APR 2019 Transportation
Evaluation Report:

The annual performance report (APR) provides an update on performance of the Global Environment Facility's (GEF) portfolio of completed projects. It reports on project outcomes, the likelihood of sustainability of project outcomes, the quality of project implementation and execution, co-financing trends, the quality of project M&E systems, and the coverage of terminal evaluation reports. APR 2019 covers 1,566 completed GEF projects which account for $6.9 billion in GEF grants. Terminal evaluations for 193 projects were received and validated during 2018-2019. APR 2019 also presents reporting on Management Action Record (MAR) 2019. MAR 2019 reports on level of adoption of decisions based on recommendations of seven GEF IEO evaluations. Five of these evaluations that account for 12 recommendations were endorsed by the GEF Council, and two evaluations that account for the remainder were endorsed by the LDCF and SCCF Council. APR 2019 also presents the Evaluation of the GEF Sustainable Transport Portfolio. GEF has cumulatively provided$ 501 million in grants for 80 sustainable transport projects. The Evaluation of the GEF Sustainable Transport Portfolio assesses the type of activities that GEF has supported in sustainable transport, the results of the supported activities, lessons from the implementation experience, and the value added by GEF.

Supporting Documents

Evaluation Learnings

Evaluation Learnings

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