Roberto is currently the Evaluation Senior Advisor, Heading evaluation function and Unit (PAHO/WHO). He is responsible for fostering PAHO’s evaluation culture, implementing its new evaluation policy; building the evaluation function and team (within PAHO's PBE Dept.); leading the development of new: evaluation communication, intranet, platform, repository, handbook, roster of firms, consultants and global and regional senior public health experts. Managing, delivering corporate evaluations; and enhanced use of evaluations recommendations for organizational learning. He also led the first-ever evaluation made public by PAHO "PAHO's Response to Covid-19 Pandemic in the Americas - a first in PAHO (and WHO's world)". He previously work for the Green Climate Fund and as Evaluation Adviser at the Independent Evaluation Office of UNDP.

Roberto La Rovere
Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO)
Senior Advisor, Head of Evaluation