Hur Hassnain (MDS, MBA) is an evaluation specialist, author, the founder of Pakistan Evaluation Association and treasurer at the International Evaluation Academy. Based in Brussels, Belgium, he is the senior evaluation specialist for the European Commission, DG INTPA and DG NEAR’s external service on Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning, and Design for External Action supporting the headquarter units, and about 96 EU Delegations around the world (since 2019). He has conducted and led evaluations for civil society, multilateral and bilateral development organizations in a range of thematic areas such as gender equality, education, rural development, agriculture, environment, and women’s economic empowerment. Hur has authored several internationally peer reviewed publications, including a book as lead author: Evaluation in Contexts of Fragility, Conflict and Violence (2021) which presents an interesting argument that “evaluation” – like development aid itself – can unintentionally exacerbate tensions in ways that can negatively affect people and institutions if care is not taken in designing and approaching it with caution and sensitivity.

Hur Hassnain
International Evaluation Academy (IEAc)