Anusha Magendram is a Senior Manager in the Malaysian Industry-Government Group for High Technology (MIGHT) under the Sustainable Development Technologies Department. She brings 19 years of relevant experience into Sustainable Development, particularly around Smart Cities Development. Her work here centers primarily on management and coordination of the Malaysia Smart Cities Alliance (MSCA) and project “Sustainable-city in Malaysia” under Sustainable Cities Integrated Approach Pilot (SCIAP) Programme for the Global Environmental Facility (GEF 6) organization for UNIDO. At MIGHT, she has been extensively involved in Project Management & Research, bilateral & multilateral projects, and science diplomacy programs. Before this, she has worked as Head of Operation in Yayasan Innovasi Malaysia and as Team Leader In MYOB Australia Pty Ltd. She holds a Master of Computer Science (majoring in Software Engineering), a Bachelor’s in Information & Technology (majoring in Software Engineering), and currently pursuing her Ph.D. at UKM.

Anusha Magendram
Malaysian Industry-Government Group for High Technology
Assistant vice-President