Webinar Private Sector 2017
Washington DC, USA

The GEF Independent Evaluation Office hosted a brown bag lunch discussion on "How can environment funds such as the GEF attract more private sector engagement?" from 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm on May 15, 2017.

The private sector has been an important partner to the GEF and now has a substantial role to play in providing the financing for solutions to our global environmental challenges as public funding is expected to remain stagnant. As GEF moves into its seventh replenishment, the IEO is pleased to host a panel discussion to explore ways in which GEF can encourage more private sector engagement in environmentally-friendly activities.


  • Baljit Wadhwa, Senior Evaluation Officer, GEF Independent Evaluation Office


  • Willem Vosmer, Steward Redqueen Consulting
  • Joyita Mukherjee, Senior Operations Officer, International Finance Corporation (IFC)
  • Niranjali Amerasinghe, Climate Finance Associate, Sustainable Finance, World Resources Institute (WRI)
  • David Rodgers, Senior Climate Change Specialist, Global Environment Facility (GEF)


Evaluation Reports

Supporting Documents

Supporting Documents