Webinar Risk 2024

Webinar on Risk and Resilience in the Era of Climate Change, authored by Vinod Thomas from the National University of Singapore. This event, hosted by the International Evaluation Academy (IEAc), will provide a platform to explore strategies for resilience and adaptation amid the challenges of climate change.

Geeta Batra, Director of GEF - IEO, will participate as a reviewer, providing insights on the book's relevance to current global environmental challenges. The session will cover:

  • The importance of addressing root causes, particularly linking carbon emissions to the surge in climate-related disasters
  • Rethinking economic growth to incorporate strategies that mitigate environmental harm and biodiversity loss

Additional Speakers:

  • Rob D. van den Berg – Reviewer, King's College
  • Weronika Felcis – Moderator, International Evaluation Academy (IEAc)


Evaluation Reports