Environmental Dimensions of Sustainable Development

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The Independent Evaluation Office of the Global Environment Facility (GEF IEO) organized a panel on the Environmental Dimensions of Sustainable Development during the Annual General Meeting of the United Nations Evaluation Group. The session delved into the critical role the environment plays in sustainable development and offered insights for evaluation.

GEF Council Meeting 63 Video

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The GEF IEO presented to the council the Review of the GEF Management Action Record (MAR), and the Evaluation of the Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic on GEF Activities. As in formation document the Integration of Environmental Impact Into Evaluations in the UN System.

Footprint Evaluation and the Climate Crisis in Africa

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The Africa Evaluation Indaba 2022 featured a panel discussion on “Footprint Evaluation and the Climate Crisis in Africa - What Does This Mean for Evaluation in and for Africa?" The session explored the concept of footprint evaluation which focuses on the impact human systems have on natural systems, a

IPDET Workshop: Evaluation at the Nexus of Environment and Development

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The 2022 IPDET On-Site program took place at the University of Bern from July 11 to 22. Our workshop on Evaluation at the Nexus of Environment and Development on July 21-22 drew on the experience of Global Environment Facility Independent Evaluation Office (GEF IEO) and its many partners in evaluating programs and projects aimed at enhancing environmental sustainability.

Approaches and Methods to Climate Change and Environmental Evaluations

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The IEO organized a session on Approaches and Methods to Climate Change and Environmental Evaluations at the Evaluation Symposium organized by the Islamic Development Bank.