APR 2020
Evaluation Report:

The GEF Annual Performance Report (APR) prepared by the GEF Independent Evaluation Office (GEF IEO) provides an overview of the performance of GEF activities and processes, key factors that may affect performance, and the quality of Monitoring and Evaluations systems (M&E). Along with regular reporting on performance of completed projects, an APR may cover issues affecting the GEF partnership that have been identified as being of current interest to GEF stakeholders. Recent APRs have covered topics such as tracking tools (APR2015), progress to impact (APR2016), sustainability (APR2017) and transportation portfolio (APR2019). APR2020 will present a detailed analysis of quality of terminal evaluation reports. It will assess the extent to which terminal evaluations of completed GEF projects are following the GEF IEO guidelines, and their strengths and weaknesses. APR 2020 will be presented to the GEF Council during its June 2020 meeting.

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