CIEWS 2024
Evaluation Report:

Climate information and early warning systems (CIEWS) are a vital part of reducing vulnerability to the impacts of climate change and building climate change resilience. Climate and weather information dissemination has become synonymous with early warning systems for responding to the hazards and impacts caused by climate change. Strengthening CIEWS has been a commonly deployed intervention for the Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) and has also been addressed by a number of GEF Trust Fund, Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF), and multitrust fund projects. A detailed review of projects addressing CIEWS would fill a knowledge gap in the performance and trends of an intervention that has been elevated to a priority theme in the GEF Programming Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change, covering July 2022 to June 2026. The evaluation intends to understand the relevance and effectiveness of these interventions, including the outcomes and the mechanisms used to achieve outcomes. It also aims to identify lessons applicable to GEF's future programming of CIEWS interventions. The evaluation will use a variety of methods, including a portfolio review of projects addressing CIEWS, a summary of best practices in CIEWS, project site visits, and key informant interviews.

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