Role of the GEF
GEF Evaluation Office and IDS: Interview with Sophie Edwards
Multimedia Date:
Global Environment Facility (GEF) Evaluation Office collaborates with the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) on a variety of issues, including methodological advice, peer reviews, joint work to prepare studies, as well as professional development opportunities for MA students to work at the Evaluation Office.
GEF Evaluation Office and IDS: Interview with Jay Kyun Kim
Multimedia Date:
Global Environment Facility (GEF) Evaluation Office collaborates with the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) on a variety of issues, including methodological advice, peer reviews, joint work to prepare studies, as well as professional development opportunities for MA students to work at the Evaluation Office.
First Report of OPS5: Cumulative Evidence on Challenging Pathways to Global Environmental Impact
Multimedia Date:
Rob D. van den Berg, Director of the GEF Evaluation Office, discusses how impact in the GEF was achieved in the first report of the Fifth Overall Performance Study (OPS5). The powerpoint was presented at the GEF-6 replenishment meeting in Paris. This full-length video discusses outcomes to impact, the role of the GEF and climate change.