Dr. Bowman, PhD, is a traditional Lunaape/Mohican woman in service to others at the intersection of truth, spirituality, traditional knowledge, sovereignty, governance, and evaluation. She’s been an active Indigenous community member for 40 years and an evaluator for over two decades. She is president of the award-winning Bowman Performance Consulting and an Associate Scientist/Evaluator at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. Dr. Bowman supports projects advancing Indigenous scholarship with Tribal/non-Tribal governments and philanthropic, non-profit, and organizations internationally. She is recognized in several associations including the American Evaluation Association, Center for Culturally Responsive Evaluation and Assessment, Internationally, she is a member of the Canadian Evaluation Society, leadership within EvalIndigenous, Co-creator of “Roots and Relations”, Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation. Finally, Dr. Bowman is the Co-editor for the Journal of Multidisciplinary Evaluation, a special global issue with Dr. Bagele Chilisa.

Nicole Bowman
Founder/ President, Bowman Performance Consulting
Associate Scientist and Evaluator, University of Wisconsin