CPE Cameroon
Evaluation Report:

Cameroon has been receiving GEF funds since 1992 via 10 national projects. About 71 per cent of funding has gone to support biodiversity projects, 25 per cent in land degradation, with the remainder split between climate change and persistent organic pollutants (POPs). Cameroon was selected for evaluation for reasons including the significant work in forest conservation and its importance as a global biodiversity hotspot. Main findings and recommendations were presented to the GEF Council as a part of the Annual Country Portfolio Evaluation Report 2009 (ACPER 2009).


  • GEF portfolio has the potential to generate global environmental biodiversity benefits. However, at a local level, incentives are not yet significant enough to support conservation activities.
  • GEF work is also helping Cameroon address international waters and land degradation issues.
  • Weak financial, institutional and socioeconomic sustainability in Cameroon is putting GEF results at risk.
  • GEF support is relevant to Cameroon's national and international environmental agenda.
  • Enhancing country ownership is a challenge as project identification and preparation are externally driven.
  • GEF Activity Cycle is too complex and has hampered project development.
  • Knowledge Management and lesson learning need to be enhanced.


  • The GEF should continue to monitor the results of the FESP budgetary support approach and consider replicating it in other countries.
  • GEF should develop a strategy to improve capacities to address environmental issues in Sub-Saharan Africa.
  • GEF should consider giving further support to trust funds to improve sustainability of environmental benefits.
  • The GEF needs to give urgent attention to compliance with environmental policies and regulation.
  • Local communities need appropriate incentives and compensation to offset the social costs of some GEF funded projects.
  • GEF Agencies need to work more closely with Government of Cameroon and other stakeholders to enhance country ownership.
  • GEF Agencies should consider regular auditing and capacity building to improve project financial management.

Supporting Documents