This session will draw from research, case studies, and an institutional perspective to highlight the demands placed on evaluation to reflect the intersectionality of socio-economic and environmental domains. Panelists bring a wealth of experience and knowledge on integrated evaluation approaches, and measuring social-economic and key development impacts in the context of environmental…

Pushpam Kumar is Senior Economic Advisor for the UN Environment. In the past he has worked as the Chief, Ecosystem Services Economics Unit, during 2010-2015 and as Coordinator, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Branch during 2015-16 in the Ecosystems Division, the UN Environment. He has been instrumental in designing, implementing and providing leadership to the operationalization of the concept of Natural Capital through flagship projects like VANTAGE (Valuation and Accounting of Natural Capital for Green Economy) and Proecoserv, culminating in a resolution on Natural Capital passed during UNEA2 in 2016. Currently, he provides leadership to a number of initiatives. He is Report Director for Economics of Land Degradation (Africa and Asia); coordinates the Inclusive Wealth Report and provides analytical approaches for Planetary and Human Health. Pushpam Kumar is Report Director for the TEEB Agri Food Foundation Report.

Ana is an Economist for the Strategic Programme to Reduce Rural Poverty at FAO. She has extensive experience in rural development, social protection, gender and women’s empowerment issues. She has contributed to several initiatives in FAO, including the From Production to Protection project. She oversees FAO’s work on policies and strategies for rural poverty reduction and analytical work on rural poverty and livelihoods.

Ben Murphy is an evaluation specialist in the Corporate and Thematic Evaluation section at the IEO, where he conducts global evaluations of UNDP’s support in a variety of areas. He has 15 years of experience working on climate and development issues, contributing to the UNFCCC processes and the resilience programming of WFP and IFAD, amongst other organizations. Prior to the IEO, Ben was a Senior Climate Change consultant at Itad Ltd, and previously spent six years in Africa working on impact and programme evaluations.

Daniel Kaufman is a Principal at IEc with over 17 years of experience in performance measurement and program evaluation, with specialized experience in clean energy, climate change, and environmental program evaluation. He has extensive international program evaluation experience for clients including the Climate Investment Fund (CIF), International Finance Corporation (IFC), Global Environment Facility (GEF), and ClimateWorks Foundation. Recently, he directed an evaluation of the development impacts of climate investment in low- and middle-income countries for the Climate Investment Funds (CIF). Previously, he supported more than 10 evaluations for the IFC, including studies in Bangladesh, Indonesia, Pacific Islands, Middle East and North Africa, Kenya, and southeast Europe. He has also worked extensively with public sector agencies to develop performance measurement and program evaluation frameworks, logic models, metrics, market studies, and evaluation reports. He has created peer-reviewed evaluation plans and reports and developed user-friendly measurement tools to track the market-level effects of environmental and cleantech innovations.

Jonathan is a doctoral student in the Department of Nutrition at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. With over six years of experience, he has worked extensively in developing, implementing, and evaluating health and nutrition programs across international organizations such as the World Food Program, the Pan American Health Organization, and the International Fund for Agricultural Development. Jonathan has worked on assessing the affordability of healthy foods and the impact of climate change on food systems in low- and middle-income countries. Currently, his research focuses on the design and implementation of effective interventions to improve access to nutritious foods for disadvantaged populations. As a Fulbright Scholar, he obtained a Master of Public Health in Nutrition at the University of Washington.

Katherine Lord is a Senior Research Assistant at John Hopkins University coordinating a study team for a project to build chronic disease and simulation centre research capacity in Sfax, Tunisia. She has led the design of a COPD registry study to monitor 3-year morbidity and mortality outcomes in 400 respiratory disease patients, including writing protocols, preparing IRB ethics documents, hiring and training technicians, and providing preliminary analyses. She also prepared a US$1M research and project management budget. She continues to provide research and analytical support to NCD projects in Peru, Nepal, and Uganda.

Roberto is currently the Evaluation Senior Advisor, Heading evaluation function and Unit (PAHO/WHO). He is responsible for fostering PAHO’s evaluation culture, implementing its new evaluation policy; building the evaluation function and team (within PAHO's PBE Dept.); leading the development of new: evaluation communication, intranet, platform, repository, handbook, roster of firms, consultants and global and regional senior public health experts. Managing, delivering corporate evaluations; and enhanced use of evaluations recommendations for organizational learning. He also led the first-ever evaluation made public by PAHO "PAHO's Response to Covid-19 Pandemic in the Americas - a first in PAHO (and WHO's world)". He previously work for the Green Climate Fund and as Evaluation Adviser at the Independent Evaluation Office of UNDP.