Dr. Christine Wörlen is a member of the Technical Evaluation Reference Group of the Adaptation Fund (AF-TERG) and an internationally renowned expert in the area of climate change evaluation. She is also the founder of Arepo, a Germany-based climate change advisory company. International activities brought her to all regions of the world, such as China, Thailand, India, South Africa, West Africa, USA, Canada and Mexico. As a Programme Manager at the Global Environment Facility in the period 2002 - 2007, she was responsible for renewable energy and new low-GHG emitting energy technologies and approved grants of more than $100 million annually for projects in developing countries and countries in transition. She has worked on evaluations and evaluation methodologies consistently since 2009, for numerous intergovernmental agencies that are working in climate change, such as the GEF, GCF, and several bilateral donors. A seminal evaluation was the strategic evaluation on ecosystems-based adaptation for the German IKI.

Christine Wörlen
Member, AF-TERG
Arepo, Founder