APR 2006
Evaluation Report:

The GEF Third Annual Performance Report (APR) 2006, presented and prepared by the GEF Evaluation Office, focuses on completed projects for which terminal evaluations were submitted during fiscal year 2006. The full report provides an assessment of project outcomes, project sustainability, project completion delays, materialization of cofinancing, and the quality of monitoring in completed projects. The report's main focus is on terminal evaluations from 66 projects submitted in FY2006, accounting for $255 million in GEF funding.

The report contains the following recommendations and issues for the future:

  1. UNDP and UNEP need to involve social and institutional expertise in project supervision.
  2. Special attention required to ensure improved supervision in the new GEF project cycle by ensuring adequate funding in project fees.
  3. UNEP should develop a structural approach to supervising its GEF portfolio.
  4. All Agencies need to ensure terminal evaluations contain adequate information on sustainability of outcomes, quality of M&E systems, and cofinancing.

The following conclusions were reached by the evaluation:

  1. Completed GEF targets on track to achieve 75 per cent satisfactory outcomes.
  2. Materialization of cofinancing on track.
  3. UNEP's supervision of projects unsatisfactory in two-thirds of cases, although improvements being made.
  4. Portfolio monitoring by GEF Agencies tends to rate projects as fully satisfactory despite problems noted in monitoring information.
  5. UNDP and UNEP failed to involve social and institutional specialized during supervision where appropriate.
  6. Many terminal evaluation reports fail to adequately cover issues including sustainability, cofinancing and M&E.

Supporting Documents

Evaluation Learnings

Evaluation Learnings

Related Reports

Evaluation Reports