Geeta Batra is the Chief Evaluator and Deputy Director of the GEF Independent Evaluation Office, which assesses the progress and impact of Global Environment Facility interventions. In an interview, she shared life lessons from her work evaluating innovative environmental…
IEO Newsletter - June 2021
Latest news and development from the GEF Independent Evaluation Office: click here to read the full issue
The GEF celebrates Earth-Day by marking the first day of the GEF-8 replenishment process
The GEF-8 replenishment meeting began with a presentation by the IEO, which was well received with particular interest in integration, innovation, and private sector engagement. A report on key findings from completed and ongoing IEO evaluations was prepared to inform negotiations.
Lessons for COVID-19 from GEF IEO Evaluations
Statement from the IEO Director
- On March 23, 2020
COVID-19 - Statement from the IEO Director
by Juha Uitto, Director
Reports and Documents of Interest