Credentialed Evaluator (CE), Serge Eric is the Co-Chair of EvalIndigenous, Vice-President of the International Development Evaluation Association (IDEAS), Co-Chair of the Coordination Committee of EvalPartners, Former President of the African Evaluation Association (AfrEA), CEO of the Centre for Evaluation and Development (CAED), Member of various evaluation networks/associations such as AEN, CES, and Cameroon Development Evaluation Association (CaDEA). He has 20+ years’ of experience in research and evaluation with Universities (University of Quebec in Montreal, University of Ottawa, Humbolt University in Berlin, Constantine University in Algeria, Institute for Environmental Sciences in Cameroon, United Arab Emirates University in Al Ain), government entities such as Global Affairs Canada, UN agencies, USAID, Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), African Development Bank (AfDB), WorldBank and EU, CBOs and NGOs. As International Evaluation Specialist, he led the design and implementation of over 150 country research initiatives and evaluations worldwide. He has worked in Africa; Europe; North, Central & Latin America; Middle-East; and Asia. He wrote two books and co-authored five books, training materials, +150 reports and articles. He led capacity development trainings in environmental economics, monitoring and evaluation, agricultural research, research methodology and statistics, and related topics for various audiences and organizations worldwide.

Serge Eric Yakeu Djiam
Co-Chair, EvalIndigenous Evaluation Network
Vice-President, IDEAS