Wilton Park Climate Action 2021
Virtual Meeting

Geeta Batra, Deputy Director and Chief Evaluation Officer of the GEF IEO, will present on the panel 'Pathways towards transformational climate action: overcoming barriers and moving forwards' on Wednesday, September 8, 2021.

Hosted by Wilton Park, the event is the first dialogue, in a series of three, held two months before COP26 in Glasgow. The events aim to bring together participants from the worlds of policy, evaluation and research and seeks to clarify what the dimensions of transformational climate action are, situated in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has revealed and exacerbated inequality, poverty, unemployment, and vulnerability.

The session will seek to address the following questions: What are the pathways and actions that will truly work to mitigate climate change risks and foster systemic resilience? How do societies innovate, experiment, and scale-up effective climate responses as we build back better in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic? What processes will generate enough commonly-held beliefs about how to transform cultures, values and societies – and the will to make these changes happen?