The GEF Evaluation Office finished an evaluation of the totality of GEF support across all GEF Agencies and programs in Tanzania between 1992-2012. The evaluation assess the relevance, results, effectiveness, sustainability and efficiency of GEF projects at the country level. This GEF Tanzania CPE provides feedback and knowledge sharing to the GEF Council and inform decision making in relation to GEF strategy, policy and resource allocation going forward. It also informs the Government of Tanzania and other organizations and Agencies involved in GEF-funded activities.
Key questions being addressed include: What is the sustainability of GEF-supported activities? Is GEF support in Tanzania relevant to the national sustainability development agenda and environmental priorities? Is GEF support in Tanzania achieving the GEF objectives for global environmental benefits? What are the synergies between GEF-funded projects among different GEF Agencies, national institutions, and other donor-supported activities?