Reef Complex (Project ID: 592)
Programme for Phasing Out Ozone Depleting Substances (Project ID: 593)
Programme for Phasing out Ozone Depleting Substances (Project ID: 594)
Solar Development Group (SDG) (Project ID: 595)
Building Partnerships for the Environmental Protection and Management of the East Asian Seas (Project ID: 597)
Lop Nur Nature Sanctuary Biodiversity Conservation (Project ID: 600)
Monitoring System for the Galapagos Islands (Project ID: 601)
Removal of Barriers to the Effective Implementation of Ballast Water Control and Management Measures in Developing Countries (Project ID: 610)
Redirecting Commercial Investment Decisions to Cleaner Technologies – A Technology Transfer Clearinghouse (Project ID: 611)
World Water Vision - Water and Nature (Project ID: 612)
Environmental Protection of the Rio de la Plata and Its Maritime Front: Pollution Prevention and Control and Habitat Restoration (Project ID: 613)
Demonstrations of Innovative Approaches to the Rehabilitation of Heavily Contaminated Bays in the Wider Caribbean (Project ID: 614)
Mekong River Basin Water Utilization Project (Project ID: 615)
Aquatic Biodiversity Conservation (Project ID: 618)
Sustainability of the National System of Protected Areas (Project ID: 620)
Biodiversity and Protected Area Management Pilot Project for the Virachey National Park (Project ID: 621)
Energy Conservation and GHG Emission Reduction in Chinese Township and Village Enterprises (TVE), Phase II (Project ID: 622)
Wetland Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Use (Project ID: 623)
Sustainable Use of Biodiversity in the Western Slope of the Serrania del Baudo (Project ID: 625)
Wetland Priorities for Conservation Action (Project ID: 628)
Conservation and Sustainable Use of Medicinal Plants (Project ID: 631)
Renewable Energy Hybrid Power Systems (Project ID: 632)
Agricultural Research, Extension, Training (ARET) Project (Project ID: 633)
Conservation and Sustainable Use of the Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve's Coastal Biodiversity (Project ID: 634)
Barrier Removal for Cross Sectoral Energy Efficiency (Project ID: 636)
Development of Mini-Hydropower Plants (Project ID: 637)
Mulanje Mountain Biodiversity Conservation Project (Project ID: 640)
Conservation and Sustainable Use of Tropical Peat Swamp Forests and Associated Wetland Ecosystems (Project ID: 642)
Renewable Energy for Agriculture (Project ID: 643)
El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve: Habitat Enhancement in Productive Landscapes (Project ID: 644)
Oaxaca Sustainable Hillside Management Project (Project ID: 645)
Market Development for Solar Water Heaters (Project ID: 646)
Integrated Solar Combined Cycle Power Plant (formerly Solar Based Thermal Power Plant) (Project ID: 647)
Coastal and Marine Biodiversity Management Project (Project ID: 648)
Indigenous Management of Protected Areas in the Amazon (Project ID: 651)
Coastal and Marine Biodiversity Conservation in Mindanao (Project ID: 653)
Zakopane/Podhale Geothermal District Heating and Environment Project (Project ID: 654)
Ozone Depleting Substance Consumption Phase-out Project : Tranche III - Small Grant Program (SGP) - Residual ODS Phase Out Management Component (Project ID: 655)
Marine Biodiversity Protection and Management (Project ID: 656)
Removing Barriers to the Increased Use of Biomass as an Energy Source (Project ID: 658)
Sustainable Protected Area Development in Namaqualand (Project ID: 659)
Conservation of Globally Significant Forest Ecosystems in Suriname’s Guayana Shield (Project ID: 661)
Protected Areas Management (Project ID: 665)
Coastal Zone Management along the Gulf of Aden (Project ID: 666)
Coastal and Wetland Biodiversity Management at Cox's Bazar and Hakakuki Haor (Project ID: 668)
Ecomarkets (Project ID: 671)
Conservation of Biodiversity in the Talamanca-Caribbean Biological Corridor (Project ID: 672)
Effective Protection with Community Participation of the New Protected Area of San Lorenzo (Project ID: 681)
Maloti-Drakensberg Conservation and Development Project (Project ID: 762)
Control of Invasive Species in the Galapagos Archipelago (Project ID: 763)
West Java/Jakarta Environmental Management Project (Project ID: 765)
Landfill Methane Recovery Demonstration Project (Project ID: 766)
Reversal of Land and Water Degradation Trends in the Lake Chad Basin Ecosystem (Project ID: 767)
Programme for Phasing Out Ozone Depleting Substances (Project ID: 768)
Programme for Phasing Out Ozone Depleting Substances (Project ID: 769)
Millennium Ecosystem Assesment (Project ID: 770)
Amazon Region Protected Areas Program (ARPA) (Project ID: 771)
Community Based Conservation in the Bamenda Highlands (Project ID: 772)
Caribbean Archipelago Biosphere Reserve: Regional Marine Protected Area System (Project ID: 773)
Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity in the Andes Region (Project ID: 774)
Choco-Andean Corridor (Project ID: 775)
Conservation and Sustainable Use of Medicinal Plants in Arid and Semi-arid Ecosystems (Project ID: 776)
Northern Savanna Biodiversity Conservation (NSBC) Project (Project ID: 777)
Indigenous and Community Biodiversity Conservation (COINBIO) (Project ID: 778)
Mesoamerican Biological Corridor (Project ID: 779)
Development of Mnazi Bay Marine Park (Project ID: 780)
Wind Power Market Development Initiative (Project ID: 783)
Methane Capture and Use (Landfill Demonstration Project (Project ID: 784)
Metro Manila Urban Transport Integration Project - Marikina Bikeways Project Component (Project ID: 785)
Krakow Energy Efficiency Project (Project ID: 786)
Rural Energy for Development (Project ID: 787)
Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme (SAP) Toward Achievement of the Integrated Management of the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem (LME) (Project ID: 789)
Reducing Environmental Stress in the Yellow Sea Large Marine Ecoystem (Project ID: 790)
Formulation of a Strategic Action Program for the Integrated Management of Water Resources and the Sustainable Development of the San Juan River Basin and its Coastal Zone (Project ID: 791)
Program for the Management of Forests and Adjacent Lands (Project ID: 793)
Catalyzing Conservation Action in Latin America: Identifying Priority Sites and Best Management (Project ID: 794)
Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Natural Resource Management (Project ID: 795)
Lake Baringo Community-based Integrated Land and Water Management Project (Project ID: 796)
Conservation of Biodiversity at Mount Myohyang (Project ID: 797)
Sustainable Management of Mount Isarog (Project ID: 798)
Conservation of the Tubbataha Reefs National Marine Park and World Heritage Site (Project ID: 799)
Marine Ecosystem Management Project (Project ID: 800)
Central European Grasslands - Conservation and Sustainable Use (Project ID: 801)
Conservation of Biodiversity through Integrated Collaborative Management in Rekawa, Ussangoda, and Kalametiya Coastal Ecosystems (Project ID: 802)
Jozani Chwaka Bay National Park Development (Project ID: 803)
Solar Water Heaters (SWHs) for Low-income Housing in Peri-Urban Areas (Project ID: 805)
Persistent Toxic Substances, Food Security, and Indigenous Peoples of the Russian North (Project ID: 807)
Coral Reef Monitoring Network in Member States of the Indian Ocean Commission (COI), within the Global Reef Monitoring Network (GCRMN) (Project ID: 814)
Dry Forest Biodiversity Conservation (Project ID: 815)
Restoration of Round Island (Project ID: 816)
Biodiversity Conservation of Lake Bosumtwe Basin (Project ID: 817)
Conservation of Globally Threatened Species in the Rainforests of Southwest Sri Lanka (Project ID: 818)
Fuel Cell Bus and Distributed Power Generation Market Prospects and Intervention Strategy Options (Project ID: 819)
Promoting Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainble Use in the Frontier Forests of Northwestern Mato Grosso (Project ID: 834)
Public Sector Energy Efficiency Programme (Project ID: 835)
Critical Ecosystems Partnership Fund (CEPF) (Project ID: 836)
Conservation and Sustainable Use of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef (Project ID: 837)
Integrated Conservation of Priority Globally Significant Migratory Bird Wetland Habitat (Project ID: 838)
Integrated Ecosystem Management in 3 Priority Ecoregions (Project ID: 839)
Caribbean Renewable Energy Development Programme (Project ID: 840)
Environmental Protection and Sustainable Management of the Okavango River Basin (Project ID: 842)
Removal of Barriers to Rural Electrification with Renewable Energy (Project ID: 843)
Valdivian Forest Zone: Private-Public Mechanisms for Biodiversity Conservation (Project ID: 844)
The Greater Berbak-Sembilang Integrated Coastal Wetlands Conservation Project (Project ID: 845)
Albarradas in Coastal Ecuador: Rescuing Ancient Knowledge on Sustainable Use of Biodiversity (Project ID: 846)
Renewable Energy and Forest Conservation: Sustainable Harvest and Processing of Coffee and Allspice (Project ID: 847)
Development and Protection of the Coastal and Marine Environment in Sub-Saharan Africa (Project ID: 849)
Establishment of the Nuratau-Kyzylkum Biosphere Reserve as a Model for Biodiveristy Conservation (Project ID: 855)
Renewable Energy Systems in the Peruvian Amazon Region (RESPAR) (Project ID: 857)
Improved Household Stoves in Mongolian Urban Centers (Project ID: 862)
Community-managed Sarstoon Temash Conservation Project (Project ID: 863)
Multi-agency and Local Participatory Cooperation in Biodiversity Conservation in Yunnan's Upland Ecosystem (Project ID: 864)
Conservation of the Asiatic Cheetah, its Natural Habitat and Associated Biota (Project ID: 865)
Transfer of Environmentally-sound Technology (TEST) to Reduce Transboundary Pollution in the Danube River Basin (Project ID: 867)
Establishment of Private Natural Heritage Reserves in the Brazilian Cerrado (Project ID: 868)
Assessments of Impacts and Adaptation to Climate Change in Multiple Regions and Sectors (AIACC) (Project ID: 874)
Development of National Biosafety Frameworks (Project ID: 875)
Partnership for Natural Ecosystem Management Program (PAGEN) (Project ID: 876)
Consolidation of the Protected Areas Program (SINAP II) (Project ID: 877)
Protected Areas and Wildlife Conservation Project (Project ID: 878)
Targeted Research Related to Climate Change (Project ID: 880)
Removing Barriers to Improving Energy Efficiency of the Residential and Service Sectors (Project ID: 882)
Energy Efficiency Project (Project ID: 883)
Reduction of Environmental Impact from Tropical Shrimp Trawling through Introduction of By-catch Technologies and Change of Management (Project ID: 884)
Reversing Environmental Degradation Trends in the South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand (Project ID: 885)
Implementation of Strategic Action Program for the Bermejo River Binational Basin: Phase II (Project ID: 886)
Biodiversity Conservation in the Sierra Gorda Biosphere Reserve (Project ID: 887)
Land Use Change Analysis as an Approach for Investigating Biodiversity Loss and Land Degradation (Project ID: 905)
Landscape-scale Conservation of Endangered Tiger and Rhinoceros Populations in and Around Chitwan National Park (Project ID: 906)
Arun Valley Sustainable Resource Use and Management Pilot Demonstration Project (Project ID: 907)
Biodiversity Conservation and Management of the Bohol Islands Marine Triangle (Project ID: 913)
Economic and Cost-effective Use of Wood Waste for Municipal Heating Stystems (Project ID: 914)
Technology Transfer Networks, Phase 1 (Project ID: 920)
Electricity Services for Rural Areas Project (Project ID: 921)
Baltic Sea Regional Project, Tranche 1 (Project ID: 922)
Conservation of Montane Forest and Paramo in the Colombian Massif, Phase I (Project ID: 925)
Demonstrating Sustainable Conservation of Biological Diversity in Four Protected Areas in Russia’s Kamchatka Oblast, Phase I (Project ID: 932)
Climate Change Mitigation in Ukraine Through Energy Efficiency in Municipal District Heating (Pilot Project in Rivne) Stage 1 (Project ID: 934)
Power and Communications Sectors Modernization and Rural Services Project (PROMEC) (Project ID: 938)
Sustainable Forest Development Project, Protected Areas Management Component (Project ID: 939)
Biomass-based Power Generation and Co-generation in the Malaysian Palm Oil Industry, Tranche I (Project ID: 940)
Demonstration of Fuel Cell Bus Commercialization in China (Phase II-Part I) (Project ID: 941)
Local Empowerment and Environmental Management Project - Micro Watershed and Environmental Management Project (Project ID: 942)
Renewable Energy Scale Up Program (CRESP), Phase 1 (Project ID: 943)
Energy Efficiency Project (Project ID: 944)
National Protected Areas System (Project ID: 945)
Rural Electrification and Transmission (Project ID: 946)
Integrated Silvo-Pastoral Approaches to Ecosystem Management (Project ID: 947)
Vilnius Heat Demand Management Project (Project ID: 948)
Systems Efficiency Improvement, Equitization and Renewables (SEER) Project - Renewables Components (Project ID: 965)
Integrated Management of Critical Ecosystems (Project ID: 972)
Environmental Protection and Sustainable Integrated Management of the Guarani Aquifer (Project ID: 974)
Conservation and Sustainable Use of Traditional Medicinal Plants (Project ID: 977)
Biodiversity Conservation in Cacao Agro-forestry (Project ID: 979)
Community-based Management of On-farm Plant Genetic Resources in Arid and Semi-arid Areas of Sub-Saharan Africa (Project ID: 981)
Integrated Approach to Wood Waste Combustion for Heat Production (Project ID: 982)
Improving the Energy Efficiency of the Heat and Hot Water Supply (Project ID: 983)
Dynamics of Biodiversity Loss and Permafrost Melt in Lake Hovsgol National Park (Project ID: 984)
Developing Renewable Ground Water Resources in Arid Lands: a Pilot Case - the Eastern Desert of Egypt (Project ID: 985)
Development of National Implementation Plans for the Management of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) (Project ID: 1016)
Conservation and Sustainable Development of the Mataven Forest (Project ID: 1020)
Conservation and Sustainable Use of Chiloé Globally Significant Biodiversity (Project ID: 1021)
Pacific Islands Renewable Energy Programme (PIREP) (Project ID: 1058)
Capacity building for Stage II Adaptation to Climate Change (Central America, Mexico and Cuba) (Project ID: 1060)
Integrated Coastal and Marine Biodiversity Management (Project ID: 1067)
Rural Power (Project ID: 1071)
DBSB: Anatolia Watershed Rehabilitation Project - under WB-GEF Strategic Partnership for Nutrient Reduction in the Danube River and Black Sea (Project ID: 1074)
Caribbean: Mainstreaming Adaptation to Climate Change (Project ID: 1084)
Developing an Integrated Protected Area System for the Cardamom Mountains (Project ID: 1086)
Asian Conservation Company (ACC) (Project ID: 1089)
Nile Transboundary Environmental Action Project, Tranche 1 (Project ID: 1094)
Efficient Utilization of Agricultural Wastes (Project ID: 1105)
Senegal River Basin Water and Environmental Management Program (Project ID: 1109)
Conservation and Sustainable Use of Globally Significant Biodiversity in the Tassili and Ahaggar National Parks (Project ID: 1114)
DBSB: Wetland Restoration and Pollution Reduction Project - under WB-GEF Strategic Partnership for Nutrient Reduction in the Danube River and Black Sea (Project ID: 1123)
Karst Ecosystem Conservation Project (Project ID: 1133)
Renewable Energy for Electricity Generation-Renewable Electrification of the Galapagos Islands (Project ID: 1135)
Komodo National Park Collaborative Management Initiative (Project ID: 1144)
Introduction of Climate Friendly Measures in Transport (Project ID: 1155)
Energy Reform and Access Project (Project ID: 1158)
DBSB: Agricultural Pollution Control Project - under WB-GEF Strategic Partnership for Nutrient Reduction in the Danube River and Black Sea (Project ID: 1159)
Support to the National Programme of Action for the Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment, Tranche 1 (Project ID: 1164)
Greater Addo Elephant National Park Project (Project ID: 1167)
Conservation and Management of the Eastern Arc Mountain Forests (Project ID: 1170)
Protected Areas Management Project (Project ID: 1173)
Natural Resources Management and Poverty Reduction (Project ID: 1206)
Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Development (Project ID: 1209)
Removal of Barriers to the Introduction of Cleaner Artisanal Gold Mining and Extraction Technologies (Project ID: 1223)
Conservation and Sustainable Management of Below Ground Biodiversity, Phase I (Project ID: 1224)
Energy Conservation Project, Phase II (Project ID: 1237)
Desert Margin Programme, Phase 1 (Project ID: 1242)
Reducing Pesticide Run-off to the Caribbean Sea (Project ID: 1248)
Gourma Biodiversity Conservation Project (Project ID: 1253)
Community-based Coastal and Marine Conservation in the Milne Bay Province (Project ID: 1261)
Capacity Building to Remove Barriers to Renewable Energy Development (Project ID: 1264)
Polish Energy Efficiency Motors Programme (Project ID: 1265)
Community-based Integrated Ecosytem Management Program under the Community Action Program (Project ID: 1275)
Gdansk Cycling Infrastructure Project (Project ID: 1279)
Passive Solar Heating for Rural Health Clinics (Project ID: 1280)
Solar and Wind Energy Resource Assessment (Project ID: 1281)
Parana Biodiversity Project (Project ID: 1287)
Renewable Energy Resources Project (Project ID: 1291)
Ecosystem Management of the Salar del Huasco for Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Use Outside Protected Areas (Project ID: 1300)
Conservation of Biodiversity in Pastaza (Project ID: 1301)
Conservation of Key Forests in the Sangihe-Talaud Islands (Project ID: 1302)
Strengthening Protected Areas Network for Sikhote-Alin Mountian Forest Ecosystems Conservation in Khabarovsky Kray (Project ID: 1303)
Initiating Early Phaseout of Methyl Bromide through Awareness Raising, Policy Development and Demonstration/Training Activities (Project ID: 1305)
In-situ Conservation of Native Landraces and their Wild Relatives in Vietnam (Project ID: 1307)
Strategic Planning and Design for the Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development of Mexico (Project ID: 1308)
Building Wider Public and Private Constituences for the GEF in Latin America and the Caribbean: Regional Promotion of Global Environment Protection through the Electronic Media (Project ID: 1310)
Pilot Production and Commercial Dissemination of Solar Cookers (Project ID: 1311)
Energy Efficiency Co-Financing Program 2 (HEECP2) (Project ID: 1316)
Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions through the Use of Biomass Energy in Northwest Slovakia (Project ID: 1318)
Institutional Strengthening and Resource Mobilization for Mainstreaming Integrated Land and Water Management Approaches into Development Programs in Africa (Project ID: 1325)
Barriers and Best Practices in Integrated Management of Mountain Ecosystems (Project ID: 1328)
Sustainable Land Management in the Zambian Miombo Woodland Ecosystem (Project ID: 1330)
Promoting Industrial Energy Efficiency through a Cleaner Production/Environmental Management System Framework (Project ID: 1340)
Conservation of Gramineae and Associated Arthropods for Sustainable Agricultural Development in Africa (Project ID: 1344)
DBSB Agricultural Pollution Control Project - under WB-GEF Strategic Partnership for Nutrient Reduction in the Danube River and Black Sea (Project ID: 1355)
Santiago Foothills: Mountain Ecosystem Conservation (Project ID: 1377)
Assessment of Soil Organic Carbon Stocks and Change at National Scales (Project ID: 1378)
Biodiversity Indicators for National Use (Project ID: 1384)
Climate, Water and Agriculture: Impacts on and Adaptation of Agro-Ecological Systems in Africa (Project ID: 1394)
Private Land Mechanisms for Biodiversity Conservation in Mexico (Project ID: 1397)
Capacity Building for Implementation of Malaysia's National Biosafety Framework (Project ID: 1399)
Capacity Building for the Implementation of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (Project ID: 1400)
Biodiversity Conservation and Community Natural Resource Management in the Nanay River Basin (Peruvian Amazon) (Project ID: 1408)
Galapagos Oil Spill : Environmental Rehabilitation and Conservation (Project ID: 1409)
Biodiversity Conservation and Integration of Traditional Knowledge on Medicinal Plants in National Primary Health Care Policy in Central America and Caribbean (Project ID: 1410)
Community -based Conservation and Sustainable Use of the Atiquipa and Taimara Lomas Ecosystems (Project ID: 1416)
Indonesia Forests and Media Project (INFORM) (Project ID: 1424)
Support for the Implementation of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (Project ID: 1430)
Development and Implementation of the Lake Peipsi/Chudskoe Basin Management Plan (Project ID: 1444)
Conservation of Pu Luong-Cuc Phuong Limestone Landscape (Project ID: 1477)
Global Biodiversity Forum (GBF): Multistakeholder Support for the Implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity - Phase III (Project ID: 1486)
Mekong River Basin Wetland Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Use Program (Project ID: 1490)
Renewable Energy for Rural Economic Development (Project ID: 1545)
Obtaining Biofuels and Non-wood Cellulose Fiber from Agricultural Residues/Waste (Project ID: 1558)
EcoEnterprises Fund (Project ID: 1571)
Integrated Ecosystem Management in Namibia through the National Conservancy Network (Project ID: 1590)
Regional Program of Action and Demonstration of Sustainable Alternatives to DDT for Malaria Vector Control in Mexico and Central America (Project ID: 1591)
Biodiversity Conservation in the Lower Dniester Delta Ecosystem (Project ID: 1600)
Cost Effective Energy Efficiency Measures in the Russian Educational Sector (Project ID: 1646)
Enabling Activities Leading to the Second National Communication of the Argentine Government to the Conference of the Parties to UNFCCC (Project ID: 1650)
Energy for Rural Transformation Project (APL) (Project ID: 1831)
Commercializing Energy Efficiency Finance (CEEF) - Tranche II (Project ID: 2174)
Conservation and Sustainable Management of Below Ground Biodiversity, Tranche 2 (Project ID: 2342)
Desert Margins Programme (DMP) Tranche 2 (Project ID: 2344)
DBSB: Integrated Nutrient Pollution Control Project-under the WB-GEF Investment Fund for Nutrient Reduction in the Danube River and Black Sea (Project ID: 2970)

GEF replenishment period: GEF-3

PRC-GEF Partnership: Land Degradation in Dryland Ecosystems: Project I-Capacity Building to Combat Land Degradation (Project ID: 956)
Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity in the Amarakaeri Communal Reserve and Adjoining Indigenous Lands (Project ID: 957)
Environmental Protection and Maritime Transport Pollution Control in the Gulf of Honduras (Project ID: 963)
End Use Energy Efficiency Project (Project ID: 966)
Private Sector Led Development of On-Grid Wind Power in Tunisia (Project ID: 967)
Securing the Environment for Economic Development (SEED) (Project ID: 969)
Groundwater and Drought Management in SADC (Project ID: 970)
Accelerating Renewable Energy Investments through CABEI in Central America (Project ID: 975)
Partnership Interventions for the Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme (SAP) for Lake Tanganyika (Project ID: 1017)
Integrated Ecosystem Management of Transboundary Areas between Niger and Nigeria Phase I: Strengthening of Legal and Institutional Frameworks for Collaboration and Pilot Demonstrations of IEM (Project ID: 1022)
Ecosystems, Protected Areas and People (Project ID: 1024)
In Situ/On Farm Conservation and Use of Agricultural Biodiversity (Horticultural Crops and Wild Fruit Species) in Central Asia (Project ID: 1025)
Renewable Energy Technology Development and Application Project (RETDAP) (Project ID: 1029)
Making the Link: The Connection and Sustainable Management of Kon Ka Kinh and Kon Cha Rang Nature Reserves (Project ID: 1030)
Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Use of the Marine Resources at Con Dao National Park (Project ID: 1031)
Strengthening Romania's Protected Area System by Demonstrating Best Practices for Management of Small Protected Areas in Macin Mountains National Park (Project ID: 1034)
Integrated Ecosystem Management in the Cotahuasi Basin (Project ID: 1035)
Conservation of "Tugai Forest" and Strengthening Protected Areas System in the Amu Darya Delta of Karakalpakstan (Project ID: 1036)
Solar Thermal Hybrid Project (Project ID: 1040)
Conservation of Globally Significant Biodiversity in the Landscape of Bulgaria’s Rhodope Mountains (Project ID: 1042)
Establishing Conservation Areas Landscape Management (CALM) in the Northern Plains (Project ID: 1043)
Biodiversity Protection in North Vidzeme Biosphere Reserve (Project ID: 1045)
Promoting Integrated Ecosystem and Natural Resource Management (Project ID: 1047)
Sustainable Management of Globally Significant Endemic Ruminant Livestock of West Africa (Project ID: 1053)
Agulhas Biodiversity Initiative (ABI) (Project ID: 1055)
Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity on the South African Wild Coast (Project ID: 1056)
Inka Terra: An Innovative Partnership for Self-Financing Biodiversity Conservation & Community Development (Project ID: 1061)
Forest and Environment Development Policy Grant (FEDPG) (Project ID: 1063)
Strengthening Capacity for Managing National Parks and Biodiversity (Project ID: 1064)
Conservation of Wetland Biodiversity in the Lower Volga Region (Project ID: 1068)
Off-grid Rural Electrification for Development (PERZA) (Project ID: 1079)
Integrated Water and Ecosystems Management Project (Project ID: 1080)
Lima Urban Transport (Project ID: 1081)
Southwest Indian Ocean Fisheries Project - SWIOFP (Project ID: 1082)
Demand-Side Management and Energy Efficiency Program (Project ID: 1083)
Building the Inter-American Biodiversity Information Network (IABIN) (Project ID: 1091)
Integrated Ecosystem Management in Indigenous Communities (Project ID: 1092)
Reversing Land and Water Degradation Trends in the Niger River Basin (Project ID: 1093)
Conservation of Transboundary Biodiversity in the Minkebe-Odzala-Dja Interzone in Gabon, Congo, and Cameroon (Project ID: 1095)
Energy Management and Performance Related Energy Savings Scheme (EMPRESS) (Project ID: 1096)
Development of a Wetland Site and Flyway Network for Conservation of the Siberian Crane and Other Migratory Waterbirds in Asia (Project ID: 1097)
Conservation of Globally Significant Wetlands (Project ID: 1098)
Atoll Ecosystem-based Conservation of Globally Significant Biological Diversity in the Maldives' Baa Atoll (Project ID: 1099)
Community-based Conservation of Biological Diversity in the Mountain Landscapes of Mongolia's Altai Sayan Ecoregion (Project ID: 1100)
Participatory Management of Protected Areas (Project ID: 1101)
Efficient Lighting Market Transformation Project (Project ID: 1103)
Conservation of the Montane Forest Protected Area System in Rwanda (Project ID: 1104)
Energy Efficiency Public Lighting (VEEPL) Project (Project ID: 1106)
Landscape Level Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal's Western Terai Complex (Project ID: 1107)
Addressing Transboundary Concerns in the Volta River Basin and its Downstream Coastal Area (Project ID: 1111)
Improving the Energy Efficiency of the Urban Heating and Hot Water Supply (Project ID: 1116)
Integrated Participatory Ecosystem Management In and Around Protected Areas, Phase I (Project ID: 1124)
Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity in the Moyen-Chari (Project ID: 1125)
Sanjiang Plain Wetlands Protection Project (Project ID: 1126)
Biodiversity Management in the Coastal Area of China's South Sea (Project ID: 1128)
National Off-grid Electrification Programme Based on Renewable Energy Sources, Phase I (Project ID: 1132)
Wind Energy Applications (Project ID: 1136)
Promoting the Use of Renewable Energy Resources for Local Energy Supply (Project ID: 1137)
Conservation of Iranian Wetlands (Project ID: 1145)
In-Situ Conservation of Kazakhstan's Mountain Agrobiodiversity (Project ID: 1148)
Removing Barriers to Energy Efficiency in Municipal Heat and Hot Water Supply (Project ID: 1149)
Biodiversity Conservation and Participatory Sustainable Management of Natural Resources in the Inner Niger Delta and its Transition Areas, Mopti Region (Project ID: 1152)
Mainstreaming Conservation and Sustainable Use of Medicinal Plant Diversity in Three Indian States (Project ID: 1156)
Conservation and Sustainable Use of Wild Salmonid Biological Diversity in Russia's Kamchatka Peninsula, Phase I (Project ID: 1161)
Removing Barriers to Coal Mine Methane Recovery and Utilization (Project ID: 1162)
An Integrated Ecosystem Management Approach to Conserve Biodiversity and Minimize Habitat Fragmentation in Three Selected Model Areas in the Russian Arctic (ECORA) (Project ID: 1163)
Biodiversity Conservation and Protected Area Management (Project ID: 1169)
Gulf of Gabes Marine and Coastal Resources Protection (Project ID: 1174)
Conservation of Biodiversity in the Albertine Rift Forest Areas of Uganda (Project ID: 1175)
Conservation of Biological Diversity through Improved Forest Planning Tools (Project ID: 1176)
Biodiversity Conservation in the Russian Portion of the Altai-Sayan Ecoregion (Project ID: 1177)
Sahel Integrated Lowland Ecosystem Management (SILEM), Phase I (Project ID: 1178)
Energy Efficiency Project (Project ID: 1179)
Tonle Sap Conservation Project (Project ID: 1183)
Conservation of Medicinal and Herbal Plants (Project ID: 1184)
Integrated Coastal Resources Management Project (Project ID: 1185)
Combating Living Resource Depletion and Coastal Area Degradation in the Guinea Current LME through Ecosystem-based Regional Actions (Project ID: 1188)
Integrated Marine and Coastal Resource Management (Project ID: 1189)
Transformation of the Rural Photovoltaics (PV) Market (Project ID: 1196)
Enhancing the Effectiveness and Catalyzing the Sustainability of the W-Arly-Pendjari (WAP) Protected Area System (Project ID: 1197)
Biomass Energy for Heating and Hot Water Supply (Project ID: 1198)
Removal of Barriers to Biomass Power Generation, Part I (Project ID: 1199)
Conservation of Inland Wetland Biodiversity (Project ID: 1200)
Conserving Marine Biodiversity through Enhanced Marine Park Management and Inclusive Sustainable Island Development (Project ID: 1201)
OECS Protected Areas and Associated Sustainable Livelihoods (Project ID: 1204)
Regional System of Protected Areas for Sustainable Conservation and Use of Valdivian Temperate Rainforest (Project ID: 1207)
Integrated Ecosystem and Natural Resource Management in the Jordan Rift Valley (Project ID: 1214)
Building Scientific and Technical Capacity for Effective Management and Sustainable Use of Dryland Biodiversity in West African Biosphere Reserves (Project ID: 1216)
Conservation and Sustainable Use of Wetlands (Project ID: 1217)
Coastal and Biodiversity Management Project (Project ID: 1221)
Programme for Phasing Out Ozone Depleting Substances (Project ID: 1226)
EBRD/GEF Environmental Credit Facility (formerly entitled Slovenia: National Pollution Reduction Project) (Project ID: 1229)
Community-based Coastal and Marine Biodiversity Management Project (Project ID: 1234)
Renewable Energy-Based Rural Electrification Programme (Project ID: 1235)
Conserving Globally Significant Biodiversity along the Chilean Coast (Project ID: 1236)
Sustainable Development of the Protected Area System (Project ID: 1239)
Removal of Barriers to Energy Efficiency Improvement in the Steel Rerolling Mill Sector (Project ID: 1240)
Drylands Management Project (Project ID: 1244)
Renewable Energy-based Rural Electrification (Project ID: 1245)
Partnerships for Marine Protected Areas in Mauritius (Project ID: 1246)
Addressing Land-based Activities in the Western Indian Ocean (WIO-LaB) (Project ID: 1247)
Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem (Project ID: 1252)
Integrating Watershed and Coastal Area Management (IWCAM) in the Small Island Developing States of the Caribbean (Project ID: 1254)
Protection and Management of Pakistan Wetlands (Project ID: 1257)
Enhancing Conservation of the Critical Network of Sites of Wetlands Required by Migratory Waterbirds on the African/Eurasian Flyways. (Project ID: 1258)
In-situ Conservation of Crop Wild Relatives through Enhanced Information Management and Field Application (Project ID: 1259)
Sustainable Development of Utility-Scale Wind Power Production (Phase 1) (Project ID: 1260)
Effective Management of the National Protected Areas System (Project ID: 1268)
Marine Electronic Highway Demonstration (Project ID: 1270)
Coastal Marine and Biodiversity Management (Project ID: 1273)
Household Energy and Universal Rural Access Project (Project ID: 1274)
Action Plan for Removing Barriers to the Full-scale Implementation of Wind Power (Project ID: 1284)
The Green Corridor (Project ID: 1296)
Integrated Management of Aquatic Resources in the Amazon (AquaBio) (Project ID: 1299)
Management and Conservation of Wetland Biodiversity in the Esteros del Ibera (Project ID: 1312)
Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Wild Relatives of Crops (resubmission from Feb 2006 IWP) (Project ID: 1319)
Conservation of Biodiversity in the Central Zagros Landscape Conservation Zone (Project ID: 1322)
Hai River Basin Integrated Water Resources Management (Project ID: 1323)
Land Degradation Assessment in Drylands (LADA) (Project ID: 1329)
Demonstrating Cost-effectiveness and Sustainability of Environmentally-sound and Locally Appropriate Alternatives to DDT for Malaria Control in Africa (Project ID: 1331)
Bioenergy for Sustainable Rural Development (Project ID: 1335)
Promoting Energy Conservation in Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (PECSME) (Project ID: 1336)
South Africa Wind Energy Programme (SAWEP), Phase I (Project ID: 1338)
Demonstrations of Integrated Ecosystem and Watershed Management in the Caatinga, Phase I (Project ID: 1343)
Africa Stockpiles Program, P1 (Project ID: 1348)
Sustainable Transport and Air Quality for Santiago (Project ID: 1349)
DBSB Reduction of Nutrient Discharges - under WB-GEF Strategic Partnership for Nutrient Reduction in the Danube River and Black Sea (Project ID: 1351)
Nature Conservation and Flood Control in the Yangtze River Basin (Project ID: 1353)
Forest Sector Development Project (Project ID: 1356)
Renewable Energy-based Electricity Generation for Isolated Mini-grids (Project ID: 1358)
Generation and Delivery of Renewable Energy Based Modern Energy Services in Cuba; the case of Isla de la Juventud (Project ID: 1361)
Western Kenya Integrated Ecosystem Management Project (Project ID: 1362)
Building the Capacity of the People's Republic of China to Implement the Stockholm Convention on POPs and Develop a National Implementation Plan (Project ID: 1412)
Energy Efficiency Measures in the Honduran Commercial and Industry Sectors (Project ID: 1413)
Reducing Dependence on POPs and other Agro-Chemicals in the Senegal and Niger River Basins through Integrated Production, Pest and Pollution Management (Project ID: 1420)
Development and Implementation of Mechanisms to disseminate Lessons Learned and Best Practices in Integrated Transboundary Water Resources Management in Latin America and the Caribbean (Project ID: 1426)
Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity in Dibeen Nature Reserve (Project ID: 1438)
Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity in the Peruvian Amazon by the Indigenous Ashaninka Population (Project ID: 1446)
Recovery, Conservation, and Sustainable Use of Georgia’s Agrobiodiversity (Project ID: 1458)
Programme for the Agulhas and Somali Current Large Marine Ecosystems: Agulhas and Somali Current Large Marine Ecosystems Project (ASCLMEs) (Project ID: 1462)
Improving Management of NGO and Privately Owned Nature Reserves and High Biodiversity Islands in Seychelles (Project ID: 1471)
Establishing the Basis for Biodiversity Conservation on Sapo National Park and in South-East Liberia (Project ID: 1475)
Caatinga Conservation and Sustainable Management Project (Project ID: 1476)
Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Use in the Mbaracayu Natural Reserve (Project ID: 1489)
National Fadama Development Program II (NFDP II): Critical Ecosystem Management (Project ID: 1503)
Namib Coast Biodiversity Conservation and Management (NACOMA) (Project ID: 1505)
Building Sustainable Commercial Dissemination Networks for Household PV Systems in Eastern Africa (Project ID: 1513)
Consolidation of Ecosystem Management and Biodiversity Conservation of the Bay Islands (Project ID: 1515)
C.A.P.E. Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Development Project (Project ID: 1516)
Capacity Building for the Implementation of the Cartagena Protocol (Project ID: 1525)
Conservation and Restoration of the Globally Significant Biodiversity of the Tisza River Floodplain through Integrated Floodplain Management (Project ID: 1527)
Coral Reef Targeted Research and Capacity Building for Management (Project ID: 1531)
Electric Cooperative System Loss Reduction Project (Project ID: 1532)
Rural Environment Project (Project ID: 1535)
Integrated Ecosystem Management in the Prespa Lakes Basin of Albania, FYR-Macedonia and Greece (Project ID: 1537)
Integrated Natural Resources and Biodiversity Management (Project ID: 1538)
DBSB Environmental Infrastructure Project - under Strategic Partnership Investment Fund for Nutrient Reduction in the Danube River Basin and the Black Sea (Project ID: 1542)
Rio de Janeiro Integrated Ecosystem Management in Production Landscapes of the North-Northwestern Fluminense (Project ID: 1544)
Removing Barriers to the Reconstruction of Public Lighting (PL) Systems in Slovakia (Project ID: 1557)
Development of a Strategic Market Intervention Approach for Grid-Connected Solar Energy Technologies (EMPower) (Project ID: 1599)
Sustainable Conservation of Globally Important Caribbean Bird Habitats: Strengthening a Regional Network for a Shared Resource (Project ID: 1604)
Increased Access to Electricity Services (Project ID: 1607)
Renewable Energy Enterprise Development - Seed Capital Access Facility (Project ID: 1609)
Developing a Model Conservation Programme-Conservation of the Gobi Desert Using Wild Bactrian Camels as an "Umbrella Species". (Project ID: 1611)
Second National Communication of Brazil to the UNFCCC (Project ID: 1612)
Demonstrating the Development and Implementation of a Sustainable Island Resource Management Mechanism in a Small Island Developing State (Project ID: 1614)
Towards a Convention and Action Programme for the Protection of the Caspian Sea Environment (Project ID: 1618)
Mainstreaming Biodiversity Management into Production Sector Activities (Project ID: 1620)
Gansu and Xinjiang Pastoral Development Project (Project ID: 1621)
Capacity Building for Implementation of the Cartagena Protocol (Project ID: 1628)
Formoso River -- Integrated Watershed Management and Protection (Project ID: 1642)
Development and Implementation of a Sustainable Resource Management Plan for Marsabit Mountain and its associated Watersheds (Project ID: 1666)
Strengthening Romania's Protected Area System by Demonstrating Government-NGO Partnership in Romania's Maramures Nature Park (Project ID: 1679)
Conservation, Restoration and Wise Use of Calcareous Fens (Project ID: 1681)
Facilitating and Strengthening the Conservation Initiatives of Traditional Landholders and their Communities to Achieve Biodiversity Conservation Objectives (Project ID: 1682)
National Performance Assessment and Subregional Strategic Environment Framework in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) (Project ID: 1684)
Renewable Energy Project (Project ID: 1686)
Development of the Econet for Long-term Conservation of Biodiversity in the Central Asia Ecoregions (Project ID: 1694)
Rehabilitation and Expansion of Small Hydro-Plants on the River Raba in Hungary (Project ID: 1702)
Conservation of Biological Diversity of Carpathian Mountain Grasslands in the Czech Republic through Targeted Application of New EU Funding Mechanisms (Project ID: 1705)
Integrated Management of Cedar Forests in Lebanon in Cooperation with other Mediterranean Countries (Project ID: 1707)
Improved Management and Conservation Practices for the Cocos Island Marine Conservation Area (Project ID: 1713)
Mainstreaming Biodiversity Conservation into Production Systems in the Juniper Forest Ecosystem (Project ID: 1718)
Conservation of habitats and species of global significance in Arid and Semi-arid Ecosystems in Balochistan (Project ID: 1721)
Biodiversity Conservation in Altos de Cantillana (Project ID: 1725)
Conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity in Russia’s Taymir Peninsula: Maintaining connectivity across the landscape (Project ID: 1727)
In-Situ Conservation of Andean Crops and their Wild Relatives in the Humahuaca Valley, the Southernmost Extension of the Central Andes (Project ID: 1732)
Consolidating a System of Municipal Regional Parks (MRPs) in Guatemala's Western Plateau (Project ID: 1733)
The Development and Management of the Selous-Niassa Wildlife Corridor (Project ID: 1734)
Conservation of Dry Forest and Coastal Biodiversity of the Pacific Coast of Southern Nicaragua: Building Private-Public Partnerships (Project ID: 1735)
Lake Pomorie Conservation, Restoration and Sustainable Management Project (Project ID: 1749)
Lake Dianchi Freshwater Biodiversity Restoration Project (Project ID: 1750)
Integrated Management of Peatlands for Biodiversity and Climate Change: The Potential of Managing Peatlands for Carbon Accumulation While Protecting Biodiversity (Project ID: 1769)
Strengthening the Network of Training Centers for Protected Area Management through Demonstration of a Tested Approach (Project ID: 1776)
Joint Geophysical Imaging (JGI) Methodology for Geothermal Reservoir Assessment (Project ID: 1780)
Richtersveld Community Biodiversity Conservation Project (Project ID: 1782)
Removing Obstacles to Direct Private-Sector Participation in In-situ Biodiversity Conservation (Project ID: 1794)
Demonstrating and Promoting Best Techniques and Practices for Reducing Health-care Waste to Avoid Environmental Releases of Dioxins and Mercury (Project ID: 1802)
Integrated Ecosystem and Wildlife Management Project in Bolikhamxay Province (Project ID: 1836)
Energy and Environment Upgrading of the Industrial Park of Sidi Bernoussi Zenata, Casablanca (Project ID: 1838)
Indigenous Peoples' Network for Change (Project ID: 1842)
Mount Kenya East Pilot Project for Natural Resource Management (MKEPP) (Project ID: 1848)
Protection of the North West Sahara Aquifer System (NWSAS) and related humid zones and ecosystems (Project ID: 1851)
Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Development in the Gissar Mountains of Tajikistan (Project ID: 1854)
Community-Based Ecosystem Management Project (Project ID: 1855)
Conservation of the Eg-Uur Watershed (Project ID: 1859)
Prevention and Control of Dust and Sandstorms in Northeast Asia (Project ID: 1870)
Community Agriculture and Watershed Management (Project ID: 1872)
Naya Biological Corridor in the Munchique-Pinche Sector (Project ID: 1876)
Community-based Land Management (Project ID: 1877)
Hazard Risk Mitigation and Emergency Preparedness Project (Project ID: 1889)
Heat Reform and Building Energy Efficiency Project (Project ID: 1892)
Strengthening Global Capacity to Sustain Transboundary Waters: The International Waters Learning Exchange and Resource Network (IW:LEARN), Operational Phase (Project ID: 1893)
Renewable Energy Market Transformation (REMT) (Project ID: 1894)
Improved Certification Schemes for Sustainable Tropical Forest Management (Project ID: 1895)
Building Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) Technology Application Project (Project ID: 1897)
Regional Programme on Electrical Energy Efficiency in Industrial and Commercial Service Sectors in Central America (Project ID: 1899)
Large Scale Renewable Energy Development Project (Project ID: 1900)
Improving Kiln Efficiency in the Brick Making Industry in Bangladesh (Project ID: 1901)
Development of an Energy Efficiency Program for the Industrial Sector for Tunisia (Project ID: 1905)
Natural Resources and Poverty Alleviation Project (Project ID: 1907)
Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions with Bus Rapid Transit (Project ID: 1917)
Conservation of the Biodiversity of the Paramo in the Northern and Central Andes (Project ID: 1918)
Participatory Community-based Conservation in the Anjozorobe Forest Corridor (Project ID: 1929)
Integrating Watershed and Biodiversity Management in Chu Yang Sin National Parkv (Project ID: 1943)
Support for World Parks Congress, September 8-17, 2003, Durban, South Africa (Project ID: 1952)
Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity through Sound Tourism Development in Biosphere Reserves in Central and Eastern Europe (Project ID: 1994)
Environmental Business Finance Program (EBFP) (Project ID: 2000)
Transfrontier Conservation Areas and Sustainable Tourism Development Project (Project ID: 2003)
Incorporating Non-Motorized (NMT) Transport Facilities in the City of Gaborone (Project ID: 2014)
Integrated National Adaptation Plan: High Mountain Ecosystems, Colombia's Caribbean Insular Areas and Human Health (INAP) (Project ID: 2019)
Formulation of an Action Programme for the Integrated Management of the Shared Nubian Aquifer (Project ID: 2020)
Dashtidzhum Biodiversity Conservation (Project ID: 2037)
Managing Hydrogeological Risk in the Iullemeden Aquifer System (Project ID: 2041)
Strengthening the Implementation Capacities for Nutrient Reduction and Transboundary Cooperation in the Danube River Basin (Tranche 2) (Project ID: 2042)
Technology Transfer Networks (TTN) Phase II: Prototype Verification and Expansion at the Country Level (Project ID: 2043)
GEF National Consultative Dialogue Initiative (Project ID: 2045)
Sustainable Management of Inland Wetlands in Southern Africa: A Livelihoods and Ecosystem Approach (Project ID: 2052)
Renaturalization and Sustainable Management of Peatlands to Combat Land Degradation, Ensure Conservation of Globally Valuable Biodiversity, and Mitigate Climate Change (Project ID: 2057)
Fostering Active and Effective Civil Society Participation in Preparations for Implementation of the Stockholm Convention. (NGO-POPs Elimination Project). (Project ID: 2067)
Integrating Protected Area and Landscape Management in the Golden Stream Watershed (Project ID: 2068)
Lambusango Forest Conservation, Sulawesi (Project ID: 2077)
Consolidation of the Protected Area System (SINAP II) - Second Tranche (Project ID: 2078)
Coastal Resilience to Climate Change: Developing a Generalizable Method for Assessing Vulnerability and Adaptation of Mangroves and Associated Ecosystems (Project ID: 2092)
Development of a National Implementation Plan in Brazil as a First Step to Implement the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) (Project ID: 2096)
Western Indian Ocean Marine Highway Development and Coastal and Marine Contamination Prevention Project (Project ID: 2098)
Corazon Transboundary Biosphere Reserve (Project ID: 2099)
Support to the Congolese Institute for Nature Conservation (ICCN)’s Program for the Rehabilitation of the DRC’s National Parks Network (Project ID: 2100)
Marine and Coastal Environment Management Project (MACEMP) (Project ID: 2101)
Second Rural Poverty, Natural Resources Management and Consolidation of the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor Project (Project ID: 2102)
Catalyzing Sustainability of the Wetland Protected Areas System in Belarusian Polesie through Increased Management Efficiency and Realigned Land Use Practices (Project ID: 2104)
Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity in the Dalmatian Coast through Greening Coastal Development (Project ID: 2105)
Removing Barriers to Energy Efficiency Improvements in the State Sector in Belarus (Project ID: 2107)
Philippines Sustainable Energy Finance Program (Project ID: 2108)
Russian Sustainable Energy Finance Program (Project ID: 2111)
Energy Efficiency Project (Project ID: 2117)
Total Sector Methyl Bromide Phase Out in Countries with Economies in Transition (Project ID: 2118)
Biodiversity Conservation in the Productive Landscape of the Venezuelan Andes (Project ID: 2120)
Building Capacity for Effective Participation in the Biosafety Clearing House (BCH) of the Cartagena Protocol (Project ID: 2128)
Demonstrating and Capturing Best Practices and Technologies for the Reduction of Land-sourced Impacts Resulting from Coastal Tourism (Project ID: 2129)
Pacific Islands Oceanic Fisheries Management Project (Project ID: 2131)
WB-GEF MED Neretva and Trebisnjica Management Project - under Investment Fund for the Mediterranean Sea LME Partnership (Project ID: 2132)
Guangdong - Pearl River Delta Urban Environment (Project ID: 2135)
Livestock Waste Management in East Asia (Project ID: 2138)
Removing Barriers to Invasive Plant Management in Africa (Project ID: 2140)
DBSB Reduction of Enterprise Nutrient Discharges Project - RENDR - under WB-GEF Strategic Partnership for Nutrient Reduction in the Danube River and Black Sea (Project ID: 2141)
DBSB Water Quality Protection Project - under WB-GEF Strategic Partnership for Nutrient Reduction in the Danube River and Black Sea (Project ID: 2143)
Novel Forms of Livestock & Wildlife Integration Adjacent to Protected Areas in Africa (Project ID: 2151)
Global Support to Facilitate the Early Development & Implementation of Land Degradation Programs & Project Under the GEF Operational Programme N 15 (Project ID: 2167)
Sustainable Land Use Planning for Integrated Land and Water Management for Disaster Preparedness and Vulnerability Reduction in the Lower Limpopo Basin (Project ID: 2173)
Support to the Implementation of the Regional Environmental Action Plan in Central Asia (Project ID: 2175)
Promoting Sustainable Transport in Latin America (NESTLAC) (Project ID: 2178)
Community-based Integrated Natural Resources Management Project in Okyeman (Project ID: 2183)
East Asian Seas Region: Development and Implementation of Public Private Partnerships in Environmental Investments (Project ID: 2188)
Enabling Sustainable Dryland Management Through Mobile Pastoral Custodianship (Project ID: 2193)
Developing the Legal and Regulatory Framework for Wind Power in Russia (Project ID: 2194)
Demonstrating Sustainable Conservation of Biodiversity in Four Protected Areas in Russia's Kamchatka Oblast, Phase 2 (Project ID: 2235)
Developing Incentives for Community Participation in Forest Conservation through the Use of Commercial Insects in Kenya (Project ID: 2237)
Building the Local Capacity for Promoting Energy Efficiency in Private and Public Buildings (Project ID: 2244)
Removing Barriers to Greenhouse Gas Emissions Mitigation through Energy Efficiency in the District Heating System, Phase 2 (Project ID: 2249)
Barrier Removal to Namibian Renewable Energy Programme (NAMREP), Phase II (Project ID: 2256)
Demonstration of Fuel Cell Bus Commercialization in China, Phase 2 (Project ID: 2257)
Control of Eutrophication, Hazardous Substances and Related Measures for Rehabilitating the Black Sea Ecosystem: Tranche 2 (Project ID: 2263)
The Middle Atlas Forest Restoration project (Project ID: 2275)
Action Plan Training/Skills Building for 25 Least Developed Countries to assist with National Implementation Plan Development under the Stockholm Convention (Project ID: 2328)
Global Programme to Demonstrate the Viability and Removal of Barriers that Impede Adoption and Successful Implementation of Available, Non-Combustion Technologies for Destroying Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) (Project ID: 2329)
Development of National Biosafety Frameworks Project (Add-on) (Project ID: 2341)
Forest Protection and Reforestation (Project ID: 2354)
Agricultural Productivity and Sustainable Land Management (Project ID: 2355)
Ecosystem Restoration of Riparian Forests in Sao Paulo (Project ID: 2356)
Agricultural Rehabilitation and Sustainable Land Management Project (Project ID: 2357)
Sustainable Land Management (Project ID: 2358)
Demonstration of Alternatives to Chlordane and Mirex in Termite Control (Project ID: 2359)
PCB Management and Disposal Demonstration (Project ID: 2360)
Southern Provinces Rural Electrification II Program (Project ID: 2366)
Hanoi Urban Transport Development (Project ID: 2368)
Biodiversity Conservation in Coffee: Transforming Productive Practices in the Coffee Sector by Increasing Market Demand for Certified Sustainable Coffee (Project ID: 2371)
Forest and Mountain Protected Areas Project (Project ID: 2372)
Sustainable Land Management in the Semi-Arid Sertao (Project ID: 2373)
Rural Energy II (Project ID: 2374)
Sustainable Land Management in the High Pamir and Pamir-Alai Mountains - and Integrated and Transboundary Initiative in Central Asia Phase I (Project ID: 2377)
Sustainable Management of Arid and Semi-arid Ecosystems to Combat Desertification in Patagonia (resubmission) (Project ID: 2379)
Sustainable Co-Management of the Natural Resources of the Air-Tenere Complex (Project ID: 2380)
National Communications Programme for Climate Change (Project ID: 2387)
Dryland Livestock Wildlife Environment Interface Project (DLWEIP) (Project ID: 2396)
Small Wind Energy Development and Promotion in Rural Areas (SWEDPRA) (Project ID: 2397)
Sustainable Land Management for Mitigating Land Degradation, Enhancing Agricultural Biodiversity and Reducing Poverty (SLaM) (Project ID: 2402)
LDC/SIDS Portfolio Project: Capacity Building for Sustainable Land Management (Project ID: 2403)
Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis and Strategic Action Program Development for the Lake Victoria Basin (Project ID: 2405)
Assessment of Existing Capacity and Capacity Building Needs to Analyze POPs in Developing Countries (Project ID: 2423)
Integrated Microhydro Development and Application Program (IMIDAP), Part I (Project ID: 2433)
Sustainable Land Management in Drought Prone Areas of Nicaragua (Project ID: 2440)
Environmental Services Project (Project ID: 2443)
Biodiversity Conservation and Rural Livelihoods Improvement (Project ID: 2444)
Community-based Watershed Management Project (Project ID: 2459)
Supporting Capacity Building for the Elaboration of National Reports and Country Profiles by African Parties to the UNCCD (Project ID: 2469)
Promoting Ecosystem-based Approaches to Fisheries Conservation and LMEs (Project ID: 2474)
Rural Infrastructure (Electrification Sector) (Project ID: 2489)
Renewable Energy from Agricultural Wastes (Project ID: 2490)
Building Local Capacity for Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity in the Okavango Delta (Project ID: 2491)
Strengthening the Protected Area Network (SPAN) (Project ID: 2492)
Support Programme for National Capacity Self-Assessments (NCSAs) (Project ID: 2495)
Productive Uses of Renewable Energy in Guatemala (Project ID: 2499)
International Assessment of Agricultural Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD) (Project ID: 2503)
POPs Management and Destruction Project (Project ID: 2508)
Sustainable Land Management for Combating Desertification (Phase I) (Project ID: 2509)
Groundnut Basin Soil Management and Regeneration (Project ID: 2511)
Demonstrating Sustainable Land Management in the Upper Sabana Yegua Watershed System (Project ID: 2512)
Sustainable Environmental Management for Sixaola River Basin (Project ID: 2517)
Development of Sub-Regional Environmental Action Plans of the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) (Project ID: 2520)
Sustainable Energy Program (Project ID: 2531)
Renewable Energy Project (Project ID: 2537)
Assessment of Risk Management Instruments for Financing Renewable Energy (Project ID: 2538)
Kiribati Adaptation Program - Pilot Implementation Phase (KAP-II) (Project ID: 2543)
Catalyzing the Implementation of Uruguay's National Protected Area System (Project ID: 2545)
Sustainable Agro-Pastoral and Land Management Promotion under the National Community Development Program Support Program (PNDP) (Project ID: 2549)
Colombian National Protected Areas Conservation Trust Fund (Project ID: 2551)
Implementation of Pilot Adaptation Measures in coastal areas of Dominica, St. Lucia and St. Vincent & the Grenadines (Project ID: 2552)
Energy Efficiency Codes in Residential Buildings and Energy Efficiency Improvement in Commercial and Hospital Buildings in Morocco (Project ID: 2554)
Promotion of a Wind Power Market (Project ID: 2555)
Adaptation Learning Mechanism: Learning by Doing (Project ID: 2557)
Distance Learning and Information Sharing Tool for the Benguela Coastal Areas (DLIST-Benguela) (Project ID: 2571)
Building Capacity for Effective Participation in the Biosafety Clearing House (BCH) -- (add-on to include 89 additional countries) (Project ID: 2581)
Development of National Biosafety Frameworks Project (10 additional countries) - Add On (Project ID: 2582)
Institutionalizing Payments for Ecosystem Services (Project ID: 2589)
DHEKUANA NONOODO: Sustainable Use and Conservation of Biodiversity Resources of Dhekuana Indigenous Lands (Project ID: 2594)
Ghana Urban Transport (Project ID: 2596)
Cogen for Africa (Project ID: 2597)
Transitional Agriculture Reform (Project ID: 2605)
Rural Electrification (Project ID: 2607)
Enabling activities for Preparing India's Second National Communication to UNFCCC (Project ID: 2608)
Integrated Energy Services for Small Localities of Rural Mexico (Project ID: 2611)
Supporting Country Early Action on Protected Areas (resubmission from Feb 2006 IWP) (Project ID: 2613)
Adaptation to Climate Change - Responding to Shoreline Change and its human dimensions in West Africa through integrated coastal area management. (Project ID: 2614)
Biodiversity and Agricultural Commodities Program (BACP), Phase 1 (Project ID: 2618)
China Utility-Based Energy Efficiency Finance Program (CHUEE) (Project ID: 2624)
Energy Efficiency Project (Project ID: 2625)
Lake Balaton Integrated Vulnerability Assessment, Early Warning and Adaptation Strategies (Project ID: 2630)
Mainstreaming and Sustaining Biodiversity Conservation in Three Productive Sectors of the Sabana Camaguey Ecosystem (Project ID: 2633)
Guangxi Integrated Forestry Development and Biodiversity Conservation (Project ID: 2634)
Protected Areas Consolidation and Administration (Project ID: 2635)
Conservation and Sustainable Use of Globally Significant Biological Diversity in Khazar Nature Reserve on the Caspian Sea Coast (Resubmission) (Project ID: 2638)
Sustainable Cerrado Initiative (Project ID: 2641)
Capacity Building for the Implementation of the National Biosafety Framework (Project ID: 2648)
Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Development (Project ID: 2649)
Southern Cone Development Marketplace (Environment Window) (Project ID: 2665)
Community Micro Hydro for Sustainable Livelihood (Project ID: 2667)
Natural Resources Development Project (Project ID: 2669)
Central American Markets for Biodiversity (CAMBio): Mainstreaming Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable use within Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Development and Financing (Project ID: 2670)
Greening the Tea Industry in East Africa (Project ID: 2683)
Integrated Management of the Montecristo Trinational Protected Area (Project ID: 2686)
Latin America: Multi-country Capacity-building for Compliance with the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (Project ID: 2689)
Pacific Islands Greenhouse Gas Abatement through Renewable Energy Project (PIGGAREP) (Project ID: 2699)
National Reporting to the CBD: Supporting Countries to Prepare the Third National Report on Biodiversity, Phase I (Project ID: 2714)
Development Marketplace (Project ID: 2718)
Regional Project to Develop Appropriate Strategies for Identifying Sites Contaminated by Chemicals listed in Annexes A, B and/or C of the Stockholm Convention (Project ID: 2720)
Fostering a Global Dialogue on Oceans, Coasts, and SIDS, and on Freshwater-Coastal-Marine Interlinkages (Project ID: 2722)
Capacity Building for Sustainable Land Management (SLM) in Bulgaria (Project ID: 2726)
Building Sustainable Capacity and Ownership to Implement UNCCD Objectives in Latvia (Project ID: 2739)
CACILM: Achieving Ecosystem Stability on the Exposed Aral Seabed and the Kyzylkum Desert, Uzbekistan - under CACILM Partnership Framework, Phase 1 (Project ID: 2740)
CACILM: Demonstrating Sustainable Mountain Pasture Management in Susamyr in Kyrgyzstan-under CACILM Patnership Framework Phase I (Project ID: 2743)
WB-GEF POL Ningbo Water and Environment Project - under WB/GEF Partnership Investment Fund for Pollution Reduction in the LME of East Asia (Project ID: 2750)
Integrating Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change into Sustainable Development Policy Planning and Implementation in Southern and Eastern Africa (Project ID: 2752)
Participatory Coastal Zone Restoration and Sustainable Management in the Eastern Province of Post-Tsunami Sri Lanka (Project ID: 2753)
Biodiversity Conservation in Productive Forestry Landscapes (Project ID: 2754)
WB/GEF POL: Coastal Cities Environment and Sanitation Project - under WB/GEF Partnership Investment Fund for Pollution Reduction in the LME of East Asia (Project ID: 2758)
WB/GEF POL: Manila Third Sewerage Project (MTSP) - under WB/GEF Partnership Investment Fund for Pollution Reduction in the LME of East Asia (Project ID: 2759)
National Program Support for Environment and Natural Resources Management Project (NPS-ENRMP) (Project ID: 2761)
National Biodiversity Mainstreaming and Institutional Consolidation Project (Project ID: 2764)
LAC Regional Sustainable Transport and Air Quality Project (Project ID: 2767)
Community-based Adaptation (CBA) Programme (Project ID: 2774)
Development and Implementation of a Standards and Labeling Programme in Kenya with Replication in East Africa (Project ID: 2775)
Sustainable Transport (Project ID: 2776)
Second National Communication of Peru to the UNFCCC (Project ID: 2780)
Building the Partnership to Track Progress at the Global Level in Achieving the 2010 Biodiversity Target (Phase I) (Project ID: 2796)
Integrating Global Environmental Issues into Bulgaria's Regional Development Process (Project ID: 2799)
Teacher’s Solar Lighting Project (Project ID: 2812)
Action Plan Skills Building for 15 Least Developed Countries to assist with National Implementation Plan of Development under the Stockholm Convention (Project ID: 2815)
Tabuleiro State Park: Conservation of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Rehabilitation (Project ID: 2817)
Support the Implementation of the National Biosafety Framework (Project ID: 2822)
Support the Implementation of the National Biosafety Framework (Project ID: 2824)
Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Development (Project ID: 2828)
Mainstreaming Climate Change in Integrated Water Resources Management in Pangani River Basin (Project ID: 2832)
Conservation and Sustainable use of Biodiversity in the Kazakhstani Sector of the Altai-Sayan Mountain Ecoregion (Project ID: 2836)
Knowledge Base for Lessons Learned and Best Practices in the Management of Coral Reefs (Project ID: 2856)
Mainstreaming Biodiversity Conservation into Tourism through the Development and Dissemination of Best Practices (Project ID: 2861)
Capacity Building and On-the-Ground Investments for Integrated and Sustainable Land Management (Project ID: 2862)
Market Transformation for Efficient Biomass Stoves for Institutions and Small and Medium-Scale Enterprises (Project ID: 2870)
National Reporting to the CBD: Supporting Countries to Prepare the Third National Report on Biodiversity (Phase II) (Project ID: 2880)
Mainstreaming Market-based Instruments for Environmental Management Project (Project ID: 2884)
Zambezi Valley Market Led Smallholder Development (Project ID: 2889)
Country Support Program for GEF Focal Points (Project ID: 2899)
West African Regional Biosafety Program (Project ID: 2911)
Human-Wildlife-Coexistence Management Project in Northern Botswana. (Project ID: 2913)
CPP Namibia: Adapting to Climate Change through the Improvement of Traditional Crops and Livestock Farming (SPA) (Project ID: 2915)
Sustainable Energy Development Project (SEDP) (Project ID: 2918)
Alternatives to DDT Usage for the Production of Anti-fouling Paint (Project ID: 2932)
Solar Water Heating Market Transformation and Strengthening Initiative, Phase 1 (Project ID: 2939)
Coal Fired Generation Rehabilitation Project (Project ID: 2946)
Renewable Energy and Rural Electricity Access (RERA) (Project ID: 2947)
Biodiversity Conservation Project (Project ID: 2948)
Critical Ecosystems Partnership Fund (CEPF), Phase 2 (Project ID: 2949)
Lighting the "Bottom of the Pyramid" (Project ID: 2950)
Bus Rapid Transit and Pedestrian Improvements in Jakarta (Project ID: 2954)
WB/GEF POL: Liaoning Medium Cities Infrastructure - under WB/GEF Partnership Investment Fund for Pollution Reduction in the LME of East Asia (Project ID: 2972)
WB/GEF POL: Second Shandong Environment - under WB/GEF Partnership Investment Fund for Pollution Reduction in the LME of East Asia (Project ID: 2979)
Portfolio Approach to Distributed Generation Opportunity (PADGO) (Phase 1) (Project ID: 2996)
CleanTech Fund (Project ID: 3005)
Support the Implementation of the National Biosafety Framework (Project ID: 3012)
Supporting Capacity Building for the Third National Reporting to CRIC-5/COP-8 (Project ID: 3036)
Conservation and Use of Crop Genetic Diversity to Control Pests and Diseases in Support of Sustainable Agriculture (Phase 1) (Project ID: 3037)
DBSB Agricultural Pollution Control Project - under the Strategic Partnership Investment Fund for Nutrient Reduction in the Danube River and Black Sea (Project ID: 3148)
Coping with Drought and ClimateChange (Project ID: 3154)
Coping with Drought and Climate Change (Project ID: 3155)
Coping with Drought and Climate Change (Project ID: 3156)
LDC/SIDS Portfolio Project: Capacitiy Building in and Mainstreaming of Sustainable Land Management in East Timor (Project ID: 3176)
Pollution Reduction through Improved Municipal Wastewater Management in Coastal Cities in ACP Countries with a Focus on SIDS (Project ID: 3181)
LDC/SIDS Portfolio Project: Capacity Building for Sustainable Land Management in Niue (Project ID: 3213)
Conservancy Adaptation Project (Project ID: 3227)
CACILM: Central Asia Countries Initiative for Land Management (CACILM) Multicountry Partnership Framework Support Project-under CACILM Partnership Framework, Phase 1 (Project ID: 3230)
CACILM: Multicountry Capacity Building Project (Project ID: 3231)
CACILM: Partnership Framework - Land Improvement Project (Project ID: 3232)
CACILM: Rural Development Project under CACILM Partnership Framework, Phase I (Project ID: 3234)
CACILM: Rangeland Ecosystem Management-under CACILM Partnership Framework, Phase 1 (Project ID: 3235)
CACILM: Demonstrating Local Responses to Combating Land Degradation and Improving Sustainable Land Management in SW Tajikistan-under CACILM Partnership Framework, Phase 1 (Project ID: 3237)
CACILM: Capacity Building and on-the-ground Investments for Integrated and Sustainable Land Management - under CACILM Partnership Framework, Phase 1 (Project ID: 3239)
Adaptation to Climate Change in Arid Lands (KACCAL) (Project ID: 3249)
LDC/SIDS Portfolio Project: Building Capacity and Mainstreaming Sustainable Land Management in Bhutan (Project ID: 3262)
SP-SFIF Regional Activities of the Strategic Partnership for a Sustainable Fisheries Investment Fund in the Large Marine Ecosystems of Sub Saharan Africa - Tranche 1 (Project ID: 3271)
LDC/SIDS Portfolio Project: Capacity Building and Resource Mobilization for Sustainable Land Management in Bangladesh (Project ID: 3306)
SP-SFIF: Kenya Coastal Development Project (Project ID: 3313)
SP-SFIF: Sustainable Management of Fish Resources - under the Strategic Partnership for a Sustainable Fisheries Investment Fund in the Large Marine Ecosystems of Sub-Saharan Africa (Project ID: 3314)
LDC/SIDS Portfolio Project: Capacity Building for Sustainable Land Management (Project ID: 3316)
CPP Namibia: Enhancing Institutional and Human Resource Capacity Through Local Level Coordination of Integrated Rangeland Management and Support (CALLC) (Project ID: 3355)
CPP Namibia: Sustainable Land Management Support and Adaptive Management Project (NAM SLM SAM) (Project ID: 3356)
LDC/SIDS Portfolio Project: Capacity Development for Sustainable Land Management in Seychelles (Project ID: 3360)
LDC/SIDS Portfolio Project: Sustainable Land Management (Project ID: 3432)
LDC/SIDS Portfolio Project: Capacity Building for Sustainable Land Management in the Dominican Republic (Project ID: 3456)
LDC/SIDS Portfolio Project: Capacity Building for Sustainable Land Management in the Commonwealth Dominica (Project ID: 3460)
LDC/SIDS Portfolio Project: Mainstreaming and Capacity Building for Sustainable Land Management in Belize (Project ID: 3475)
LDC/SIDS Portfolio Project: Sustainable Land Management in Guinea-Bissau (Project ID: 3481)
LDC/SIDS Portfolio Project: Capacity Building and Mainstreaming of Sustainable Land Management in Suriname (Project ID: 3486)
LDC/SIDS Portfolio Project: Capacity Building for Sustainable Land Management in Jamaica (Project ID: 3487)
LDC/SIDS Portfolio Project: Capacity Building for Sustainable Land Management in Kiribati (Project ID: 3488)
LDC/SIDS Portfolio Project: Capacity Building for Sustainable Land Management in the Solomon Islands (Project ID: 3489)
LDC/SIDS Portfolio Project: Capacity Building and Mainstreaming of Sustainable Land Management in St. Vincent and the Grenadines (Project ID: 3491)
LDC/SIDS Portfolio Project: Capacity Building for Sustainable Land Management for Nauru (Project ID: 3492)
LDC/SIDS Portfolio Project: Capacity Building and Mainstreaming of Sustainable Land Management (Project ID: 3493)
LDC/SIDS Portfolio Project: Capacity Building for Sustainable Land Management in St. Kitts and Nevis (Project ID: 3494)
LDC/SIDS Portfolio Project: Capacity Building for Sustainable Land Management in Tonga (Project ID: 3495)
LDC/SIDS Portfolio Project: Capacity Building for Sustainable Land Management in the Republic of Marshall Islands (Project ID: 3496)
LDC/SIDS Portfolio Project: Capacity Building for Sustainable Land Management in Barbados (Project ID: 3497)
LDC/SIDS Portfolio Project: Capacity Building for Sustainable Land Management in the FSM (Project ID: 3498)
LDC/SIDS Portfolio Project: Capacity building and Mainstreaming of Sustainable Land Management in Saint Lucia (Project ID: 3500)
LDC/SIDS Portfolio Project: Capacity Building for Sustainable Land Management for Mitigation of Land Degradation in Palau (Project ID: 3501)
LDC/SIDS Portfolio Project: Capacity Building and Mainstreaming for Sustainable Land Management in Vanuatu (Project ID: 3502)
LDC/SIDS Portfolio Project: Capacity Building for Sustainable Land Management in Papua New Guinea (Project ID: 3503)
LDC/SIDS Portfolio Project: Capacity Building for Sustainable Land Management in Tuvalu (Project ID: 3504)
LDC/SIDS Portfolio Project: Building Capacity and Mainstreaming Sustainable LandManagement in Maldives (Project ID: 3505)
LDC/SIDS Portfolio Project: Capacity Building for Sustainable Land Management in the Cook Islands (Project ID: 3508)
LDC/SIDS Portfolio Project: Capacity Building for Sustainable Land Management in Sierra Leone (Project ID: 3510)
LDC/SIDS Portfolio Project: Capacity building and Mainstreaming of Sustainable Land (Project ID: 3512)
LDC/SIDS Portfolio Project: Capacity Development and Mainstreaming for Sustainable Land Management in Guyana (Project ID: 3516)
SP-SFIF: West Africa Regional Fisheries Program (WARFP) (Project ID: 3558)
CPP: Burkina Faso - Sub-programme of the Northern Region-under Partnership Programme for Sustainable Land Management (Project ID: 3567)
CPP Cuba: Capacity Building for Planning, Decision Making and Regulatory Systems & Awareness Building/Sustainable Land Management in Severely Degraded Ecosystems (Project ID: 3578)
CPP Cuba: Coordination, Monitoring and Evaluation of Cuba Country Pilot Partnership on Sustainable Land Management (Project ID: 3587)
WB/GEF MED: Coastal Cities Pollution Control (APL 2) (Project ID: 3725)
CPP: National Subprogram for Coordination and Institutional Development on Sustainable Land Management (Project ID: 3884)
GEO: Turkey Geofund (Project ID: 4224)
CPP: Sub-Program for Sustainable Land Management in Boucle de Mouhoun region. (Project ID: 4233)
CPP: SLM subprogram for the Centre-West Region (Project ID: 4301)

GEF replenishment period: GEF-4

Enhancing Coverage and Management Effectiveness of the Subsystem of Forest Protected Areas in Turkey’s National System of Protected Areas (Project ID: 1026)
Strengthening Governance and Financial Sustainability of the National Protected Area System (Project ID: 1027)
Sustainable Management of the Shared Marine Resources of the Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem (CLME) and Adjacent Regions (Project ID: 1032)
Integrated Assessment and Management of the Gulf of Mexico Large Marine Ecosystem (Project ID: 1346)
Reducing Transboundary Degradation in the Kura-Aras Basin (Project ID: 1375)
Development of a National Implementation Plan in India as a First Step to Implement the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs). (Project ID: 1520)
Extending Wetland protected Areas through Community Based Conservation Initiatives (Project ID: 1837)
Small Scale Hydro Power Development in Haiti (Project ID: 1904)
Protection of the Canary Current Large Marine Ecosystem (LME) (Project ID: 1909)
Wildlife Conservation Leasing Demonstration (Project ID: 1999)
SFM Strengthening Protected Area System of the Komi Republic to Conserve Virgin Forest Biodiversity in the Pechora River Headwaters Region (Project ID: 2035)
Sustainable Management of the Water Resources of the la Plata Basin with Respect to the Effects of Climate Variability and Change (Project ID: 2095)
CBPF: Conservation and Adaptive Management of Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) (Project ID: 2127)
Lake Skader-Shkoder Integrated Ecosystem Management (Project ID: 2133)
SIP: Transboundary Agro-Ecosystem Management Programme for the Kagera River Basin (Kagera TAMP) (Project ID: 2139)
Butrint National Park: Biodiversity and Global Heritage Conservation (Project ID: 2152)
SIP: Stimulating Community Initiatives in Sustainable Land Management (SCI-SLM) (Project ID: 2184)
Removal of Barriers to Energy Efficiency and Energy Conservation in Buildings (Project ID: 2241)
Mainstreaming Marine Biodiversity Conservation into Coastal Management in the Aqaba Special Economic Zone (Project ID: 2251)
Building Partnerships to Assist Developing Countries to Reduce the Transfer of Harmful Aquatic Organisms in Ships' Ballast Water (GloBallast Partnerships) (Project ID: 2261)
SIP: Integrated Ecosystem Management in Four Representative Landscapes of Senegal, Phase 2 (Project ID: 2268)
Preparing for HCFC phase out in CEITs: needs, benefits and potential synergies with other MEAs (Project ID: 2331)
PRC-GEF Partnership: An IEM Approach to the Conservation of Biodiversity in Dryland Ecosystems - under the PRC-GEF Partnership on Land Degradation in Dryland Ecosystem Program (Project ID: 2369)
Facilitation of Financing for Biodiversity-based Businesses and Support of Market Development Activities in the Andean Region (Project ID: 2391)
Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Agricultural and Land Management Policies, Plans and Programmes (Project ID: 2416)
Integration of Ecosystem Management Principles and Practices into Land and Water Management of Slovakia’s Eastern Lowlands (Project ID: 2422)
CBPF: Priority Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Development to Implement the China Biodiversity Partnership and Framework for Action (Project ID: 2435)
Rio Grande Do Sul Biodiversity Conservation (Project ID: 2450)
Strengthening Capacity to Control the Introduction and Spread of Alien Invasive Species (Project ID: 2472)
Energy Conservation in Small Sector Tea Processing Units in South India. (Project ID: 2500)
SFM Sustainable Forest Management in the Transboundary Gran Chaco American Ecosystem (Project ID: 2505)
Promotion of Energy Efficient Cooking, Heating and Housing Technologies (PEECH) (Project ID: 2526)
Demonstration of Sustainable Alternatives to DDT and Strengthening of National Vector Control Capabilities in Middle East and North Africa (Project ID: 2546)
Integrated Livestock and Crop Conservation Program (Project ID: 2550)
Piloting Climate Change Adaptation to Protect Human Health (Project ID: 2553)
Sustainable Economic Development through Renewable Energy Applications (SEDREA) (Project ID: 2567)
Action for the Development of Marshall Islands Renewable Energies (ADMIRE) (Project ID: 2568)
Nile Transboundary Environmental Action Project (NTEAP), Phase II (Project ID: 2584)
PAS: Implementing Sustainable Integrated Water Resource and Wastewater Management in the Pacific Island Countries - under the GEF Pacific Alliance for Sustainability (Project ID: 2586)
Strategic Partnership for the Mediterranean Large Marine Ecosystem-Regional Component: Implementation of Agreed Actions for the Protection of the Environmental Resources of the Mediterranean Sea and Its Coastal Areas (Project ID: 2600)
WB/GEF MED: Alexandria Coastal Zone Management Project (ACZM) (Project ID: 2602)
Sustainable Public Transport and Sport: A 2010 Opportunity (Project ID: 2604)
GEF-World Bank-China Urban Transport Partnership Program (CUTPP) (Project ID: 2609)
National Grasslands Biodiversity Program (Project ID: 2615)
Establishment of a Basin Management Framework for the Integrated Management for the Tisza Transboundary River Basin (Project ID: 2617)
Improvement of DDT-based production of Dicofol and introduction of alternative technologies including IPM for leaf mites control in China (Project ID: 2629)
MENARID: Mainstreaming Sustainable Land and Water Management Practices (Project ID: 2631)
MENARID: Participatory Control of Desertification and Poverty Reduction in the Arid and Semi Arid High Plateau Ecosystems of Eastern Morocco (Project ID: 2632)
Consolidation of the Protected Area System (SINAP II) - Third Tranche (Project ID: 2654)
Improvement of Management Effectiveness in the Maya Biosphere Reserve (MBR) (Project ID: 2687)
SFM Improving the Conservation of Biodiversity in Atlantic Forest of Eastern Paraguay (Project ID: 2690)
Market Transformation through Energy Efficiency Standards and Labeling of Appliances in South Africa (Project ID: 2692)
Strengthening Biodiversity Conservation through the National Protected Areas Program (Project ID: 2693)
Implementation of Sustainable Development Strategy for the Seas of East Asia (SDS-SEA) (Project ID: 2700)
Development and Adoption of a Strategic Action Program for Balancing Water Uses and Sustainable Natural Resource Management in the Orange-Senqu River Transboundary Basin (Project ID: 2701)
Strengthening and Catalyzing the Sustainability of Nicaragua's Protected Areas System (Project ID: 2702)
Effective Conservation and Sustainable Use of Mangrove Ecosystems in Brazil (Project ID: 2703)
Implementing Integrated Water Resource and Wastewater Management in Atlantic and Indian Ocean SIDS (Project ID: 2706)
MENARID: Support to Sustainable Land Management in the Siliana Governorate (Project ID: 2709)
Disposal of PCB Wastes in Romania (Project ID: 2715)
Mainstreaming Karst Peatlands Conservation Concerns into Key Economic Sectors (Project ID: 2723)
Conservation of Globally Important Biodiversity in High Nature Value Semi-natural Grasslands through Support for the Traditional Local Economy (Project ID: 2730)
MENARID: Institutional Strengthening and Coherence for Integrated Natural Resources Management (Project ID: 2732)
Promoting Replication of Good Practices for Nutrient Reduction and Joint Collaboration in Central and Eastern Europe (Project ID: 2746)
SFM Rehabilitation and Sustainable Use of Peatland Forests in South-East Asia (Project ID: 2751)
Espirito Santo Biodiversity and Watershed Conservation and Restoration Project (Project ID: 2765)
CBPF: Integrated Ecosystem and Water Resources Management in the Baiyangdian Basin (Project ID: 2766)
Demonstration of a Regional Approach to Environmentally Sound Management of PCB Liquid Wastes and Transformers and Capacitors Containing PCBs (Project ID: 2770)
Building a Comprehensive National Protected Areas System: A Financial and Operational Framework (Project ID: 2772)
Overcoming Barriers to Sustainability of Costa Rica's Protected Areas System (Project ID: 2773)
Barrier Removal to the Cost-Effective Development and Implementation of Energy Standards and Labeling Project (BRESL) (Project ID: 2777)
Sugarcane Renewable Electricity (SUCRE) (Project ID: 2778)
Capacity Building for PCB Elimination (Project ID: 2785)
CBPF: Shaanxi Qinling Mountains Integrated Ecosystem Development (Project ID: 2787)
CBPF: Ningxia Integrated Ecosystem and Agricultural Development Project (Project ID: 2788)
SIP: Country Program for Sustainable Land Management (ECPSLM) (Project ID: 2794)
Developing Institutional and Legal Capacity to Optimize Information and Monitoring System for Global Environmental Management in Armenia (Project ID: 2800)
Promoting Payments for Environmental Services (PES) and Related Sustainable Financing Schemes in the Danube Basin (Project ID: 2806)
Design and Execution of a Comprehensive PCB Management Plan for Kazakhstan (Project ID: 2816)
Supporting the Development and Implementation of Access and Benefit Sharing Policies in Africa (Project ID: 2820)
Uruguay Wind Energy Programme (UWEP) (Project ID: 2826)
Energy Efficiency Improvements in the Indian Brick Industry (Project ID: 2844)
Improved Conservation and Governance for Kenya Coastal Forest Protected Area System (Project ID: 2848)
Ensuring Impacts from SLM - Development of a Global Indicator System (Project ID: 2863)
Promotion of Strategies to Reduce Unintentional Production of POPs in the PERSGA Coastal Zone (Project ID: 2865)
Demonstration project for Phasing-out and Elimination of PCBs and PCB-Containing Equipment (Project ID: 2875)
SPWA-CC: Ouagadougou Transport Modal Shift (Project ID: 2876)
Integrated Management of Marine and Coastal Resources in Puntarenas (Project ID: 2881)
Sacred Orchids of Chiapas: Cultural and Religious Values in Conservation (Project ID: 2896)
Design and Implementation of Pilot Climate Change Adaptation Measures in the Andean Region (Project ID: 2902)
Re-engineering the National Protected Area System in Order to Achieve Financial Sustainability (Project ID: 2907)
Development, Empowerment and Conservation in the Greater St Lucia Wetland Park and Surrounding Region (Project ID: 2924)
Environmentally Sound Management and Disposal of Obsolete POPs Pesticides and Other POPs Wastes (Project ID: 2926)
Environmentally Sustainable Management of Medical Waste in China (Project ID: 2927)
Reducing Conflicting Water Uses in the Artibonite River Basin through Development and Adoption of a Multi-focal Area Strategic Action Programme (Project ID: 2929)
Adaptation to Climate Change through Effective Water Governance (Project ID: 2931)
SFM Catalyzing the Contribution of Indigenous Lands to the Conservation of Brazil's Forest Ecosystems (Project ID: 2934)
Micro-turbine Cogeneration Technology Application Project (MCTAP) (Project ID: 2935)
Market Transformation for Energy Efficiency in Buildings (Project ID: 2941)
Promote Energy Efficiency in Buildings (Project ID: 2942)
Energy Efficiency Financing (Project ID: 2951)
Thermal Power Efficiency (Project ID: 2952)
BS Regional Project for Implementing National Biosafety Frameworks in the Caribbean Sub-region - under the GEF Biosafety Program (Project ID: 2967)
Partnerships for Conservation Management of the Aketajawe-Lolobata National Park, North Maluku Province (Project ID: 2969)
PCB Management Project (Project ID: 2974)
Mindanao Rural Development Program Phase II - Natural Resource Management Project (Project ID: 2975)
Demonstrating and Promoting Best Techniques and Practices for Managing Healthcare Waste and PCBs (Project ID: 2995)
SFM: Sustainable Management of the Miombo Woodland Resources of Western Tanzania (Project ID: 3000)
LGGE: Energy Efficiency in New Construction in the Residential and Commercial Buildings Sector in Mongolia (Project ID: 3010)
Introduction of BAT and BEP methodology to demonstrate reduction or elimination of unintentionally produced POPs releases from the industry in Vietnam (Project ID: 3011)
Mainstreaming Biodiversity Conservation into the Operation of the Tourism and Fisheries Sectors in the Archipelagos of Panama (Project ID: 3021)
Support to Sustainable Transport Management in Dushanbe (Project ID: 3027)
SFM Safeguarding and Restoring Lebanon's Woodland Resources (Project ID: 3028)
Environmental Remediation of Dioxin Contaminated Hotspots in Vietnam (Project ID: 3032)
BS: Support the Implementation of the National Biosafety Framework of Liberia (Project ID: 3040)
Open Africa North South Tourism Corridor (OANSTC) (Project ID: 3044)
BS Implementation of the National Biosafety Framework for Ghana (Project ID: 3045)
Piloting Natural Resource Valuation within Environmental Impact Assessments (Project ID: 3049)
Enhancing Global Environmental Management in Bhutan's Local Governance System (Project ID: 3052)
Strengthening Institutional Capacities for Coordinating Multi-Sectoral Environmental Policies and Programmes (Project ID: 3062)
Mainstreaming the Multilateral Environmental Agreements into the Country's Environmental Legislation (Project ID: 3068)
Strengthening Capacity to Integrate Environment and Natural Resource Management for Global Environmental Benefits (Project ID: 3069)
Developing Policy Relevant Capacity for Implementation of the Global Environmental Conventions in Jordan (Project ID: 3070)
Capacity Development for Improved National and International Environmental Management in Seychelles (Project ID: 3074)
Greening the Cocoa Industry (Project ID: 3077)
Safe Management and Disposal of PCBs, Pillar I (Project ID: 3082)
Market Transformation of Energy-Efficient Bricks and Rural Buildings (MTEBRB) (Project ID: 3091)
Enabling China to Prepare Its Second National Communications to UNFCCC (Project ID: 3100)
Pacific Adaptation to Climate Change Project (PACC) (Project ID: 3101)
Climate-resilient Infrastructure in Northern Mountain Province of Vietnam (Project ID: 3103)
Building Capacity to Eliminate POPs Pesticides Stockpiles (Project ID: 3105)
Development of the National Capacities for the Environmental Sound Management of PCBs in Uruguay (Project ID: 3120)
Establishing an Effective and Sustainable Structure for Implementing Multilateral Environmental Agreements (Project ID: 3126)
Sustaining Agricultural Biodiversity in the Face of Climate Change (Project ID: 3129)
SFM Sustainable Land Management of the Upper Watersheds of South Western Haiti (Project ID: 3132)
Implementing Pilot Climate Change Adaptation Measures in Coastal Areas of Uruguay (Project ID: 3134)
Adoption of Ecosystem Approach for Integrated Implementation of MEAs at National and Divisional Level (Project ID: 3135)
Applying an Ecosystem-based Approach to Fisheries Management: Focus on Seamounts in the Southern Indian Ocean (Project ID: 3138)
Grid-connected Photovoltaic Project (Project ID: 3142)
PROBIO - Electricity Production from Biomass in Uruguay (Project ID: 3144)
Achieving Reduction in GHG Emissions through Advanced Energy Efficiency Technology in Electric Motors (Project ID: 3152)
Adaptation to Climate Change Impacts on the Coastal Wetlands (Project ID: 3159)
Strengthening Capacity to Implement the Global Environmental Conventions in Namibia (Project ID: 3163)
Enhanced Regulatory and Information Systems for Integrated Implementation of Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) (Project ID: 3164)
Mainstreaming Global Environmental Aspects in the planning and monitoring processes of the National Human Development Initiative (NHDI) in Morocco (Project ID: 3166)
Capacity Building for Improved National Financing of Global Environmental Management in Kyrgyzstan (Project ID: 3171)
Meeting the Primary Obligations of the Rio Conventions through Strengthening Capacity to Implement Natural Resources Legislation (Project ID: 3173)
Strengthening National Capacity in Rio Convention Implementation through Targeted Institutional Strengthening and Professional Development (Project ID: 3178)
Mitigating the Threats of Invasive Alien Species in the Insular Caribbean (Project ID: 3183)
Continued Institutional Strengthening Support for CEITs to meet the obligations of the Montreal Protocol (Project ID: 3185)
Demonstration of Sustainable Management of Coral Reef Resources in the Coastal Waters of Ninh Hai District, Ninh Thuan Province, Viet Nam (Project ID: 3187)
Demonstration of Community-based Mgt of Seagrass Habitats in Trikora Beach East Bintan, Riau Archipelago Province, Indonesia (Project ID: 3188)
Mainstreaming Global Environment in National Plans and Policies by Strengthening the Monitoring and Reporting System for Multilateral Environmental Agreements (Project ID: 3190)
Sustainable Management of Endemic Ichthofauna of the Issyk-Kul Lake Basin (Project ID: 3192)
Common Data Flow System and Indicators to Enhance Integrated Management of Global Environmental Issues in Croatia (Project ID: 3195)
Sustainable management of POPs in Mauritius (Project ID: 3205)
Strengthening Protected Area Financing and Management Systems (Project ID: 3209)
Capacity Building on Obsolete Pesticides in EECCA Countries (Project ID: 3212)
Energy Efficiency Standards and Labeling of Building Appliances (Project ID: 3215)
RUS: Standards and Labels for Promoting Energy Efficiency (Project ID: 3216)
Integrating Climate Change into the Management of Priority Health Risks (Project ID: 3218)
Reducing Climate Change-induced Risks and Vulnerabilities from Glacial Lake Outbursts in the Punakha-Wangdi and Chamkhar Valleys (Project ID: 3219)
WB/GEF POL: Shanghai Agricultural and Non-Point Pollution Reduction project (SANPR) - under WB/GEF Strategic Partnership Investment Fund for Pollution Reduction in the LME of East Asia (Project ID: 3223)
Establishing Sustainable Liquid Biofuels Production Worldwide (A Targeted Research Project) (Project ID: 3224)
Sustainable Urban Transport Project (Project ID: 3241)
Adaptation to Climate Change in the Nile Delta Through Integrated Coastal Zone Management (Project ID: 3242)
Mainstreaming Prevention and Control Measures for Invasive Alien Species into Trade, Transport and Travel Across the Production Landscape (Project ID: 3254)
Power Sector Policy Reform to Promote Small Hydropower Development in the Republic of Montenegro (Project ID: 3256)
Biomass Energy for Employment and Energy Security Project (Project ID: 3257)
Strengthening Institutions, Regulations and Enforcement Capacities for Effective and Efficient Implementation of the National Implementation Plan (NIP) in China (Project ID: 3263)
Mainstreaming Adaptation to Climate Change Into Water Resources Management and Rural Development (Project ID: 3265)
Management of Chimborazo's Natural Resources (Project ID: 3266)
MENARID: Adaptation to Climate Change Using Agrobiodiversity Resources in the Rainfed Highlands of Yemen (Project ID: 3267)
Environmentally Sound Management and Disposal of PCBs in Argentina (Project ID: 3269)
Environmentally Sound Management and Destruction of PCBs (Project ID: 3270)
Promoting Sustainable Land Management in Las Bambas (Project ID: 3276)
Citarum Watershed Management and Biodiversity Conservation Project (Project ID: 3279)
Consolidation of Liberia's Protected Area Network (Project ID: 3284)
Community Based Adaptation to Climate Change through Coastal Afforestation (Project ID: 3287)
Strengthening the Ecological, Institutional and Financial Sustainability of Macedonia's National Protected Areas System (Project ID: 3292)
Steppe Conservation and Management (Project ID: 3293)
Geothermal Power Generation Development Program (Project ID: 3296)
Strengthening the Capacity of Vulnerable Coastal Communities to Address the Risk of Climate Change and Extreme Weather Events (Project ID: 3299)
Climate Adaptation for Rural Livelihoods and Agriculture (CARLA) (Project ID: 3302)
Implementation of the Benguela Current LME Action Program for Restoring Depleted Fisheries and Reducing Coastal Resources Degradation (Project ID: 3305)
Participatory Planning and Implementation in the Management of Shantou Intertidal Wetland (Project ID: 3309)
Environmental Learning and Stakeholder Involvement as Tools for Global Environmental Benefits and Poverty Reduction (Project ID: 3310)
Implementing NAPA Priority Interventions to Build Resilience and Adaptive Capacity of the Agriculture Sector to Climate Change (Project ID: 3319)
Mainstreaming Groundwater Considerations into the Integrated Management of the Nile River Basin (Project ID: 3321)
BS Contributing to the Safe use of Biotechnology (Project ID: 3332)
BS Biosafety Project (Project ID: 3337)
Good Practices and Portfolio Learning in Transboundary Freshwater and Marine Legal and Institutional Frameworks (Project ID: 3340)
Development of Methodologies for GEF Transboundary Waters Assessment (Project ID: 3342)
Enhancing the Use of Science in International Waters Projects to Improve Project Results (Project ID: 3343)
Improved Management and Release Containment of POPs Pesticides in Nicaragua (Project ID: 3345)
DSSA Malaria Decision Analysis Support Tool (MDAST): Evaluating Health Social and Environmental Impacts and Policy Tradeoffs (Project ID: 3346)
POPs Monitoring Reporting and Information Dissemination Using Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers (PRTRs) (Project ID: 3348)
DSSA Establishment of Efficient and Effective Data Collection and Reporting Procedures for Evaluating the Continued Need of DDT for Disease Vector Control (Project ID: 3349)
Integrating Climate Change Risks into the Agriculture and Health Sectors in Samoa (Project ID: 3358)
Promoting Renewable Energy in Mae Hong Son Province (Project ID: 3359)
Assessment and Recommendations on Improving Access of Indigenous Peoples to Conservation Funding (Project ID: 3361)
SIP: Catchments and Landscape Management (Project ID: 3362)
SIP: Integrated Ecological Planning and Sustainable Land Management in Coastal Ecosystems in the Comoros in the Three Island of (Grand Comore, Anjouan, and Moheli) (Project ID: 3363)
SIP: Sustainable Land Management Pilot Project (Project ID: 3364)
SIP: Community-Based Integrated Natural Resources Management in Lake Tana Watershed (Project ID: 3367)
SIP: Participatory Integrated Watershed Management Project (PIWAMP) (Project ID: 3368)
SIP: Sustainable Land Management in Ghana (Project ID: 3369)
SIP: Mainstreaming Sustainable Land Management in Agropastoral Production Systems of Kenya (Project ID: 3370)
SIP: Capacity Building and Knowledge Management for Sustainable Land Management (Project ID: 3372)
SIP: Watershed Management (Project ID: 3373)
SIP: Stabilizing Rural Populations through Improved Systems for SLM and Local Governance of Lands in Southern Madagascar (Project ID: 3374)
SIP: Private Public Sector Partnership on Capacity Building for SLM in the Shire River Basin (Project ID: 3376)
SIP: Fostering Agricultural Productivity in Mali (Project ID: 3377)
SIP: Participatory Enviornmental Protection and Poverty Reduction in the Oases of Mauritania (Project ID: 3379)
SIP: Oasis Micro-Basin Sand Invasion Control in the Goure and Maine Regions (PLECO) (Project ID: 3381)
SIP: Community Driven SLM for Environmental and Food Security (Project ID: 3382)
SIP: Agricultural and Rural Rehabilitation and Development Initiative (ARRDI) (Project ID: 3383)
SIP: Scaling up SLM Practice, Knowledge, and Coordination in Key Nigerian States (Project ID: 3384)
SIP: Sustainable Land Management in Senegal (Project ID: 3385)
SIP: Innovations in Micro Irrigation for Dryland Farmers (Project ID: 3386)
SIP: Lower Usuthu Smallholder Irrigation Project (LUSIP) (Project ID: 3390)
SIP: Reducing Land Degradation on the Highlands of Kilimanjaro (Project ID: 3391)
SIP: Enabling Environment for SLM to overcome land degradation in the cattle corridor of Uganda. (Project ID: 3393)
SIP: Improving Policy and Practice Interaction through Civil Society Capacity Building (Project ID: 3396)
SIP: Eastern Nile Transboundary Watershed Management in Support of ENSAP Implementation (Project ID: 3398)
SIP: Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project II (Project ID: 3399)
SIP: Kalahari-Namib Project: Enhancing Decision-making through Interactive Environmental Learning and Action in Molopo-Nossob River Basin in Botswana, Namibia and South Africa (Project ID: 3403)
Promoting Climate-Resilient Water Management and Agricultural Practices (Project ID: 3404)
Implementing NAPA Priority Interventions to Build Resilience in the most Vulnerable Coastal Zones in Djibouti (Project ID: 3408)
Piloting of an Ecosystem-based Approach to Uruguayan Coastal Fisheries (Project ID: 3410)
Support to GEF Eligible CBD Parties for Carrying out 2010 Biodiversity Targets National Assessments- Phase II (Project ID: 3414)
Identification and Implementation of Adaptation Response Measures in the Drini-Mati River Deltas (Project ID: 3415)
Adaptation to Climate Change Impacts in Mountain Forest Ecosystems of Armenia (Project ID: 3417)
Mainstreaming Biodiversity Management into Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Production Processes (Project ID: 3418)
Strategic Partnerships to Improve the Financial and Operational Sustainability of Protected Areas (Project ID: 3419)
Improving Energy Efficiency in Buildings (Project ID: 3425)
LDC/SIDS Portfolio Project: Capacitiy Building in and Mainstreaming of Sustainable Land Management in Cambodia (Project ID: 3427)
SFM Extending the Coastal Forests Protected Area Subsystem (Project ID: 3428)
Implementing NAPA Priority Interventions to Build Resilience in the Agriculture and Water Sectors to the Adverse Impacts of Climate Change (Project ID: 3430)
Sustainable Mobility in the City of Bratislava (Project ID: 3433)
SFM Sustainable Forest and Biodiversity Management in Borneo (Project ID: 3435)
SFM Strengthening Community Based Forest and Watershed Management (SCBFWM) (Project ID: 3443)
SFM: Integrated Community-based Forest and Catchment Management through an Ecosystem Service Approach (CBFCM) (Project ID: 3445)
SFM: Carbon Benefits Project (CBP): Modeling, Measurement and Monitoring (Project ID: 3449)
Global Market Transformation for Efficient Lighting (Project ID: 3457)
Promoting Sustainable Transport Solutions for East Africa (Project ID: 3461)
CBPF: Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity in the Headwaters of the Huaihe River Basin (Project ID: 3465)
SLEM/CPP: Institutional Coordination, Policy Outreach and M & E Project under Sustainable Land and Ecosystem Management Partnership Program (Project ID: 3468)
SLEM/CPP: Sustainable Land Management in Shifting Cultivation Areas of Nagaland for Ecological and Livelihood Security (Project ID: 3469)
SLEM/CPP: Sustainable Rural Livelihood Security through Innovations in Land and Ecosystem Management (Project ID: 3470)
SLEM/CPP: Sustainable Land Water and Biodiversity Conservation and Management for Improved Livelihoods in Uttarakhand Watershed Sector (Project ID: 3471)
SLEM/CPP: Integrated Land Use Management to Combat Land Degradation in Madja Pradesh (Project ID: 3472)
CO-EFFICIENCY: Improving Energy Efficiency in Buildings in Colombia through Synergies between Environmental Conventions (Project ID: 3479)
PRC-GEF Partnership: Forestry and Ecological Restoration in Three Northwest Provinces (formerly Silk Road Ecosystem Restoration Project) (Project ID: 3483)
PRC-GEF Partnership: Capacity and Management Support for Combating Land Degradation in Dryland Ecosystems (Project ID: 3484)
Catalyzing Sustainability of Thailand's Protected Area System (Project ID: 3517)
Strengthening the Marine and Coastal Protected Areas of Russia (Project ID: 3518)
Reducing and Preventing Land-based Pollution in the Rio de la Plata/Maritime Front through Implementation of the FrePlata Strategic Action Programme (Project ID: 3519)
CTI Arafura and Timor Seas Ecosystem Action Programme (ATSEA) - under the Coral Triangle Initiative (Project ID: 3522)
CTI West Pacific-East Asia Oceanic Fisheries Management Project - under the Coral Triangle Initiative (Project ID: 3523)
CTI Sulu-Celebes Sea Sustainable Fisheries Management Project (SCS) (Project ID: 3524)
Expanding Coverage and Strengthening Management Effectiveness of the Terrestrial Protected Area Network on the Island of Mauritius (Project ID: 3526)
Management and Disposal of PCBs in Kyrgyzstan (Project ID: 3528)
SIP: Harmonizing support: a national program integrating water harvesting schemes and sustainable land management (Project ID: 3529)
Protecting Biodiversity in the Southwestern Caribbean Sea (Project ID: 3532)
Protected Area Project (Projet d'Appui a la Relance de la Conservation des Parcs et Reserves, PARC-CI) (Project ID: 3533)
Promoting Clean Electric Buses for the Beijing Olympics (CEBBO) (Project ID: 3534)
Creating Markets for Renewable Power in Ukraine (Project ID: 3535)
Mexico Rural Development (Project ID: 3537)
Pakistan Sustainable Transport Project (Project ID: 3539)
Industrial Energy Efficiency in Key Sectors (Project ID: 3540)
TT-Pilot (GEF 4): Phase Out HCFCs and Promotion of HFC-free Energy Efficient Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Systems in the Russian Federation Through Technology Transfer (Project ID: 3541)
Capacity Building For Environmentally Sound PCBs Management And Disposal (Project ID: 3542)
Environmentally Sound Management and Disposal of PCBs (Project ID: 3543)
Marine and Coastal Biodiversity Conservation (Project ID: 3548)
Strengthening Protected Area Network of Turkey - Catalyzing Sustainability of Marine and Coastal Protected Areas (Project ID: 3550)
IND: Financing Energy Efficiency at Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) (Project ID: 3551)
IND: Improving Energy Efficiency in the Indian Railway System - under the Programmatic Framework for Energy Efficiency (Project ID: 3554)
IND Energy Efficiency Improvements in Commercial Buildings - under the Programmatic Framework for Energy Efficiency (Project ID: 3555)
Strengthening Sustainability of the National Protected Area System by Focusing on Strictly Protected Areas (Project ID: 3556)
Catalyzing Financial Sustainability of Georgia’s Protected Area System (Project ID: 3557)
Latin-America: Communication and Public Awareness Capacity-Building for Compliance with the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (Project ID: 3562)
Market Transformation of Energy Efficient Appliances in Turkey (Project ID: 3565)
Technical Assistance for Environmentally Sustainable Management of PCBs and Other POPs Waste in the Republic of Armenia (Project ID: 3571)
Regional Plan for Introduction of BAT/BEP Strategies to Industrial Source Categories of Stockholm Convention Annex C of Article 5 in ESEA Region (Project ID: 3572)
Environmentally Sound Management and Disposal of POPs Pesticides and PCBs (Project ID: 3573)
Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Sustainable Cattle Ranching (Project ID: 3574)
SPWA-BD: Support for the Consolidation of a Protected Area System in Guinea-Bissau's Forest Belt (Project ID: 3575)
Building Adaptive Capacity and Resilience to Climate Change in the Water Sector in Cape Verde (Project ID: 3581)
CTI Coastal and Marine Resources Management in the Coral Triangle: Southeast Asia under Coral Triangle Initiative (Project ID: 3589)
Mainstreaming Biodiversity in the Coffee Sector in Colombia (Project ID: 3590)
PAS: Strengthening Coastal and Marine Resources Management in the Coral Triangle of the Pacific - under the Pacific Alliance for Sustainability Program (Project ID: 3591)
Conservation of Biodiversity in the Indigenous Productive Landscapes of the Moskitia (Project ID: 3592)
RUS Market Transformation Programme on Energy Efficiency in GHG-Intensive Industries in Russia (Project ID: 3593)
CF: Promoting Industrial Energy Efficiency through System Optimization and Energy Management Standards (Project ID: 3594)
CF: Promoting Energy Efficiency in the Industries through System Optimization and Energy Management Standards (Project ID: 3595)
Buildings Sector Energy Efficiency Project (BSEEP) (Project ID: 3598)
Promoting and Strengthening an Energy Efficiency Market in the Industry Sector (Project ID: 3599)
CF: Industrial Energy Efficiency (Project ID: 3601)
Removing Barriers Hindering PA Management Effectiveness in Vietnam (Project ID: 3603)
Mainstreaming Traditional Knowledge Associated with Agrobiodiversity in Colombian Agroecosystems (Project ID: 3604)
Expanding and Diversifying the National System of Terrestrial Protected Areas (Project ID: 3606)
Application of a Regional Approach to the Management of Marine and Coastal Protected Areas in Cuba's Southern Archipelagos (Project ID: 3607)
PRC-GEF Partnership: Sustainable Development in Poor Rural Areas (Project ID: 3608)
Strengthening the Financial Sustainability and Operational Effectiveness of the Venezuelan National Parks System (Project ID: 3609)
PRC-GEF Partnership: Mainstreaming Biodiversity Protection within the Production Landscapes and Protected Areas of the Lake Aibi Basin (Project ID: 3611)
Establishing a Financially Sustainable National Protected Areas System (Project ID: 3616)
Sustainable Management of Nyika Transfrontier Conservation Area (Project ID: 3618)
CTI Strategies for Fisheries Bycatch Management (Project ID: 3619)
The Caspian Sea: Restoring Depleted Fisheries and Consolidation of a Permanent Regional Environmental Governance Framework (Project ID: 3620)
Integrated POPs Management Project: Dioxins and Furans, PCB and Contaminated Sites Management (Project ID: 3622)
Establishment of Incentives for the Conservation of Ecosystem Services of Global Significance (Project ID: 3623)
Promoting Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings (Project ID: 3624)
PAS: The Micronesia Challenge : Sustainable Finance Systems for Island Protected Area Management - under the GEF Pacific Alliance for Sustainability (Project ID: 3626)
SFM: Promotion of Sustainable Forest and Land Management in the Vietnam Uplands (Project ID: 3627)
MENARID: Cross Cutting M & E Functions and Knowledge Management for INRM within the MENARID Programme Framework (Project ID: 3628)
BS Implementation of the National Biosafety Framework (Project ID: 3629)
BS Development of Biosafety Mechanisms to Strengthen the Implementation of the Cartagena Protocol in Guatemala (Project ID: 3630)
BS Implementation of the National Biosafety Framework (Project ID: 3633)
SFM Strengthening Sustainable Forest Management and the Development of Bio-energy Markets to Promote Environmental Sustainability and to Reduce Green House Gas Emissions in Cambodia (Project ID: 3635)
BS Building Capacity for the Detection and Monitoring of LMOs in Cambodia Biosafety Program (Project ID: 3636)
SFM Transforming Management of Biodiversity-rich Community Production Forests through Building National Capacities for Market-based Instruments - under the Sustainable Forest Management Program (Project ID: 3637)
CTI GEF IW: LEARN: Portfolio Learning in International Waters with a Focus on Oceans, Coasts, and Islands and Regional Asia/Pacific and Coral Triangle Learning Processes - under the Coral Triangle Initiative (Project ID: 3639)
PAS: Promoting Energy Efficiency in the Pacific (Project ID: 3641)
BS Support the Implementation of the National Biosafety Framework of LAO PDR (Project ID: 3642)
BS Completion and Strengthening of the Cuban National Biosafety Framework for the Effective Implementation of the Cartagena Protocol (Project ID: 3643)
BS Institutional Capacity Building Towards the Implementation of the Biosafety Act 2006 and related Obligations to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (Project ID: 3644)
MENARID: Reducing Risks to the Sustainable Management of the North West Sahara Aquifer System (NWSAS) (Project ID: 3645)
BS Support the Implementation of the National Biosafety Framework of Lesotho (Project ID: 3646)
BS: Development and Institution of A National Monitoring and Control System (Framework) for Living Modified Organisms (LMOs) and Invasive Alien Species (IAS) (Project ID: 3651)
BS Support for the Implementation of the National Biosafety Framework of Nigeria (Project ID: 3655)
RUS: Transforming the Market for Efficient Lighting (Project ID: 3658)
RUS: Building Energy Efficiency in the North West of Russia (Project ID: 3659)
Enabling Sustainable Dryland Management Through Mobile Pastoral Custodianship: World Initiative on Sustainable Pastoralism (add on) (Project ID: 3660)
PAS: Prevention, Control and Management of Invasive Alien Species in the Pacific Islands (Project ID: 3664)
Extension of Kasanka Management System to Lavushi Manda National Park (Project ID: 3668)
MENARID: Second Natural Resources Management Project (Project ID: 3669)
CBPF: Jiangsu Yancheng Wetlands System Protection (Project ID: 3670)
Phasing-out Incandescent Lamps & Energy Saving Lamps Promotion (PILESLAMP) (Project ID: 3672)
Improving Coverage and Management Effectiveness of the Protected Area System in Moldova (Project ID: 3675)
Grasslands and Savannas of the Southern Cone of South America: Initiatives for their Conservation in Argentina (Project ID: 3676)
Economic Analysis of Adaptation Options in Support of Decision Making (Project ID: 3679)
Developing an Experimental Methodology for Testing the Effectiveness of Payments for Ecosystem Services to Enhance Conservation in Productive Landscapes in Uganda (Project ID: 3682)
Strengthening Adaptation Capacities and Reducing the Vulnerability to Climate Change in Burkina Faso (Project ID: 3684)
Madagascar's Network of Managed Resource Protected Areas (Project ID: 3687)
Strengthening the Sustainability of the Protected Areas System of the Republic of Montenegro (Project ID: 3688)
Adaptation to the effects of drought and climate change in Agro-ecological Zone 1 and 2 in Zambia (Project ID: 3689)
Protection and Sustainable Use of the Dinaric Karst Aquifer System (Project ID: 3690)
Tiger Futures: Mainstreaming Conservation in Large Landscapes (Project ID: 3691)
Effective Management of Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve (PDMNWR) (Project ID: 3692)
Strengthening the Protected Area Network within the Eastern Montane Forest Hotspot of Kenya (Project ID: 3693)
Increasing Resilience of Coastal Areas and Community Settlements to Climate Change (Project ID: 3694)
Mongolia Livestock Sector Adaptation Project (Project ID: 3695)
Strengthening the Turkmenistan Protected Areas System (Project ID: 3698)
SPWA-CC: Promotion of the Use of Agrofuels from the Production and Use of Jatropha Oil in Mali (Project ID: 3699)
Promoting Energy Efficient Room Air Conditioners (PEERAC) Project (Project ID: 3700)
Increased Resilience and Adaptation to Adverse Impacts of Climate Change in Guinea's Vulnerable Coastal Zones (Project ID: 3703)
Integrated Adaptation Programme to Combat the Effects of Climate Change on Agricultural Production and Food Security (Project ID: 3704)
CBPF: Emergency Biodiversity Conservation Measures for the Recovery and Reconstruction of Wenchuan Earthquake Hit Regions in Sichuan Province (Project ID: 3706)
Piloting Integrated Processes and Approaches to Facilitate National Reporting to Rio Conventions (Project ID: 3707)
Rapid Assessment of Chemical Contamination of the Wenchuan Earthquake in Sichuan Province (Project ID: 3708)
Environmentally Sound Management and Disposal of PCBs (Project ID: 3709)
Establishing Effectively Managed Marine Protected Areas in Djibouti (Project ID: 3713)
Integrating Adaptation to Climate Change into Agricultural Production and Food Security in Sierra Leone (Project ID: 3716)
SFM Sustainable Management of Biodiversity and Water Resources in the Ibarra-San Lorenzo Corridor (Project ID: 3717)
Building the Capacity of the Agriculture Sector in DR Congo to Plan for and Respond to the Additional Threats Posed by Climate Change on Food Production and Security (Project ID: 3718)
Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions through Improved Energy Efficiency in the Industrial Sector in Moldova (Project ID: 3719)
Improving Brazilian Capacity to Conserve and Use Biodiversity through Information Management and Use (Project ID: 3722)
Transforming the Market for Efficient Lighting (Project ID: 3724)
Groundwater Governance: A Global Framework for Country Action (Project ID: 3726)
Strengthening of The Gambia’s Climate Change Early Warning Systems (Project ID: 3728)
Building a Sustainable National Marine Protected Area Network (Project ID: 3729)
Demonstration of BAT and BEP in Fossil Fuel-fired Utility and Industrial Boilers in Response to the Stockholm Convention on POPs (Project ID: 3732)
Strengthening Adaptive Capacities to Address Climate Change Threats on Sustainable Development Strategies for Coastal Communities in Haiti (Project ID: 3733)
Mainstreaming Agro-biodiversity Conservation into the Farming Systems of Ethiopia (Project ID: 3736)
Namibia Protected Landscape Conservation Areas Initiative (NAM PLACE) (Project ID: 3737)
Industrial Energy Efficiency (IEE) (Project ID: 3742)
Provincial Energy Efficiency Scale-Up Program (Project ID: 3743)
Integrated Renewable Biomass Energy Development Project (Project ID: 3744)
Improving the Coverage and Management Efficiency of Protected Areas in the Steppe Biome of Russia (Project ID: 3745)
Support to GEF Eligible CBD Parties for Carrying out 2010 Biodiversity Targets National Assessments- Phase II (Project ID: 3746)
Improving Energy Efficiency in Industry (Project ID: 3747)
Protected Area Network Management and Building Capacity in Post-conflict Southern Sudan (Project ID: 3748)
Towards Ecosystem Management of the Humboldt Current Large Marine Ecosystem (Project ID: 3749)
CBSP Catalyzing Sustainable Forest Management in the Lake Tele-Lake Tumba (LTLT) Transboundary Wetland Landscape (Project ID: 3750)
BS Capacity Building on Biosafety for Implementation of the Cartagena Protocol - Phase II under the Biosafety Program (Project ID: 3751)
SPWA-BD: Consolidation of Cape Verde's Protected Areas System (Project ID: 3752)
Sustainable Financing of the Protected Area System in Mozambique (Project ID: 3753)
Phasing out Incandescent Lamps through Lighting Market Transformation in Vietnam (Project ID: 3755)
CBSP – Strengthening the National System of protected areas in Equatorial Guinea for the effective conservation of representative ecosystems and globally significant biodiversity (Project ID: 3757)
Energy Efficient Design and Construction in Residential Sector (Project ID: 3758)
Support to Sustainable Transportation System in the City of Belgrade (Project ID: 3759)
SPWA-BD: Integrating the Sustainable Management of Faunal Corridors into Niger's Protected Area System (Project ID: 3760)
CBSP: Sustainable Management of the Mbe River Forested Watershed through the Development of a Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) Mechanism (Project ID: 3761)
Developing the Protected Area System (Project ID: 3762)
SPWA-BD: Expansion and Strengthening of Mali's PA System (Project ID: 3763)
Strengthening the Operational and Financial Sustainability of the National Protected Area System (Project ID: 3764)
Testing a Prototype Caribbean Regional Fund for Wastewater Management (CReW) (Project ID: 3766)
SFM Strengthening National Policy and Knowledge Frameworks in Support of Sustainable Management of Brazil's Forest Resources (Project ID: 3767)
SPWA-BD: Incorporation of Sacred Forests into the Protected Areas System of Benin (Project ID: 3770)
Chiller Energy Efficiency Project (Project ID: 3771)
CBSP Forest and Nature Conservation Project (Project ID: 3772)
Support to the Madagascar Foundation for Protected Areas and Biodiversity (through Additional Financing to the Third Environment Support Program Project (EP3) (Project ID: 3773)
Enhancing Adaptive Capacity and Resilience to Climate Change in the Agriculture Sector in Mali (Project ID: 3776)
CBSP Sustainable Management of the Wildlife and Bushmeat Sector in Central Africa (Project ID: 3777)
CBSP Enhancing Institutional Capacities on REDD issues for Sustainable Forest Management in the Congo Basin (Project ID: 3779)
SPWA-BD: Evolution of PA systems with regard to climate change in the West Africa Region (Project ID: 3781)
CF: Industrial Energy Efficiency (Project ID: 3786)
LGGE Promoting Energy Efficiency in Buildings in Eastern Africa (Project ID: 3788)
Communities of Conservation: Safeguarding the World's Most Threatened Species (Project ID: 3790)
Energy Efficiency Standards and Labels in Peru (Project ID: 3791)
Namibia Energy Efficiency Programme (NEEP) In Buildings (Project ID: 3793)
SPWA-CC: Promoting Energy Efficiency in Residential and Public Sector in Nigeria (Project ID: 3794)
SPWA-CC: Integration of Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions in Niger's Rural Energy Service Access Program (Project ID: 3796)
Increasing Resilience to Climate Change and Natural Hazards (Project ID: 3798)
Less Burnt for a Clean Earth: Minimization of Dioxin Emission from Open Burning Sources (Project ID: 3804)
Strengthening National Management Capacities and Reducing Releases of POPs in Honduras (Project ID: 3806)
Project for Ecosystem Services (ProEcoServ) (Project ID: 3807)
Red Sea and Gulf of Aden Strategic Ecosystem Management (Project ID: 3809)
International Commission on Land Use Change and Ecosystems (Project ID: 3811)
Integrating Trade-offs between Supply of Ecosystem Services and Land Use Options into Poverty Alleviation Efforts and Development Planning (Project ID: 3813)
Best Practices for PCB Management in the Mining Sector of South America (Project ID: 3814)
Mainstreaming the Conservation of Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity at the Micro-watershed Scale in Chiapas (Project ID: 3816)
SPWA-BD: Guinea Bissau Biodiversity Conservation Trust Fund Project (Project ID: 3817)
SFM Capacity Development for Climate Change Mitigation through Sustainable Forest Management in non-Annex I Countries (Project ID: 3818)
PAS: Forestry and Protected Area Management (Project ID: 3819)
Strengthening of the Protected Area Networking System in Mongolia (SPAN) (Project ID: 3820)
CBSP Sustainable Community Based Management and Conservation of Mangrove Ecosystems in Cameroon (Project ID: 3821)
CBSP - A Regional Focus on Sustainable Timber Management in the Congo Basin (Project ID: 3822)
Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City Project (SSTECP) (Project ID: 3824)
Mountains and Markets: Biodiversity and Business in Northern Pakistan (Project ID: 3825)
SPWA-CC: Nigeria Urban Transport (Project ID: 3827)
Sustainable Financing of Ecuador’s National System of Protected Areas (SNAP) and Associated Private and Community-managed PA Subsystems (Project ID: 3829)
Conservation and Sustainable use of Biodiversity and Land in Andean Vertical Ecosystems (Project ID: 3831)
Improving the Energy Efficiency of Lighting and Building Appliances (Project ID: 3832)
SPWA-BD: Biodiversity Conservation through Expanding the Protected Area Network in Liberia (EXPAN) (Project ID: 3837)
Reducing Vulnerability to Climate Change by Establishing Early Warning and Disaster Preparedness Systems and Support for Integrated Watershed Management in Flood Prone Areas (Project ID: 3838)
Improvement of Early Warning System to Reduce Impacts of Climate Change and Capacity Building to Integrate Climate Change into Development Plans (Project ID: 3841)
Sustainable Rural Biomass Energy (Project ID: 3844)
Integrating Climate Change Risks into Resilient Island Planning (Project ID: 3847)
Integrated Management of the Ilha Grande Bay Ecosystem (Project ID: 3848)
Improving the Financial Sustainability of the Carpathian System of Protected Areas (Project ID: 3849)
BS: Implementation of the National Biosafety Framework of Bhutan (Project ID: 3850)
Building Capacity for Regionally Harmonized National Processes for Implementing CBD Provisions on Access to Genetic Resources and Sharing of Benefits (Project ID: 3853)
Strengthening the Implementation of Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit-Sharing Regimes in Latin America and the Caribbean (Project ID: 3855)
BS:UNEP-GEF Project for Continued Enhancement of Building Capacity for Effective Participation in the BCH II (Project ID: 3856)
Adapting Water Resource Management in Comoros to Increase Capacity to Cope with Climate Change (Project ID: 3857)
Sustainable Financing and Management of Eastern Caribbean Marine Ecosystems (Project ID: 3858)
CTI: Partnerships for Biodiversity Conservation: Mainstreaming in Local Agricultural Landscapes (Project ID: 3859)
Save Our Species (Project ID: 3860)
Strenghtening National Capacities for the Consolidation, Operationalization and Sustainability of Belize's Protected Areas System (Project ID: 3861)
Strengthening Fisheries Governance to Protect Freshwater and Wetland Biodiversity (Project ID: 3862)
Mainstreaming Biodiversity Management into Fisheries and Tourism Activities carried out in Coastal /Marine Ecosystems (Project ID: 3863)
CBPF: Strengthening Globally Important Biodiversity Conservation Through Protected Area Strengthening in Gansu Province (Project ID: 3864)
Strengthening the Marine and Coastal Protected Areas System (Project ID: 3865)
Improving Effectiveness of Protected Areas to Conserve Biodiversity in Burundi (Project ID: 3867)
Developing and Demonstrating Replicable Protected Area Management Models at Nam Et - Phou Louey National Protected Area (Project ID: 3873)
Promoting Sustainable Energy in the Bahamas (Project ID: 3875)
SPWA-CC: Promoting of Appliance Energy Efficiency and Transformation of the Refrigerating Appliances Market in Ghana. (Project ID: 3881)
SLEM/CPP: Reversing Environmental Degradation and Rural Poverty through Adaptation to Climate Change in Drought Stricken Areas in Southern India: A Hydrological Unit Pilot Project Approach (under India: SLEM) (Project ID: 3882)
Safe PCB Management Programme in Morocco, Pillar II (Project ID: 3883)
Colombian National Protected Areas Conservation Trust Fund – Additional Financing for the Sustainability of the Macizo Regional Protected Area System (SIRAPM) (Project ID: 3886)
The Global Fuel Economy Initiative (Project ID: 3888)
Mainstreaming biodiversity conservation through low-impact ecotourism in the SINAP (Project ID: 3889)
Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Programme for Climate Change in the Coastal Zone of Cambodia Considering Livelihood Improvement and Ecosystems (Project ID: 3890)
Sustainable Energy Framework for Barbados (Project ID: 3891)
BS: Capacity Building for the Implementation of the National Biosafety Framework (Project ID: 3895)
PAS: Phoenix Islands Protected Area (PIPA) (Project ID: 3897)
MENARID: GEF IW LEARN: Strengthening IW Portfolio Delivery and Impact (Project ID: 3900)
LGGE: Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings (EEPB) (Project ID: 3901)
Enhancing the Effectiveness and Financial Sustainability of Protected Areas (Project ID: 3906)
Technology Needs Assessments (Project ID: 3907)
CF Industrial Energy Efficiency for Malaysian Manufacturing Sector (IEEMMS) (Project ID: 3908)
Mainstreaming Biodiversity Conservation into Russia's Energy Sector Policies and Operations (Project ID: 3909)
Inter-jurisdictional System of Coastal-Marine Protected Areas (ISCMPA) (Project ID: 3910)
Mainstreaming Biodiversity Conservation into Territorial Planning Policies and Practices (Project ID: 3914)
Improving Energy Efficiency and Promoting Renewable Energy in the Agro-Food and other Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Ukraine (Project ID: 3917)
Mainstreaming Biodiversity into Value Chains for Mediterranean Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (Project ID: 3919)
Promoting Sustainable Energy Production and Use from Biomass in Pakistan (Project ID: 3921)
SPWA-CC: Promoting Renewable Energy Based Mini Grids for Productive Uses in Rural Areas in The Gambia (Project ID: 3922)
SPWA-CC: Promoting market based development of small to medium scale renewable energy systems in Cape Verde. (Project ID: 3923)
Strengthening Seychelles' Protected Area System through NGO Management Modalities (Project ID: 3925)
Global Energy Assessment: Developing Policy Tools for Jointly Reducing Energy Poverty and Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Project ID: 3928)
Energy Efficiency Standards and Labels in Colombia (S&L Colombia) (Project ID: 3930)
Small Hydro Power Development (Project ID: 3931)
Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Silvo-Pastoral and Rangeland Landscapes in the Pockets of Poverty of Jordan (Project ID: 3932)
SFM Sustainable Management of Protected Areas and Forests of the Northern Highlands of Peru (Project ID: 3933)
Reducing Disaster Risks from Wildfire Hazards Associated with Climate Change (Project ID: 3934)
LGGE Improving Energy Efficiency in Buildings (Project ID: 3935)
IND-BD Mainstreaming Coastal and Marine Biodiversity Conservation into Production Sectors in the Godavari River Estuary in Andhra Pradesh State (Project ID: 3936)
Sustainable Management of Biodiversity in Thailand's Production Landscape (Project ID: 3940)
IND-BD Mainstreaming Coastal and Marine Biodiversity Conservation into Production Sectors in the Malvan Coast, Maharashtra State (Project ID: 3941)
AFLDC: Capacity Strengthening and Technical Assistance for the Implementation of Stockholm Convention National Implementation Plans (NIPs) in African Least Developed Countries (LDCs) of the SADC Subregion (Project ID: 3942)
Catalyzing Financial Sustainability of Armenia's Protected Areas System (Project ID: 3945)
Ensuring Financial Sustainability of the Protected Area System (Project ID: 3946)
Catalyzing Financial Sustainability of the PA System (Project ID: 3947)
Reducing the Carbon Footprint of Major Sporting Events, FIFA 2010 and the implementation of the national greening programme in liaison with 2010 FIFA LOC (Project ID: 3948)
Ensuring Sufficiency and Predictability of Revenues for the Protected Areas Systems (Project ID: 3949)
Mainstreaming biodiversity into Uzbekistan’s oil-and-gas sector policies and operations (Project ID: 3950)
Expanding FSC Certification at Landscape-level through Incorporating Additional Eco-system Services. (Project ID: 3951)
Wind Hybrid Power Generation (WHyPGen) Marketing Development Initiatives (Project ID: 3953)
PAS: Community-Based Forest and Coastal Conservation and Resource Management in PNG (Project ID: 3954)
Enhancing the Prevention, Control and Management of Invasive Alien Species in Vulnerable Ecosystems (Project ID: 3955)
Consolidating Costa Rica's Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) (Project ID: 3956)
Removing Barriers to Invasive Species Management in Production and Protection Forests in SE Asia (Project ID: 3957)
SPWA-CC: Promoting renewable energy based mini-grids for rural electrification and productive uses (Project ID: 3959)
CBSP-Capacity Building for Regional Coordination of Sustainable Forest Management in the Congo Basin under the GEF Program for the Congo Basin (Project ID: 3960)
SPWA-BD: The Gambia Biodiversity Management and Institutional Strengthening Project (Project ID: 3961)
Social Integral Development and its Interrelation with Climate Change in Watersheds in Lara and Falcon States (Venezuela) (PDELAFA) (Project ID: 3963)
Third National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (Project ID: 3964)
Strengthening the Protected Area Network in Southern Tanzania: Improving the Effectiveness of National Parks in Addressing Threats to Biodiversity (Project ID: 3965)
Integrating Climate Change in Development Planning and Disaster Prevention to Increase Resilience of Agricultural and Water Sectors (Project ID: 3967)
AFLDC: Capacity Strengthening and Technical Assistance for the Implementation of Stockholm Convention National Implementation Plans (NIPs) in African Least Developed Countries (LDCs) of the COMESA Subregion (Project ID: 3968)
AFLDC: Capacity Strengthening and Technical Assistance for the Implementation of Stockholm Convention National Implementation Plans (NIPs) in African Least Developed Countries (LDCs) of the ECOWAS Subregion (Project ID: 3969)
SFM Biodiversity Conservation through Sustainable Forest Management by Local Communities (Project ID: 3971)
Vietnam Clean Production and Energy Efficiency Project (Project ID: 3972)
Armenia Energy Efficiency Project (Project ID: 3973)
Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions through Improved Energy Efficiency in the Industrial Sector (Project ID: 3976)
MED: Regional Coordination on Improved Water Resources Management and Capacity Building Horizontal Adaptable Programmatic Programme (H-APL)(TA) (Project ID: 3978)
Integrating Climate Resilience into Agricultural Production for Food Security in Rural Areas (Project ID: 3979)
Integrated Mangement in Lakes Apanas and Asturias Watershed (Project ID: 3981)
SPWA-BD: Development of a Trans-frontier Conservation Area Linking Forest Reserves and Protected Areas in Ghana and Cote d'Ivoire (Project ID: 3984)
Demonstration Project for Decontamination of POPs Contaminated Soils Using Non-thermal Treatment Methods (Project ID: 3985)
Disposal of POPs Wastes and Obsolete Pesticides (Project ID: 3986)
Eritrea: Prevention and Disposal of POPs and Obsolete Pesticides (Project ID: 3987)
MENARID: A Circular Economy Approach to AgrobiodiversityConservation in the Souss-Massa Drâa Region ofMorocco (Project ID: 3989)
MED: Integration of Climatic Variability and Change into National Strategies to Implement the ICZM Protocol in the Mediterranean (Project ID: 3990)
MED: Enhanced Water Resources Management (Project ID: 3991)
CBPF: Strengthening the Effectiveness of the Protected Area System in Qinghai Province (Project ID: 3992)
SFM: Mainstreaming Biodiversity Conservation into the Management of Pine-Oak Forests (Project ID: 3996)
Improving Coverage and Management Effectiveness of Marine and Coastal Protected Areas (Project ID: 3997)
Third National Communication to the UNFCCC (Project ID: 3999)
PAS: Low Carbon-Energy Islands - Accelerating the Use of Energy Efficient and Renewable Energy Technologies in Tuvalu, Niue and Nauru (Project ID: 4000)
MED: Sustainable Governance and Knowledge Generation (Project ID: 4001)
Mini-Grids Based on Small Hydropower Sources to Augment Rural Electrification (Project ID: 4004)
SPWA-CC: Promoting Renewable Energy-based Grids in Rural Communities for Productive Uses (Project ID: 4005)
Reducing GHG Emissions from Road Transport in Russia’s Medium-sized Cities (Project ID: 4008)
BS: Capacity Building for Biosafety Implementation (Project ID: 4010)
Disposal of POPs Pesticides and Initial Steps for Containment of Dumped POPs Pesticides (Project ID: 4012)
Sustainable Transport in the City Of Almaty (Project ID: 4013)
Management of PCBs stockpiles and equipment containing PCBs (Project ID: 4014)
Enabling Paradigm Shift on Monitoring and Assessment within the UNCCD - Piloting the Reporting of the Performance Indicators 2010 (Project ID: 4017)
Sao Tome and Principe Adaptation to Climate Change (Project ID: 4018)
Strengthening Resilience and Adaptive Capacity to Climate Change in Guinea-Bissau’s Agrarian and Water Sectors (Project ID: 4019)
BS Implementation of the National Biosafety Framework (Project ID: 4022)
PAS: Implementing the Island Biodiversity Programme of Work by Integrating the Conservation Management of Island Biodiversity (Project ID: 4023)
SPWA-BD: Strengthening the Conservation Role of Togo's National System of Protected Areas (PA) (Project ID: 4026)
Global Partnership with Fisheries Industry for the Sustainability of Living Aquatic Resources (Project ID: 4027)
Integrated Natural Resource Management in the Baikal Basin Transboundary Ecosystem (Project ID: 4029)
Greening 2014 Sochi Olympics: A Strategy and Action Plan for the Greening Legacy (Project ID: 4030)
Improving the Resilience of the Agriculture Sector in Lao PDR to Climate Change Impacts (Project ID: 4034)
MENARID: Ecotourism and Conservation of Desert Biodiversity (Project ID: 4035)
TT-Pilot (GEF-4) DHRS: Irrigation Technology Pilot Project to face Climate Change Impact (Project ID: 4036)
TT-Pilot (GEF-4): Overcoming Policy, Market and Technological Barriers to Support Technological Innovation and South-South Technology Transfer: The Pilot Case of Ethanol Production from Cassava (Project ID: 4037)
TT-Pilot (GEF-4): Climate Change Related Technology Transfer for Cambodia: Using Agricultural Residue Biomass for Sustainable Energy Solutions (Project ID: 4042)
TT-Pilot (GEF-4): Technology Transfer for Grid-Connected Rooftop Photovoltaic Systems (Project ID: 4052)
BS Support for the Implementation of the National Biosafety Framework (Project ID: 4067)
Increasing Resilience to Climate Variability and Hazards (Project ID: 4068)
SPWA-CC: Promotion of Jatropha Curcas as a Sustainable Source of Agrofuel in Burkina-Faso (Project ID: 4073)
Africa Stockpiles Program (ASP) - Project 1- Supplemental Funds for Disposal and Prevention (Project ID: 4074)
BS: Capacity Building for the Implementation of the National Biosafety Framework of Swaziland (Project ID: 4077)
SPWA-BD: Participatory Biodiversity Conservation and Low Carbon Development in Pilot Ecovillages in Senegal (Project ID: 4080)
National Biodiversity Project (Project ID: 4082)
CBSP- Integrated management of mangrove and associated wetlands and coastal forests ecosystems of the Republic of Congo (Project ID: 4083)
CBSP Conservation and Sustainable Use of the Ngoyla Mintom Forest (Project ID: 4084)
Amazon Region Protected Areas Program Phase 2 (Project ID: 4085)
SPWA-BD: Niger Delta Biodiversity Project (Project ID: 4090)
Capacity Building for Access and Benefit Sharing and Conservation and Sustainable Use of Medicinal Plants (Project ID: 4091)
WB/GEF POL: Huai River Basin Marine Pollution Reduction (Project ID: 4092)
Promoting Sustainable Biomass Energy Production and Modern Bio-Energy Technologies (Project ID: 4096)
LGGE Improving Energy Efficiency in the Residential Building Sector (Project ID: 4097)
Removal of Barriers to Solar PV Power Generation in Mauritius, Rodrigues and the Outer Islands (Project ID: 4099)
PCB Management and Disposal Project (Project ID: 4100)
Initial Implementation of Accelerated HCFC Phase-out in the CEIT Region (Project ID: 4102)
BS: Support the Implementation of the National Biosafety Framework (Project ID: 4103)
Sustainable Land Management (Project ID: 4104)
SPWA-BD: Wetlands Conservation Project (Project ID: 4105)
PCB Management Project (Project ID: 4108)
China Energy Efficiency Promotion in Industry (Project ID: 4109)
Institutional and Policy Strengthening to Increase Biodiversity Conservation on Production Lands (PL) (Project ID: 4111)
Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Palm Cropping in Colombia with an Ecosystem Approach (Project ID: 4113)
LGGE Improving Energy Efficiency in Low-Income Households and Regions of Romania (Project ID: 4115)
Lighting and Appliances Efficiency Project (Project ID: 4116)
Implementation of Phase I of a Comprehensive PCB Management System (Project ID: 4124)
TT-Pilot (GEF-4)- Green Truck Demonstration Project (Project ID: 4129)
Kathmandu Sustainable Urban Transport (SUT) Project (Project ID: 4130)
PAS: Fiji Renewable Energy Power Project (FREPP) (Project ID: 4131)
SPWA-CC: Energy Efficiency Project (Project ID: 4133)
Market Development and Promotion of Solar Concentrators based Process Heat Applications in India (Project ID: 4134)
Mechanism for Voluntary Mitigation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Colombia (Project ID: 4135)
TT-Pilot (GEF-4): Promotion and Development of Local Solar Technologies in Chile (Project ID: 4136)
Catalytic Investments for Geothermal Power (Project ID: 4138)
Market Transformation for Energy Efficient Lighting in Morocco (Project ID: 4139)
Developing Core Capacity to Address Adaptation to Climate Change in Productive Coastal Zones (Project ID: 4141)
Industrial Energy Efficiency in Ecuador (Project ID: 4147)
SFM Mitigating Climate Change through Sustainable Forest Management and Capacity Building in the Southern States of Mexico (States of Campeche, Chiapas and Oaxaca) (Project ID: 4149)
Rural Electrification Phase II (Project ID: 4152)
Eco-Transport in City Clusters: Model Development & Pilots (Project ID: 4156)
Promotion of Biomass Pellet Production and Utilization in Georgia (Project ID: 4157)
Technology Transfer and Market Development for Small-Hydropower in Tajikistan (Project ID: 4160)
Concentrating Solar Power Technology Transfer for Electricity Generation in Namibia (CSP TT NAM) (Project ID: 4163)
Grid-Connected Rooftop Photovoltaic Systems (Project ID: 4164)
LGGE Promoting Energy Efficiency in Commercial Buildings in Thailand (PEECB) (Project ID: 4165)
LGGE Promotion of Energy Efficient Lighting in Kazakhstan (Project ID: 4166)
LGGE Promoting Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in Buildings in Jamaica (Project ID: 4167)
SPWA-BD: Scaling up the impacts of goods practices in linking poverty alleviation and biodiversity conservation (Project ID: 4169)
Lighting Market Transformation in Peru (Project ID: 4173)
Encouraging the Establishment and Consolidation of an Energy Service Market in Chile (Project ID: 4176)
Coastal Protected Area Management (Project ID: 4180)
Biodiversity Conservation in Multiple-Use Forest Landscapes in Sabah (Project ID: 4182)
Strengthening Environmental Fiscal Reform for National and Global Environment Management (Project ID: 4183)
Promoting Small Biomass Power Plants in Rural Thailand for Sustainable Renewable Energy Management and Community Involvement (Project ID: 4184)
Capacity Building For Environmental Policy Institutions For Integration Of Global Environment Commitments In The Investment And Development Decisions/Projects (Project ID: 4187)
Technology Need Assessment on Climate Change (Project ID: 4188)
Promoting Ecotourism to Strengthen the Financial Sustainability of the Guatemalan Protected Areas System (SIGAP) (Project ID: 4191)
Biogas Generation from Animal Manure Pilot Project (Project ID: 4194)
MED: Integrated Coastal Zone Management-Mediterranean Coast (Project ID: 4198)
Support to the Global Tiger Summit Hosted by the Russian Federation (Project ID: 4204)
Sustainable Production Systems and Biodiversity Project (Project ID: 4207)
Sustainable Urban Transport in Chiang Mai (Project ID: 4210)
Low Carbon Campaign for Commonwealth Games 2010 Delhi (Project ID: 4215)
Integration of Climate Change Risk and Resilience into Forestry Management (ICCRIFS) (Project ID: 4216)
Emergency program for solar power generation and lighting for Haiti, as a consequence of the Earthquake in Port au Prince. (Project ID: 4219)
SPWA-BD: Protected Area Buffer Zone Management in Burkina Faso (Project ID: 4221)
Promoting Autonomous Adaptation at the community level in Ethiopia (Project ID: 4222)
LGGE Improving Energy Efficiency in Residential Buildings in the Republic of Belarus (Project ID: 4228)
Fifth National Communication to the UNFCCC (Project ID: 4229)
SFM Facilitating financing for Sustainable Forest Management in SIDS and LFCCs (Project ID: 4235)
Mitigation Options of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions in Key Sectors in Brazil (Project ID: 4254)
To Promote the Implementation of National and Transboundary Integrated Water Resource Management that is Sustainable and Equitable Given Expected Climate Change. (Project ID: 4255)
Making Ocean Life Count (Project ID: 4256)
The GEF Earth Fund: IFC Earth Fund Platform (Project ID: 4257)
The GEF Earth Fund: Public-Private Funding Mechanisms for Watershed Protection (Project ID: 4260)
Integrating climate change risks into water and flood management by vulnerable mountainous communities in the Greater Caucasus region of Azerbaijan (Project ID: 4261)
Enhancing Resilience to Climate Change by Mainstreaming Adaption Concerns into Agricultural Sector Development in Liberia (Project ID: 4268)
PAS: Grid Connected Solar PV Central Station Project (Project ID: 4282)
Promoting Energy Efficiency Technologies in Beer Brewing Sector in Burkina Faso (Project ID: 4285)
Wildlife Consumption: Reforming Policies and Practices to Strengthen Biodiversity Conservation (Project ID: 4286)
West Africa Regional Fisheries Program in Ghana (Project ID: 4528)

GEF replenishment period: GEF-5

Enhancing Climate Risk Management and Adaptation in Burundi (ECRAMB) (Project ID: 3701)
Climate Change adaptation project in the areas of watershed management and water retention (Project ID: 4234)
Adaptation in the Coastal Zones of Mozambique (Project ID: 4276)
Strengthening National Frameworks for IAS Governance - Piloting in Juan Fernandez Archipelago (Project ID: 4330)
Sustainable Land and Forest Management in the Greater Caucasus Landscape (Project ID: 4332)
Lighting One Million Lives in Liberia (Project ID: 4336)
Strategic Planning and Action to Strengthen Climate Resilience of Rural Communities in Nusa Tenggara Timor Province (SPARC) (Project ID: 4340)
EAS: Implementation of the Yellow Sea LME Strategic Action Programme for Adaptive Ecosystem-Based Management (Project ID: 4343)
Promoting Sustainable Bio-energy Production from Biomass (Project ID: 4344)
Renewable Energy for Rural Livelihood (RERL) (Project ID: 4345)
Environmental Land Management and Rural Livelihoods (Project ID: 4352)
Securing Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Use in China's Dongting Lake Protected Areas (Project ID: 4356)
Promoting Value Chain Approach to Adaptation in Agriculture (Project ID: 4368)
Removing Barriers to Wind Power Development in Belarus (Project ID: 4374)
Development and Commercialization of Bioenergy Technologies in the Municipal Sector in Ukraine (Project ID: 4377)
Fifth Operational Phase of the GEF Small Grants Programme in India (Project ID: 4383)
Phase-out of CFC Consumption in the Manufacture of Aerosol Metered-dose Inhalers (MDIs) in the Russian Federation (Project ID: 4387)
Protect Human Health and the Environment from Unintentional Releases of POPs Originating from Incineration and Open Burning of Health Care- and Electronic-waste (Project ID: 4392)
Development of the Guidelines for updating of National Implementation Plans (NIPs) under the Stockholm Convention taking into account the new POPs added to the Convention (Project ID: 4410)
Establishing the tools and methods to include the nine new POPs into the Global Monitoring Plan (Project ID: 4412)
Capacity Building for the Early Entry into Force of the Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing (Project ID: 4415)
Development of National Capacity for the Environmentally Sound Management and Disposal of PCBs (Project ID: 4417)
Increasing Climate Change Resilience of Maldives through Adaptation in the Tourism Sector (Project ID: 4431)
Strengthening the Adaptive Capacity and Resilience of Rural Communities Using Micro Watershed Approaches to Climate Change and Variability to Attain Sustainable Food Security (Project ID: 4434)
Dioxins Reductions from the Pulp and Paper Industry in China (Project ID: 4441)
NIP Update, Integration of POPs into National Planning and Promoting Sound Healthcare Waste Management in Kazakhstan (Project ID: 4442)
Strengthening Climate Resilience and Reducing Disaster Risk in Agriculture to Improve Food Security in Haiti Post Earthquake (Project ID: 4447)
Integrated Management of the Yallahs River and Hope River Watersheds (Project ID: 4454)
Conservation and Sustainable Use of the Threatened Savanna Woodland in the Kidepo Critical Landscape in North Eastern Uganda (Project ID: 4456)
Development of Sustainable Renewable Energy Power Generation (SREPGen) (Project ID: 4459)
Landscape Approach to Management of Peatlands Aiming at Multiple Ecological Benefits (Project ID: 4468)
Integrated Approach to Management of Forests, with Demonstration in High Conservation Value Forests in the Mediterranean Region (Project ID: 4469)
Building a Multiple-Use Forest Management Framework to Conserve Biodiversity in the Caspian Hyrcanian Forest Landscape (Project ID: 4470)
Comprehensive Reduction and Elimination of Persistent Organic Pollutants in Pakistan (Project ID: 4477)
Sustainable Forest Management and Multiple Global Environmental Benefits (Project ID: 4479)
Enabling Trans-boundary Cooperation and Integrated Water Resources Management in the Extended Drin River Basin (Project ID: 4483)
Integrated PCB Management in Costa Rica (Project ID: 4485)
Green Energy Schemes for Low-Carbon City in Shanghai, China (Project ID: 4488)
A Transboundary Waters Assessment Programme: Aquifers, Lake/Reservoir Basins, River Basins, Large Marine Ecosystems, and Open Ocean to Catalyze Sound Environmental Management (Project ID: 4489)
Adaptation of Nicaragua's Water Supplies to Climate Change (Project ID: 4492)
Integrated Ecosystem Approach to Biodiversity Mainstreaming and Conservation in the Buffer Zones of the Obo and Principe Natural Parks (Project ID: 4494)
GEF Large-City Congestion and Carbon Reduction Project (Project ID: 4500)
Strengthening Sustainable Management of the Guano Islands, Isles and Capes National Reserve System (RNSIIPG) (Project ID: 4505)
Pilot Asia-Pacific Climate Technology Network and Finance Center (Project ID: 4512)
Greening the COP17 in Durban (Project ID: 4514)
Reducing Barriers to Accelerate the Development of Biomass Markets in Serbia (Project ID: 4517)
Securing Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Use in Huangshan Municipality (Project ID: 4526)
Partnering for Natural Resource Management - Conservation Council of Nations (CCN) (Project ID: 4527)
Development of Tools to Incorporate Impacts of Climatic Variability and Change in Particular Floods and Droughts into Basin Planning Processes (Project ID: 4533)
The GLOBE Legislator Forest Initiative (Project ID: 4543)
Improved Management Effectiveness of the Chobe-Kwando-Linyanti Matrix of Protected Areas (Project ID: 4544)
Strengthening Multi-sectoral Management of Critical Landscapes (Project ID: 4550)
Community Based Flood and Glacial Lake Outburst Risk Reduction (Project ID: 4551)
Effective Governance for Small Scale Rural Infrastructure and Disaster Preparedness in a Changing Climate (Project ID: 4554)
Fifth Operational Phase of the GEF Small Grants Program in Brazil (Project ID: 4560)
Network of Managed Resource Protected Areas (Project ID: 4562)
Improve the Health and Environment of Artisanal and Small Scale Gold Mining (ASGM) Communities by Reducing Mercury Emissions and Promoting Sound Chemical Management (Project ID: 4569)
Adapting Agriculture Production in Togo (ADAPT) (Project ID: 4570)
Conservation and Sustainable Use of Agro-biodiversity to Improve Human Nutrition in Five Macro Eco-regions (Project ID: 4577)
ABNJ Global Sustainable Fisheries Management and Biodiversity Conservation in the Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (PROGRAM) (Project ID: 4580)
Sustainable Management of Tuna Fisheries and Biodiversity Conservation in the Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (ABNJ) (Project ID: 4581)
ABNJ: Strengthening Global Capacity to Effectively Manage Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (ABNJ) (Project ID: 4582)
Improving Sustainability of PA System in Desert Ecosystems through Promotion of Biodiversity-compatible Livelihoods in and around PAs (Project ID: 4584)
Enhancing the Resilience of Tourism-reliant Communities to Climate Change Risks (Project ID: 4585)
Mainstreaming Biodiversity Conservation in Tourism Sector Development in Jordan (Project ID: 4586)
Delivering Multiple Global Environment Benefits through Sustainable Management of Production Landscapes (Project ID: 4590)
Building Adaptive Capacity to Catalyze Active Public and Private Sector Participation to Manage the Exposure and Sensitivity of Water Supply Services to Climate Change in Sierra Leone (Project ID: 4599)
Reducing Pressures on Natural Resources from Competing Land Use in Non-irrigated Arid Mountain, Semi-desert and Desert Landscapes (Project ID: 4600)
POPs Legacy Elimination and POPs Release Reduction Project (Project ID: 4601)
Management and Protection of Key Biodiversity Areas (Project ID: 4605)
Strengthening the Resilience of Post Conflict Recovery and Development to Climate Change Risks in Sri Lanka (Project ID: 4609)
Adaptation to Climate Impacts in Water Regulation and Supply for the Area of Chingaza - Sumapaz - Guerrero (Project ID: 4610)
Reducing UPOPs and Mercury Releases from the Health Sector in Africa (Project ID: 4611)
Climate Change Adaptation to Reduce Land Degradation in Fragile Micro-Watersheds Located in the Municipalities of Texistepeque and Candelaria de la Frontera (Project ID: 4616)
Municipal Solid Waste Management (Project ID: 4617)
Access to and Benefit Sharing and Protection of Traditional Knowledge to Promote Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Use (Project ID: 4618)
Third National Communication to the UNFCCC (Project ID: 4619)
Shire Natural Ecosystems Management Project (Project ID: 4625)
Watershed Approach to Sustainable Coffee Production in Burundi (Project ID: 4631)
Marine and Coastal Protected Areas (Project ID: 4637)
Strengthening Management Effectiveness and Generating Multiple Environmental Benefits within and around the Greater Kafue National Park in Zambia (Project ID: 4639)
Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Change Mitigation Project (Project ID: 4642)
Addressing Barriers to the Adoption of Improved Charcoal Production Technologies and Sustainable Land Management Practices through an Integrated Approach (Project ID: 4644)
Hwange-Sanyati Biological Corridor (HSBC) Project (Project ID: 4645)
A Landscape Approach to Wildlife Conservation in Northeastern China (Project ID: 4651)
CBPF-MSL: Strengthening the Management Effectiveness of the Protected Area Landscape in Altai Mountains and Wetlands (Project ID: 4653)
CBPF-MSL: Strengthening the Management Effectiveness of the Sub-system of Wetland Protected Areas for Conservation of Globally Significant Biodiversity (Project ID: 4655)
LME-EA: Coastal Resources for Sustainable Development: Mainstreaming the Application of Marine Spatial Planning Strategies, Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Use (Project ID: 4659)
ABNJ: Sustainable Fisheries Management and Biodiversity Conservation of Deep-sea Living Marine Resources and Ecosystems in the Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (ABNJ) (Project ID: 4660)
Namibian Coast Conservation and Management Project (Project ID: 4669)
GMS-FBP: Strengthening Capacity and Incentives for Wildlife Conservation in the Western Forest Complex (Project ID: 4677)
Capturing Coral Reef and Related Ecosystem Services (CCRES) (Project ID: 4690)
Strengthening Resilience of Farming Communities' Livelihoods against Climate Changes in the Guinean Prefectures of Gaoual, Koundara and Mali (Project ID: 4692)
Strengthening the Resilience of Small Scale Rural Infrastructure and Local Government Systems to Climatic Variability and Risk (Project ID: 4696)
Integrating Community-based Adaptation into Afforestation and Reforestation Programmes in Bangladesh (Project ID: 4700)
Scaling up Community-Based Adaptation (CBA) in Niger (Project ID: 4701)
Integrating Climate Resilience into Agricultural and Pastoral Production for Food Security in Vulnerable Rural Areas through the Farmers Field School Approach (Project ID: 4702)
Strengthening the Sub-system of Coastal and Marine Protected Areas (Project ID: 4708)
Effective and Responsive Island-level Governance to Secure and Diversify Climate Resilient Marine-based Coastal Livelihoods and Enhance Climate Hazard Response Capacity (Project ID: 4714)
Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity in Coastal and Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) (Project ID: 4716)
Expansion and Strengthening of the Protected Area Subsystem of the Outer Islands of Seychelles and its Integration into the Broader Land and Seascape (Project ID: 4717)
Production of Sustainable, Renewable Biomass-based Charcoal for the Iron and steel Industry in Brazil (Project ID: 4718)
Land Rehabilitation and Rangelands Management in Small Holders Agropastoral Production Systems in Soutwestern Angola (Project ID: 4720)
Enhancing Resilience of Vulnerable Coastal Areas and Communities to Climate Change in the Republic of Gambia (Project ID: 4724)
Solomon Islands Water Sector Adaptation Project (SIWSAP) (Project ID: 4725)
Strengthening the Capacity of the Protected Area System to Address New Management Challenges (Project ID: 4729)
Increasing Representation of Effectively Managed Marine Ecosystems in the Protected Area System (Project ID: 4730)
Advancing Landscape Approaches in Ecuador's National Protected Area System to Improve Conservation of Globally Endangered Wildlife (Project ID: 4731)
Elimination of Obsolete Pesticide Stockpiles and Addressing POPs Contaminated Sites within a Sound Chemicals Management Framework (Project ID: 4737)
Integrated and Environmentally Sound PCBs Management in Ecuador (Project ID: 4741)
Green Urban Lighting (Project ID: 4742)
Mainstreaming Biodiversity Conservation, SFM and Carbon Sink Enhancement Into Mongolia's Productive Forest Landscapes (Project ID: 4744)
Promoting Utility-Scale Power Generation from Wind Energy (Project ID: 4745)
Implementation of Global and Regional Oceanic Fisheries Conventions and Related Instruments in the Pacific Small Island Developing States (SIDS) (Project ID: 4746)
Small Decentralized Renewable Energy Power Generation (Project ID: 4749)
Multiplying Environmental and Carbon Benefits in High Andean Ecosystems (Project ID: 4750)
Mainstreaming SLM in Rangeland Areas of Ngamiland District Productive Landscapes for Improved livelihoods (Project ID: 4751)
Sustainable Land Management Programme to Combat Desertification (Project ID: 4754)
Disposal of POPs and Obsolete Pesticides and Strengthening Life-cycle Management of Pesticides (Project ID: 4756)
Conservation of Critical Wetland PAs and Linked Landscapes (Project ID: 4760)
Sustainable Management of Mountainous Forest and Land Resources under Climate Change Conditions (Project ID: 4761)
Strengthening Management Effectiveness and Resilience of Protected Areas to Safeguard Biodiversity Threatened by Climate Change (Project ID: 4763)
Strengthening National and Decentralized Management for Global Environmental Benefits (Project ID: 4765)
Implementation of Eco-industrial Park Initiative for Sustainable Industrial Zones in Vietnam (Project ID: 4766)
Capacity Development : Generating Global Environmental Benefits from Improved Local Planning and Decision-making Systems in Burkina Faso (Project ID: 4767)
Strengthening of Governance for the Protection of Biodiversity through the Formulation and Implementation of the National Strategy on Invasive Alien Species (NSIAS) (Project ID: 4768)
Improving Forest and Protected Area Management (Project ID: 4769)
Integrated Management of Marine and Coastal Areas of High Value for Biodiversity in Continental Ecuador (Project ID: 4770)
Enhancing National Capacities to Manage Invasive Alien Species (IAS) by Implementing the National Strategy on IAS (Project ID: 4771)
Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity in Dry Ecosystems to Guarantee the Flow of Ecosystem Services and to Mitigate the Processes of Deforestation and Desertification (Project ID: 4772)
Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity, Forests, Soil and Water to Achieve the Good Living (Buen Vivir / Sumac Kasay) in the Napo Province (Project ID: 4774)
Promotion of Climate-smart Livestock Management Integrating Reversion of Land Degradation and Reduction of Desertification Risks in Vulnerable Provinces (Project ID: 4775)
Mainstreaming of the Use and Conservation of Agrobiodiversity in Public Policies through Integrated Strategies and In situ Implementation in three Provinces in the Andean Highlands (Project ID: 4777)
Environmental Services Project (Project ID: 4778)
Sustainable Forest and Landscape Management (Project ID: 4779)
Promoting the application of the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit Sharing in Panama (Project ID: 4780)
Conservation of Coastal Watersheds to Achieve Multiple Global Environmental Benefits in the Context of Changing Environments (Project ID: 4792)
Climate Proofing Local Development Gains in Rural and Urban Areas of Machinga and Mangochi Districts (Project ID: 4797)
Implementing Integrated Measures for Minimizing Mercury Releases from Artisanal Gold Mining (Project ID: 4799)
Sustainable Forest Management under the Authority of Cameroonian Councils (Project ID: 4800)
Promotion of Non-fired Brick (NFB) Production and Utilization (Project ID: 4801)
A Global Initiative on Landscapes for People, Food and Nature (Project ID: 4806)
Strengthening the Marine Protected Area System to Conserve Marine Key Biodiversity Areas (Project ID: 4810)
CBPF-MSL: Strengthening the Management Effectiveness of the Wetland Protected Area System in Hainan for Conservation of Globally Significant Biodiversity (Project ID: 4811)
Reduction of Mercury Emissions and Promotion of Sound Chemical Management in Zinc Smelting Operations (Project ID: 4816)
Strengthening Resilience to Climate Change through Integrated Agricultural and Pastoral Management in the Sahelian zone in the Framework of the Sustainable Land Management Approach (Project ID: 4822)
Developing National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan and Mainstreaming Biodiversity Conservation into Provincial Planning (Project ID: 4823)
Developing National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan and Mainstreaming Biodiversity Conservation into Provincial Planning (Project ID: 4826)
Enhancing Wildlife Conservation in the Productive Southern Kenya Rangelands through a Landscape Approach (Project ID: 4827)
Sustainable Management of Namibia’s Forested Lands (Project ID: 4832)
Expansion and Improved Management Effectiveness of the Achara Region’s Protected Areas (Project ID: 4835)
Conservation, Sustainable Use of Biodiversity, and Maintenance of Ecosystem Services of Internationally Important Protected Wetlands (Project ID: 4836)
Establishing Integrated Models for Protected Areas and their Co-management (Project ID: 4839)
Energy Efficient Production and Utilization of Charcoal through Innovative Technologies and Private Sector Involvement (Project ID: 4840)
Strengthening the Effectiveness of the National Protected Area System by Including a Landscape Approach to Management (Project ID: 4841)
Strengthening the Institutional and Financial Sustainability of the National Protected Area System (Project ID: 4842)
Improving the Coverage and Management Effectiveness of PAs in the Central Tian Shan Mountains (Project ID: 4844)
Improving Management Effectiveness of the Protected Area Network (Project ID: 4848)
Kihansi Catchment Conservation and Management (Project ID: 4855)
Mainstreaming Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Land Management into Production Practices in all Bioregions and Biomes (Project ID: 4860)
Reduction of POPs and PTS Release by Environmentally Sound Management throughout the Life Cycle of Electrical and Electronic Equipment and Associated Wastes in China (Project ID: 4862)
Enhancing the Protected Area System in Sulawesi (E-PASS) for Biodiversity Conservation (Project ID: 4867)
CBPF-MSL: Strengthening the Management Effectiveness of the Protected Area Network in the Daxing’anling Landscape (Project ID: 4868)
Urban-Scale Building Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (Project ID: 4869)
CBPF-MSL: Strengthening the Management Effectiveness of the Wetland Protected Area System in Hubei Province (Project ID: 4870)
Climate Technology Transfer Mechanisms and Networks in Latin America and the Caribbean (Project ID: 4880)
Enabling China to Prepare Its Third National Communication (3NC) and Biennial Update Report to the UNFCCC (Project ID: 4882)
Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions in the Energy Generation and End-Use Sectors (Project ID: 4884)
Transforming Effectiveness of Biodiversity Conservation in Priority Sumatran Landscapes (Project ID: 4892)
CBPF-MSL: Strengthening the Management Effectiveness of the Wetland Protected Area System in Anhui Province (Project ID: 4896)
Scale Up of Access to Clean Energy for Rural Productive and Domestic Uses (Project ID: 4900)
India: Sustainable Livelihoods and Adaptation to Climate Change (SLACC) (Project ID: 4901)
GGW: Agriculture Production Support Project (with Sustainable Land and Water Management) (Project ID: 4908)
Capacity Development: Integrating Rio Convention Provisions into Ukraine's National Environmental Policy Framework (Project ID: 4913)
Conservation of Biodiversity in Landscapes Impacted by Mining in the Choco Biogeographic Region (Project ID: 4916)
Efficient and Sustainable City Bus Services (Project ID: 4921)
Decision Support for Mainstreaming and Scaling up of Sustainable Land Management (Project ID: 4922)
Enhancing the Conservation Effectiveness of Seagrass Ecosystems Supporting Globally Significant Populations of Dugong Across the Indian and Pacific Ocean Basins (Short Title: The Dugong and Seagrass Conservation Project) (Project ID: 4930)
Third National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (Project ID: 4933)
Strengthening Law Enforcement Capabilities to Combat Wildlife Crime for Conservation and Sustainable Use of Species in South Africa (target: Rhinoceros) (Project ID: 4937)
Supporting Civil Society and Community Initiatives to Generate Global Environmental Benefits using Grants and Micro Loans in the Mediterranean Ecoregion of Chile (Project ID: 4939)
Collaborative Management for Watershed and Ecosystem Service Protection and Rehabilitation in the Cardamom Mountains, Upper Prek Thnot River Basin (Project ID: 4945)
Technology Needs Assessment (Project ID: 4948)
Strengthening Liberia’s Capability to Provide Climate Information and Services to Enhance Climate Resilient Development and Adaptation to Climate Change (Project ID: 4950)
Community Agricultural Resource Management and Competitiveness (CARMAC) (Project ID: 4954)
Small and Medium Enterprise Energy Efficiency Project (Project ID: 4957)
Climate Risk Finance for Sustainable and Climate Resilient Rainfed Farming and Pastoral Systems (Project ID: 4958)
Scaling up Adaptation in Zimbabwe, with a Focus on Rural Livelihoods, by Strengthening Integrated Planning Systems (Project ID: 4960)
Pilot project on the development of a mercury inventory in China (Project ID: 4962)
Sustainable Groundwater Management in SADC Member States (Project ID: 4966)
Scaling up Risk Transfer Mechanisms for Climate Vulnerable Agriculture-based Communities in Mindanao (Project ID: 4967)
Integrated National Monitoring and Assessment System on Forest Ecosystems (SIMEF) in Support of Policies, Regulations and SFM Practices Incorporating REDD+ and Biodiversity Conservation in Forest Ecosystems (Project ID: 4968)
Adapting Natural Resource Dependent Livelihoods to Climate induced Risks in Selected Landscaqpes in Burkina Faso: the Boucle du Mouhoun Forest Corridor and the Mare d'Oursi Wetlands Basin (Project ID: 4971)
Addressing the Risk of Climate-induced Disasters through Enhanced National and Local Capacity for Effective Actions (Project ID: 4976)
Reducing global and local environmental risks from primary mercury mining in Khaidarkan the Kyrgyz Republic (Project ID: 4985)
Community Disaster Risk Management in Burundi (Project ID: 4990)
Strengthening Climate Information and Early Warning Systems in Tanzania to Support Climate Resilient Development and Adaptation to Climate Change (Project ID: 4991)
Strengthening Climate Information and Early Warning Systems to Support Climate Resilient Development and Adaptation to Climate Change (Project ID: 4992)
Strengthening Climate Information and Early Warning Systems in Africa to Support Climate Resilient Development and Adaptation to Climate Change (Project ID: 4993)
Strengthening Climate Information and Early Warning Systems in Malawi to Support Climate Resilient Development and Adaptation to Climate Change (Project ID: 4994)
Strengthening Climate Information and Early Warning Systems in Eastern and Southern Africa for Climate Resilient Development and Adaptation to Climate Change - Zambia (Project ID: 4995)
Environmental Sound Life-Cycle Management of Mercury Containing Products and their Wastes (Project ID: 4998)
Integrated Responses to Short lived Climate Forcers Promoting Clean Energy and Energy Efficiency (Project ID: 4999)
Strengthening Climate Information and Early Warning Systems in Western and Central Africa for Climate Resilient Development and Adaptation to Climate Change (Project ID: 5002)
Strengthening Climate Information and Early Warning Systems in Africa for Climate Resilient Development and Adaptation to Climate Change - Burkina Faso (Project ID: 5003)
Strengthening Climate Information and Early Warning Systems in Sao Tome and Principe for Climate Resilient Development and Adaptation to Climate Change (Project ID: 5004)
Strengthening Climate Information and Early Warning Systems in Africa for Climate Resilient Development and Adaptation to Climate Change (Project ID: 5006)
Integrating Climate Resilience into Agricultural and Pastoral Production for Food Security in Vulnerable Rural Areas Through the Farmers Field School Approach. (Project ID: 5014)
Implementing Urgent Adaptation Priorities Through Strengthened Decentralized and National Development Plans. (Project ID: 5015)
MENA: Badia Ecosystem and Livelihoods Project (BELP) (Project ID: 5026)
Capacity Building for Mainstreaming MEA Objectives into Inter-Ministerial Structures and Mechanisms (Project ID: 5028)
Ensuring Global Environmental Concerns and Best Practices Mainstreamed in the Post-conflict Rapid Development Process of Sri Lanka through Improved Information Management (Project ID: 5031)
Enhancing the Forest Nature Reserves Network for Biodiversity Conservation in Tanzania (Project ID: 5034)
Implementation of BAT and BEP for Reduction of UP-POPs Releases from Open Burning Sources in Armenia (Project ID: 5038)
Investment Promotion on Environmentally sound Management of Electrical and Electronic Waste: Up-Scale and Promotion of Activities and Initiatives on Environmentally Sound Management of Electrical and Electronic Waste (Project ID: 5040)
Strengthening Decentralized Management of the Environment to Meet Rio Convention Objectives (Project ID: 5041)
Integrating Global Environment Commitments in Investment and Development Decision-making (Project ID: 5045)
Capacity Building for the Strategic Planning and Management of Natural Resources in Belize (Project ID: 5048)
Adaptation to Climate Change in the Coastal Zone in Vanuatu (Project ID: 5049)
Reducing Releases of PBDEs and UPOPs Originating from Unsound Waste Management and Recycling Practices and the Manufacturing of Plastics in Indonesia (Project ID: 5052)
Strengthening Community Resilience to Climate-induced Disasters in the Dili to Ainaro Road Development Corridor, Timor Leste (Project ID: 5056)
Mainstreaming Biodiversity into Land Use Regulation and Management at the Municipal Scale (Project ID: 5058)
Development of a National Network of Terrestrial and Marine Protected Areas Representative of the Comoros Unique Natural Heritage and Co-managed with Local Village Communities (Project ID: 5062)
Catalysing the Use of Solar Photovoltaic Energy (Project ID: 5063)
Strengthening the National Protected Areas System of Swaziland (Project ID: 5065)
Vietnam POPS and Sound Harmful Chemicals Management Project (Project ID: 5067)
Protect Human Health and the Environment from Unintentional Releases of POPs and Mercury from the Unsound Disposal of Healthcare Waste in Kyrgyzstan (Project ID: 5068)
Implementing a "Ridge to Reef" Approach to Protecting Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functions within and Around Protected Areas (Project ID: 5069)
Reducing Vulnerability from Climate Change in the Foothills, Lowlands and the Lower Senqu River Basin (Project ID: 5075)
Conserving Biodiversity and Reducing Habitat Degradation in Protected Areas and their Buffer Zones (Project ID: 5078)
Transforming Management of Protected Area/Landscape Complexes to Strengthen Ecosystem Resilience (Project ID: 5080)
Achieving Low Carbon Growth in Cities through Sustainable Urban Systems Management in Thailand (LCC) (Project ID: 5086)
Conserving Biodiversity in Coastal Areas Threatened by Rapid Tourism and Physical Infrastructure Development (Project ID: 5088)
Strengthening Management of the PA System to Better Conserve Endangered Species and their Habitats (Project ID: 5089)
Mainstreaming Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Use into NTFP and AFS Production Practices in Multiple-Use Forest Landscapes of High Conservation Value (Project ID: 5091)
Belize Chemicals and Waste Management Programme (Project ID: 5094)
Payment for Watershed Services in the Chishui River Basin for the Conservation of Globally Significant Biodiversity (Project ID: 5096)
Enhancing Capacity for Implementing Rio Conventions (Project ID: 5097)
Towards Carbon Neutral Tourism (Project ID: 5098)
Expanding the PA System to Incorporate Important Aquatic Ecosystems (Project ID: 5099)
Strengthened Environmental Management Information System for Coastal Development to Meet Rio Convention Objectives (Project ID: 5101)
Addressing Climate Change Vulnerabilities and Risks in Vulnerable Coastal Areas of Tunisia (Project ID: 5105)
National Capacity Development for Implementing Rio Conventions Through Environmental Governance (Project ID: 5106)
LME-EA: Applying Knowledge Management to Scale up Partnership Investments for Sustainable Development of Large Marine Ecosystems of East Asia and their Coasts (Project ID: 5110)
Reducing Vulnerability and Increasing Adaptive Capacity to Respond to Impacts of Climate Change and Variability for Sustainable Livelihoods in Agriculture Sector in Nepal (Project ID: 5111)
Securing Energy Efficiency in the Ecuadorian Residential and Public Sectors (SECURE) (Project ID: 5114)
Energy Conservation, Greenhouse Gas Mitigation and Soil Carbon Sequestration in Staple Crop Production (Project ID: 5121)
Sustainable Cropland and Forest Management in Priority Agro-ecosystems of Myanmar (Project ID: 5123)
Strengthening Capacity for Climate Change Adaptation through Support to Integrated Watershed Management Programme in Lesotho (Project ID: 5124)
Mainstreaming Global Environment Commitments for Effective National Environmental Management (Project ID: 5126)
Integrating Global Environmental Priorities into National Policies and Programmes (Project ID: 5130)
Sixth National Communication to the UNFCCC (Project ID: 5140)
Sustainable and Climate Resilient Land Management in Western PRC (Project ID: 5142)
GEF UNIDO Cleantech Programme for SMEs (Project ID: 5145)
GEF UNIDO Cleantech Programme for SMEs in Malaysia (Project ID: 5146)
Delivering the Transition to Energy Efficient Lighting (Project ID: 5150)
ESCO Moldova - Transforming the market for Urban Energy Efficiency in Moldova by Introducing Energy Service Companies (ESCO) (Project ID: 5157)
Strengthening Sustainability of Protected Area Management (Project ID: 5159)
The Development and Production of Natural Dyes in the Choco Region of Colombia for the Food, Cosmetics and Personal Care Industries Under the Provisions of the Nagoya Protocol (Project ID: 5160)
Capacity for Implementing Rio Conventions in Samoa (Project ID: 5164)
Capacity Building for Mainstreaming MEA Objectives into Inter-ministerial Structures and Mechanisms (Project ID: 5166)
Discovering Nature-based Products and Build National Capacities for the Application of the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit Sharing (Project ID: 5170)
Promoting Climate-resilient Development and Enhanced Adaptive Capacity to Withstand Disaster Risks in Angola’s Cuvelai River Basin (Project ID: 5177)
Strengthening Capacities to Measure, Report and Verify Indicators of Global Environment Benefits (Project ID: 5178)
Enhancing Capacities of Rural Communities to Pursue Climate Resilient Livelihood Options in the Sao Tome and Principe Districts of Caué, Me-Zochi, Principe, Lemba, Cantagalo, and Lobata (CMPLCL) (Project ID: 5184)
MENA: Desert Ecosystems and Livelihoods Knowledge Sharing and Coordination Project (Project ID: 5186)
GGW: Community based Rural Development Project 3rd Phase with Sustainable Land and Forestry Management (Project ID: 5187)
Strengthening the Resilience of Women Producer Group’s and Vulnerable Communities in Mali (Project ID: 5192)
Strengthening the Resilience of Rural Livelihood Options for Afghan Communities in Panjshir, Balkh, Uruzgan and Herat Provinces to Manage Climate Change-induced Disaster Risks (Project ID: 5202)
Building Resilience to Climate Change in the Water and Sanitation Sector (Project ID: 5204)
Building Resilience to Climate Change in the Water and Sanitation Sector (Project ID: 5209)
GGW: Forests and Adjacent Lands Management Project (Project ID: 5215)
Improve the Health and Environment of Artisanal Gold Mining Communities in the Philippines by Reducing Mercury Emissions (Project ID: 5216)
Cleantech Programme for SMEs in India (Project ID: 5218)
PSG: Sustainable Land Management Project 2 (Project ID: 5220)
Pilot Project on the Development of Mercury Inventory in the Russian Federation (RF) (Project ID: 5222)
Mozambique Conservation Areas for Biodiversity and Development Project (Project ID: 5225)
Sustainable Land Management in the Qaroun Catchment (Project ID: 5229)
Enabling Climate Resilience in the Agriculture Sector in the Southwest Region of Madagascar (Project ID: 5233)
Strengthening Capacity for an Environmental Information Management and Monitoring System in Tajikistan (Project ID: 5236)
Sustainable Management of Critical Wetlands Ecosystems Project (Project ID: 5264)
Oases Ecosystems and Livelihoods Project (Project ID: 5266)
Adriatic Sea Environmental Pollution Control Project (I) (Project ID: 5269)
GGW Natural Resources Management in a Changing Climate in Mali (Project ID: 5270)
Global Sustainable Supply Chains for Marine Commodities (Project ID: 5271)
Sustainable Land Use Management in the Semi-arid Region of North-east Brazil (Sergipe) (Project ID: 5276)
Strengthening Global Governance of Large Marine Ecosystems and their Coasts through Enhanced Sharing and Application of LME/ICM/MPA Knowledge and Information Tools (Project ID: 5278)
Integrated Water Resources Management in the Puyango-Tumbes, Catamayo-Chira and Zarumilla Transboundary Aquifers and River Basins (Project ID: 5284)
Implementing the Socio-Ecosystem Connectivity Approach to Conserve and Sustainable Use Biodiversity in the Caribbean Region of Colombia (Project ID: 5288)
Developing a Market for Biogas Resource Development and Utilization in Guinea (Project ID: 5289)
MENA: Morocco GEF Social and Integrated Agriculture (ASIMA) (Project ID: 5292)
Generating, Accessing and Using Information and Knowledge Related to the Three Rio Conventions (Project ID: 5295)
Promoting Access to Clean Energy Services in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (Project ID: 5297)
Sustainable Management of Bycatch in Latin America and Caribbean Trawl Fisheries (REBYC-II LAC) (Project ID: 5304)
Global Project on the Updating of National Implementation Plans for POPs (Project ID: 5307)
Enabling Transboundary Cooperation and Integrated Water Resources Management in the Chu and Talas River Basins (Project ID: 5310)
Promotion and Up-scaling of Climate-resilient, Resource Efficient Technologies in a Tropical Island Context (Project ID: 5316)
Strengthening Climate Information and Early Warning Systems in Cambodia to Support Climate Resilient Development and Adaptation to Climate Change (Project ID: 5318)
Assisting Least Developed Countries (LDCs) with country-driven processes to advance National Adaptation Plans (NAPS) (Project ID: 5320)
Reduce Exposure of Mercury to Human Health and the Environment by Promoting Sound Chemical Management in Mongolia (Project ID: 5323)
Generating Global Environmental Benefits from Improved Decision Making Systems and Local Planning in Pakistan (Project ID: 5326)
Green Technology Application for the Development of Low Carbon Cities (GTALCC) (Project ID: 5329)
Maximizing Carbon Sink Capacity and Conserving Biodiversity through Sustainable Conservation, Restoration, and Management of Peat-swamp Ecosystems (Project ID: 5330)
Promoting Investments in Small to Medium Scale Renewable Energy Technologies in the Electricity Sector (Project ID: 5331)
Supporting Rural Community Adaptation to Climate Change in Mountain Regions of Djibouti (Project ID: 5332)
Promotion of Environmentally Sustainable and Climate-Resilient Grid Isolated Grid BasedHydroelectric Electricity Through an Integrated Approach in Sao Tome and Principe. (Project ID: 5334)
Promoting The Development of Biogas Energy amongst Select Small- and Medium-Sized Agro-Industries (Project ID: 5335)
Enhancing Biodiversity Conservation and Sustenance of Ecosystem Services in Environmentally Sensitive Areas (Project ID: 5337)
Mainstreaming Sustainable Use of Biodiversity in Production Practices of Small Producers to Protect the Biodiversity of High Value Conservation Forests in the Atlantic Forest, Yungas and Chaco (Project ID: 5338)
NAMA Support for the Tunisian Solar Plan (Project ID: 5340)
South Africa Wind Energy Project (SAWEP) Phase II (Project ID: 5341)
Biomass Energy for Productive Use for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the Olive Oil Sector (Project ID: 5342)
Scaling Up Community Resilience to Climate Variability and Climate Change in Northern Namibia, with a Special Focus on Women and Children (Project ID: 5343)
Cape Verde Appliances & Building Energy-Efficiency Project (CABEEP) (Project ID: 5344)
De-risking Renewable Energy NAMA for the Nigerian Power Sector (Project ID: 5345)
Conserving Biodiversity and Enhancing Ecosystem Functions through a "Ridge to Reef" Approach in the Cook Island (Project ID: 5348)
Mainstreaming Sustainable Land and Forest Management in Dry Mountain Landscapes (Project ID: 5353)
Mainstreaming Biodiversity Conservation into Territorial Planning Policies and Land-Use Practices (Project ID: 5355)
Mainstreaming Climate Change in the National Logistics Strategy and Roll-Out of Integrated Logistics Platforms (Project ID: 5358)
Market Transformation and Removal of Barriers for Effective Implementation of the State Level Climate Change Action Plans (Project ID: 5361)
Obsolete Pesticides Management Project (Project ID: 5362)
Energy Efficiency Improvement in Commercial and High-Rise Residential Buildings (Project ID: 5365)
Project for the Restoration and Strengthening the Resilience of the Lake de Guiers Wetland Ecosystems (PRRELAG) (Project ID: 5371)
Belarus Green Cities: Supporting Green Urban Development in Small and Medium Sized Cities in Belarus (Project ID: 5372)
Greening the Logistics Industry in Zhejiang Province (Project ID: 5373)
Fourth National Communication and Biennial Update Reports to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) (Project ID: 5378)
Increasing Resilience of Ecosystems and Vulnerable Communities to CC and Anthropic Threats Through a Ridge to Reef Approach to BD Conservation and Watershed Management (Project ID: 5380)
R2R: Implementing a "Ridge to Reef" Approach to Protecting Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functions in Nauru (R2R Nauru) (Project ID: 5381)
Mexico Sustainable Energy Technology Development (Project ID: 5387)
Sustainable Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the West Pacific and East Asian Seas (Project ID: 5393)
Climate Resilient Livestock Management Project (Project ID: 5394)
Improvement of the Decision-making Process through Introduction of Mechanisms of Economic Assessment of Fulfilling National Obligations under Global Environmental Agreements (Project ID: 5399)
R2R: Testing the Integration of Water, Land, Forest & Coastal Management to Preserve Ecosystem Services, Store Carbon, Improve Climate Resilience and Sustain Livelihoods in Pacific Island Countries (Project ID: 5404)
EAS: Scaling up the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Strategy for the Seas of East Asia (Project ID: 5405)
Disposal of Obsolete Pesticides including POPs, Promotion of Alternatives and Strengthening Pesticides Management in the Caribbean (Project ID: 5407)
Development of a Plan for Global Monitoring of Human Exposure to and Environmental Concentrations of Mercury (Project ID: 5409)
ASTUD: Jiangxi Fuzhou Urban Integrated Infrastructure Improvement Project (Project ID: 5411)
Economy-wide Integration of Climate Change Adaptation and DRM/DRR to Reduce Climate Vulnerability of Communities in Samoa (Project ID: 5417)
Reducing the Vulnerability of Cambodian Rural Livelihoods through Enhanced sub-national Climate Change Planning and Execution of Priority Actions (Project ID: 5419)
Promoting the Application of the Nagoya Protocol through the Development of Nature-based Products, Benefit-sharing and Biodiversity Conservation (Project ID: 5420)
GGW: Building Resilience Through Innovation, Communication and Knowledge Services (BRICKS) Project (Project ID: 5423)
Strengthening Capacities of Agricultural Producers to Cope with Climate Change for Increased Food Security through the Farmers Field School Approach (Project ID: 5433)
Promoting Climate Resilient Community-based Regeneration of Indigenous Forests in Zambia’s Central Province (Project ID: 5435)
Fighting Against Wildlife Poaching and Illegal Trade in Africa The Case of African Elephants (Project ID: 5439)
Mainstreaming Incentives for Biodiversity Conservation in the Climate Resilient Green Economy Strategy (CRGE) (Project ID: 5440)
Implementing the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit Sharing (Project ID: 5448)
Transforming The Global Aviation Sector: Emissions Reductions From International Aviation (Project ID: 5450)
Disaster Risk & Energy Access Management (DREAM):Promoting Solar Photovoltaic Systems in Public Buildings for Clean Energy Access, Increased Climate Resilience and Disaster Risk Management (Project ID: 5453)
Conservation, Management and Rehabilitation of Fragile Lomas Ecosystems (Project ID: 5458)
Securing Watershed Services through Sustainable Land Management in the Ruvu and Zigi Catchments, Eastern Arc Region, Tanzania (Project ID: 5463)
Reducing Greenhouse Gas and ODS Emissions Through Technology Transfer in Industrial Refrigeration (Project ID: 5464)
Reducing Greenhouse Gases and ODS Emissions through Technology Transfer in the Industrial Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Sector (Project ID: 5466)
Harmonization of Information Management for Improved Knowledge and Monitoring of the Global Environment in Georgia (Project ID: 5467)
Green Cities : Integrated Sustainable Transport in the City of Batumi and the Achara Region (Project ID: 5468)
Improved Convention Coordination for Sustainable Growth in Uruguay (ECCOSUR) (Project ID: 5470)
Capacity Development for Improved decision-making for the Global Environment (Project ID: 5471)
Conservation of Biodiversity and Mitigation of Land Degradation Through Adaptive Management of Agricultural Heritage Systems (Project ID: 5481)
Environmental Sound Management of Mercury and Mercury Containing Products and their Wastes in Artisanal Small-scale Gold Mining and Healthcare (Project ID: 5484)
Seychelles' Protected Areas Finance Project (Project ID: 5485)
Development of Mercury Risk Management Approaches in Latin America (Project ID: 5494)
Preparatory Project to Facilitate the Implementation of the Legally Binding Instrument on Mercury (Minamata Convention) in Argentina to Protect Health and the Environment (Project ID: 5496)
Promoting Sustainable Rural Energy Technologies (RETs) for Household and Productive Uses (Project ID: 5501)
Mainstreaming Ecosystem-based Approaches to Climate-resilient Rural Livelihoods in Vulnerable Rural Areas through the Farmer Field School Methodology (Project ID: 5503)
GEF UNIDO Cleantech Programme for SMEs in Turkey (Project ID: 5505)
Transforming the Global Maritime Transport Industry towards a Low Carbon Future through Improved Energy Efficiency (Project ID: 5508)
R2R Strengthening the Management Effectiveness of the National System of Protected Areas (Project ID: 5510)
Conserving Habitats for Globally Important Flora and Fauna in Production Landscapes (Project ID: 5512)
GEF UNIDO Cleatech Programme for SMEs in South Africa (Project ID: 5515)
Payment for Ecosystem Services to Support Forest Conservation and Sustainable Livelihoods (Project ID: 5516)
Removing Barriers to Promote and Support Energy Management Information Systems in Municipalities (EMIS) throughout Serbia (Project ID: 5518)
Global Project on the Updating of National Implementation Plans for POPs (Project ID: 5525)
Gambia Protected Areas Network and Community Livelihood Project (Project ID: 5529)
Developing and Implementing the National Framework on Access to and Benefit Sharing of Genetic Resources and Associated Traditional Knowledge (Project ID: 5533)
Conservation of Ecuadorian Amphibian Diversity and Sustainable Use of its Genetic Resources (Project ID: 5534)
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy for Sustainable Water Management in Turkmenistan (Project ID: 5536)
Catalyzing Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme for the Sustainable Management of Shared Living Marine Resources in the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems (CMLE+) (Project ID: 5542)
Sustainable Production Systems and Conservation of Biodiversity (Project ID: 5546)
Dynamic Conservation and Sustainable use of Agro-Biodiversity in Traditional Agro-ecosystems of the Philippines. (Project ID: 5549)
R2R Implementing a Ridge to Reef Approach to Protect Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functions (Project ID: 5550)
Application of Ridge to Reef Concept for Biodiversity Conservation, and for the Enhancement of Ecosystem Service and Cultural Heritage in Niue (Project ID: 5552)
GEF UNIDO Cleantech Programme for SMEs (Project ID: 5553)
Local Development and Promotion of LED Technologies for Advanced General Lighting (Project ID: 5555)
West Balkans Drina River Basin Management (Project ID: 5556)
Strengthening Land & Ecosystem Management Under Conditions of Climate Change in the Niayes and Casamance regions- Republic of Senegal (Project ID: 5566)
Mainstreaming Rio Convention Provisions into National Sectoral Policies (Project ID: 5570)
Mainstreaming Global Environmental Priorities into National Policies and Programmes (Project ID: 5579)
Community Resilience to Climate and Disaster Risk in Solomon Islands Project (Project ID: 5581)
Appropriate Mitigation Actions in the Energy Generation and End-Use Sectors in Sri Lanka (Project ID: 5586)
Increasing Access to Clean and Affordable Decentralized Energy Services in Selected Vulnerable Areas of Malawi (Project ID: 5587)
Enhancing Climate Resilience of the Vulnerable Communities and Ecosystems in Somalia (Project ID: 5592)
Developing and Implementing a National Access and Benefit Sharing Framework (Project ID: 5593)
Sustainable Land Management in the Churia Range (Project ID: 5596)
Support to GEF Eligible Countries for Achieving Aichi Biodiversity Target 17 Through a Globally Guided NBSAPs Update Process (Project ID: 5601)
Technology Transfer for Climate Resilient Flood Management in Vrbas River Basin (Project ID: 5604)
Developing a National Framework on Access to and Benefit-Sharing of Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge as a Strategy to Contribute to the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity in Morocco (Project ID: 5605)
Reducing GHG Emissions Through Community Forests and Sustainable Biomass Energy in Afghanistan (Project ID: 5610)
Strengthening the Implementation of the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit Sharing in the Cook Islands (Project ID: 5613)
China’s Compliance with the Stockholm Convention (Project ID: 5624)
ASTUD PRC Clean Bus Leasing (Project ID: 5627)
Lead Paint Elimination Project in Africa (Project ID: 5633)
Establishing Albania’s Environmental Information Management and Monitoring System Aligned with the Global Environmental Reporting (Project ID: 5638)
Capacity Building for the Implementation of the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing (Project ID: 5653)
Mainstreaming Global Environmental Priorities into National Policies and Programmes (Project ID: 5655)
Parks, People, Planet: Protected Areas as Solutions to Global Challenges (Project ID: 5656)
Sustainable Forest Management to Secure Multiple Benefits in High Conservation Value Forests (Project ID: 5660)
Defining and Demonstrating Best Practices for Exchange of Information on Chemicals in Textile Products (Project ID: 5662)
R2R Integrated Environmental Management of the Fanga’uta Lagoon Catchment (Project ID: 5663)
A New Green Line: Mainstreaming Biodiversity Conservation Objectives and Practices into China’s Water Resources Management Policy and Planning Practice (Project ID: 5665)
Climate Change Adaptation in the Eastern Caribbean Fisheries Sector (Project ID: 5667)
Enabling Solid State Lighting Market Transformation and Promotion of Light Emitting Diode Lighting (Project ID: 5669)
Building Shoreline Resilience of Timor Leste to Protect Local Communities and their Livelihoods (Project ID: 5671)
Lakes Edward and Albert Integrated Fisheries and Water Resources Management Project (Project ID: 5674)
Rehabilitation of Degraded Agricultural Lands in Kandy, Badulla and Nuwara Eliya Districts in the Central Highlands (CH) (Project ID: 5677)
Assisting non- LDC Developing Countries with Country-driven Processes to Advance National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) (Project ID: 5683)
Low Carbon Development Path: Promoting Energy Efficient Applications and Solar Photovoltaic Technologies in Streets, Outdoor areas and Public Buildings in Island Communities Nationwide (LCDP) (Project ID: 5686)
Sound Chemicals Management Mainstreaming and UPOPs Reduction in Kenya (Project ID: 5689)
Mainstreaming of Biodiversity Conservation into River Management (Project ID: 5692)
Sustainable Land Management and Climate Change Mitigation Co-benefits SLM CCMC (Project ID: 5698)
Supporting Sustainable Land Management in Steppe and Semi-arid Zones through Integrated Territorial Planning and Agro-environmental Incentives (Project ID: 5699)
Land Degradation Offset and Mitigation in Western Mongolia (Project ID: 5700)
Improve Sustainability of Mangrove Forests and Coastal Mangrove Areas in Liberia through Protection, Planning and Livelihood Creation- as a Building Block Towards Liberia’s Marine and Costal Protected Areas (Project ID: 5712)
Strengthening of Institutional and Legal Capacities to Enable Improvement of the National Monitoring System and Management of Environmental Information (Project ID: 5715)
Generate Global Evironmental Benefits through Environmental Education and Raising Awareness of Stakeholders (Project ID: 5716)
Integrated Landscape Management for Improved Livelihoods and Ecosystem Resilience in Mount Elgon (Project ID: 5718)
Implementation of the National Biosafety Framework in Accordance with the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (CPB) (Project ID: 5720)
Rhino Impact Bonds An Innovative Financing Mechanism for Site-Based Rhinoceros Conservation (Project ID: 5721)
Participatory Assessment of Land Degradation and Sustainable Land Management in Grassland and Pastoral Systems (Project ID: 5724)
Sustainable Management Models for Local Government Organisations to Enhance Biodiversity Protection and Utilization in Selected Eco-regions of Thailand (Project ID: 5726)
Accelerating the Development and Commercialization of Fuel Cell Vehicles in China (Project ID: 5728)
GEF International Waters Learning Exchange and Resources Network IW LEARN (Project ID: 5729)
Strengthening Human Resources, Legal Frameworks and Institutional Capacities to Implement the Nagoya Protocol (Project ID: 5731)
Effectively Mainstreaming Biodiversity Conservation into Government Policy and Private Sector Practice Piloting Sustainability Models to Take the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) to Scale (Project ID: 5735)
Energy Efficient Low-carbon Transport (Project ID: 5737)
Strengthening of National Capacities for the Implementation of the Nagoya Protocolon Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization to the Convention on Biological Diversity (Project ID: 5738)
Energy Efficient Low-carbon Transport (Project ID: 5741)
Conservation, Sustainable Use of Biodiversity, and Maintenance of Ecosystem Services in Protected Wetlands of International Importance (Project ID: 5749)
Mainstreaming Sustainable Management of Tea Production Landscapes (Project ID: 5750)
Maintaining and Increasing Carbon Stocks in Agro-silvopastoral Systems in Rural Communities of the Selva Zoque - Sumidero Canyon Complex as a Climate Change Mitigation Strategy. (Project ID: 5751)
Supporting Sustainable Ecosystems by Strengthening the Effectiveness of Dominica’s Protected Areas System (Project ID: 5761)
Implementation of SLM Practices to Address Land Degradation and Mitigate Effects of Drought (Project ID: 5767)
Improving Mangrove Conservation across the Eastern Tropical Pacific Seascape (ETPS) through Coordinated Regional and National Strategy Development and Implementation (Project ID: 5771)
Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of African Network of Basin Organization (ANBO), Contributing to the Improved Transboundary Water Governance in Africa (Project ID: 5772)
Advancing the Nagoya Protocol in Countries of the Caribbean Region (Project ID: 5774)
Supply Change Securing Food Sustaining Forests (Project ID: 5776)
Mainstreaming Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management in Priority Socio Ecological Production Landscapes and Seascapes (SEPLS) (Project ID: 5784)
Sustainable Land Management Promotion (Project ID: 5785)
Using SLM to Improve the Integrity of the Makgadikgadi Ecosystem and to Secure the Livelihoods of Rangeland Dependent Communities (Project ID: 5789)
PSG-Sustainable Landscape Management Project under SAWAP (Project ID: 5792)
A Bottom Up Approach to ABS: Community Level Capacity Development for Successful Engagement in ABS Value Chains in Cameroon (Echinops giganteus) (Project ID: 5796)
Securing Tenure Rights for Forest Landscape Dependent Communities: Linking Science with Policy to Advance Tenure Security, Sustainable Forest Management and People's Livelihoods (Project ID: 5797)
Adaptive Management and Monitoring of the Maghreb's Oases Systems (Project ID: 5798)
Spatial Planning for Protected Areas in Response to Climate Change (SPARC) (Project ID: 5810)
Geothermal Resource Development in Saint Lucia (Project ID: 5812)
Promoting Sustainable Electricity Generation in Malian Rural Areas through Hybrid Technologies (Project ID: 5819)
Sharing Knowledge on the Use of Biochar for Sustainable Land Management (Project ID: 5824)
Strengthening National Systems to Improve Governance and Management of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities Conserved Areas and Territories (Project ID: 5826)
Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions in the Construction Sector in Mongolia (Project ID: 5830)
Establishing the Foundations of a Partnership to Accelerate the Global Market Transformation for Efficient Appliances and Equipment (Project ID: 5831)
Promoting Accelerated Transfer and Scaled up Deployment of Mitigation Technologies through the Climate Technology Centre & Network (CTCN) (Project ID: 5832)
Satellite Monitoring for Forest Management (Project ID: 5835)
Sustainable Urban Mobility Program for San Jose (Project ID: 5838)
Mitigating Deforestation in Brazil Nut Concessions in Madre de Dios, Peru (Project ID: 5839)
NAMA Pilot Implementation of Technology Transfer Projects in the Industrial Sector of the Cundinamarca-Bogotá Region (Project ID: 5841)
Deployment of Renewable Energy and Improvement of Energy Efficiency in the Public Sector (Project ID: 5843)
Enhancing Biodiversity Protection through Strengthened Monitoring, Enforcement and Uptake of Environmental Regulations in Guyana's Gold Mining Sector (Project ID: 5846)
Capacity Development for Improved Management of Multilateral Environmental Agreements for Global Environmental Benefits (Project ID: 5847)
Capacity Development for Implementing Rio Conventions through Enhancing Incentive Mechanism for Sustainable Watershed/Land Management (Project ID: 5848)
Transboundary Cooperation for Snow Leopard and Ecosystem Conservation (Project ID: 5886)

GEF replenishment period: GEF-6

Southeast Europe and Central Asia Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility (Project ID: 6915)
Sustainable Forest and Land Management in the Dry Dipterocarp Forest Ecosystems of Southern Lao PDR (Project ID: 6940)
Strengthening Capacities of Rural Aqueduct Associations' (ASADAS) to Address Climate Change Risks in Water Stressed Communities of Northern Costa Rica (Project ID: 6945)
Strengthening the Adaptive Capacity to Climate Change in the Fisheries and Aquaculture Sector (Project ID: 6955)
Supporting Climate Resilient Livelihoods in Agricultural Communities in Drought-prone Areas (Project ID: 6960)
Advancing IWRM Across the Kura River Basin through Implementation of the Transboundary Agreed Actions and National Plans (Project ID: 6962)
Volta River Basin Strategic Action Programme Implementation Project (Project ID: 6964)
UPOPs Reduction through BAT/BEP and PPP-based Industry Chain Management in Secondary Copper Production Sector in China (Project ID: 6966)
Generating Global Environment Benefits through Improved Environmental Information, Planning and Decision Making Systems (Project ID: 6971)
The International Lighting Efficiency Facility (iLEF)(non-grant) (Project ID: 6980)
Enhancing Capacity to Develop Global and Regional Environmental Projects in the Pacific (Project ID: 6982)
Enhancing Resilience Of Liberia Montserrado County Vulnerable Coastal Areas To Climate Change Risks (Project ID: 8015)
The Ten Island Challenge: Derisking the Transition of the Caribbean from Fossil Fuels to Renewables (Project ID: 9112)
Capacity Development for Improved Implementation of Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) (Project ID: 9114)
Enabling Transboundary Cooperation and Integrated Water Resources Management in the White Drin and the Extended Drin Basin (Project ID: 9121)
Cities-IAP: Sustainable Cities Initiative (Project ID: 9123)
Regional Partnership for African Fisheries Policy Reform (RAFIP) (Project ID: 9160)
Enabling the use of Global Data Sources to assess and Monitor Land Degradation at Multiple Scales (Project ID: 9163)
Adaptive Management and Learning for the Commodities IAP (Project ID: 9179)
Reducing Deforestation from Commodity Production (Project ID: 9180)
Commodities-IAP: Generating Responsible Demand for Reduced-Deforestation Commodities (Project ID: 9182)
Safeguarding Biodiversity in the Galapagos Islands by Enhancing Biosecurity and Creating the Enabling Environment for the Restoration of Galapagos Island Ecosystems. (Project ID: 9282)
Enhancing Financial Sustainability of the Protected Area System (Project ID: 9289)
Strengthening of Multisector and Decentralised Environmental Management and Coordination to Achieve the Objectives of the Rio Conventions in the Union of Comoros (Project ID: 9314)
Scaling up the SE4ALL Building Efficiency Accelerator (BEA) (Project ID: 9329)
Strengthening Institutional Capacity for Effective Implementation of Rio Conventions in Uganda (Project ID: 9335)
Strengthening Capacities for Implementation of the Nagoya Protocol in Nepal (Project ID: 9352)
Public Lighting Energy Efficiency Program: Public lighting replacement of low-efficiency VSAP bulbs with high-efficiency LEDs in Colombia (Project ID: 9354)
Enabling Transboundary Cooperation and Integrated Water Resources Management in the Dniester River Basin (Project ID: 9359)
Land Degradation Neutrality Target Setting Project (Project ID: 9365)
Monitoring and Assessment of MEA Implementation and Environmental Trends in Antigua and Barbuda (Project ID: 9467)
Renewable Energy for the City of Marrakech’s Bus Rapid Transit System (Project ID: 9567)
Strengthening National Capacity in Kenya to Meet the Transparency Requirements of the Paris Agreement and
Sharing Best Practices in the East Africa Region (Project ID: 9674)
CBIT Global Coordination Platform (Project ID: 9675)
Complete HCFC Phase-out in Tajikistan through Promotion of Zero ODS Low GWP Energy Efficient Technologies (Project ID: 9712)
Developing Organizational Capacity for Ecosystem Stewardship and Livelihoods in Caribbean Small-Scale Fisheries (StewardFish) (Project ID: 9720)
Phase out of Endosulfan in China (Project ID: 9724)
Building Institutional and Technical Capacities to Enhance Transparency in the Framework of the Paris Agreement (Project ID: 9739)
Developing a Comprehensive Framework for Practical Implementation of the Nagoya Protocol (Project ID: 9741)
Forest Resources Assessment and Monitoring to Strengthen Forest Knowledge Framework in Azerbaijan (Project ID: 9795)
Global Deployment of the Industrial Energy Efficiency Accelerator (Project ID: 9807)
Support to Eligible Parties to Produce the Sixth National Report to the CBD (LAC) (Project ID: 9821)
Support to Eligible Parties to Produce the Sixth National Report (6NR) to the CBD (Asia) (Project ID: 9826)
Support to Eligible Parties to Produce the Sixth National Report to the CBD (6NR - Mixed regions) (Project ID: 9829)
Strengthening capacity in the agriculture and land-use sectors for enhanced transparency in implementation and monitoring of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement in Papua New Guinea (Project ID: 9833)
Strengthening Capacity in the Agricultural and Land-use Sectors for Enhanced Transparency in Implementation and Monitoring of Mongolia’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) (Project ID: 9834)
Support to Eligible Parties to Produce the Sixth National Report to the CBD (6NR - LAC-II) (Project ID: 9840)
Global Capacity-building Towards Enhanced Transparency in the AFOLU Sector (CBIT-AFOLU) (Project ID: 9864)
Building and Strengthening Liberia’s National Capacity to Implement the Transparency Elements of the Paris Climate Agreement (Project ID: 9923)
Clean Rural Electrification for African Countries (Project ID: 9931)
Structuring and Launching CRAFT: the First Private Sector Climate Resilience & Adaptation Fund for Developing Countries (Project ID: 9941)
Setting the Foundations for Zero Net Loss of the Mangroves that Underpin Human Wellbeing in the North Brazil Shelf LME (Project ID: 9949)
Growing Green Business in Montenegro (Project ID: 9950)
Long-term Financial Mechanism to Enhance Mediterranean MPA Management Effectiveness (Project ID: 9959)
Establishing Transparency Framework for the Republic of Serbia (Project ID: 10029)
Strengthening Institutional and Technical Macedonian Capacities to Enhance Transparency in the Framework of the Paris Agreement (Project ID: 10042)

GEF replenishment period: GEF-7

Building global capacity to increase transparency in the forest sector (CBIT-Forest) (Project ID: 10071)

Data set available for download

  • Data Set , includes all rated projects as of