Panama Workshop 2024

GEF IEO Evaluators Anupam Anand and Eki R. from GEF IEO attended the Global Environment Facility Technical Workshop on the Amazon, Congo, and Critical Forest Biomes Integrated Program in Panama City. During the event, GEF IEO’s critical work was highlighted in key discussions

  • Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining (ASGM): Daphne Yin (Director of Impact, Conservation X Labs) referenced GEF IEO’s study on ASGM interventions, spotlighting GEF’s efforts in promoting sustainable mining practices, while also addressing the need for better integration across focal areas, such as forests and mining.
  • Behavioral Change: Participants drew on findings from GEF IEO’s Annual Performance Report 2023, emphasizing the importance of behavioral change in GEF-supported interventions and seeking further lessons to track and promote these changes.

GEF IEO’s insights continue to shape global discussions on forest conservation and sustainable practices. Exciting progress ahead!