APR 2012
Evaluation Report:

The Annual Performance Report (APR) is a regular feature of the GEF Evaluation Office performance evaluations. The report presented a detailed account of the performance of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) portfolio in terms of results; processes that may affect results; and, monitoring and evaluation (M&E) arrangements.

The issues addressed in the APR 2012 include assessment of project outcomes, risks to sustainability of outcomes, quality of M&E arrangements in completed projects, quality of terminal evaluation reports, and management action records. The report also provided information on the progress on the ongoing work of the performance evaluation stream. The APR 2012 will have input in the Fifth Overall Performance Study (OPS5) - APR 2012, including its intermediary products, will feed into both the first and the second report of OPS5.

The report was presented to the GEF Council in June 2013.

Supporting Documents

Evaluation Learnings

Evaluation Learnings

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