Jobs 202410 Analysts

The Global Environment Facility (GEF) is a financial mechanism that provides grants and concessional funds to recipient countries for projects and activities to protect the global environment. The governance structure of the GEF includes an Assembly, a Council, a Secretariat, a Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel and an Independent Evaluation Office (IEO). Projects financed by the GEF are implemented by eighteen GEF Agencies. The IEO is functionally independent of, but administratively supported by, the World Bank. It is independent from the CEO of the GEF and reports directly to the GEF Council. The GEF Council authorizes IEO’s four-year rolling work plans, approves annual budgets and receives all evaluation reports

The IEO has the central role of ensuring the independent evaluation function within the GEF; of setting minimum requirements for evaluation; of ensuring oversight of the quality of evaluation systems at program and project level; and of sharing evaluative evidence within the GEF. The IEO has the responsibility for undertaking independent evaluations which involve a set of projects from more than one GEF Agency. These evaluations are typically on a strategic level, including impact evaluations and evaluations of GEF work across specific themes or country clusters. Evaluations may be highly complex when undertaken jointly with other evaluation units of GEF Agencies.

Key strategic directions GEF IEO

During the eighth replenishment period of the GEF (2022-2026), the IEO seeks to deepen the evidence on GEF’s results and performance through ex-post evaluations as well as provide real time feedback on recent shifts in the GEF’s strategy and programming, such as those related to country level strategies and integrated programs. The IEO seeks to continuously test and implement new qualitative and quantitative methods and approaches to inform the GEF Council on the performance and results of the GEF.

Additional strategic areas of work in the IEO include:

  • Scale up of IEO learning and knowledge sharing;
  • Continued improvements in evaluation methodology and quality assurance; and
  • Enhanced cost-effectiveness, including productivity improvements in evaluations.

Organizational structure
IEO is led by the Director of Evaluation, who reports directly to the GEF Council. The Evaluation Analyst will report to the Team Leader/Deputy Director and Chief Evaluation Officer under the overall guidance of the IEO Director.

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  1. Go to the World Bank Careers Site
  2. if prompted, type req29804 into the "Keyword or ReqID" search field
  3. Click Search, NOTE: the deadline for this application is October 21, 2024

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