Andrea is an architect with 10-year experience in sustainable infrastructure, green building standards, and project development. She has a master’s degree in Sustainable Infrastructure from the Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña (UPC) and possesses recognized international certifications in sustainability and climate change issues such as: EDGE Expert (Excellence in Design for Greater Efficiencies) by the International Finance Corporation (IFC)and as Climate Reality Leader for Latin America by Vice President Al Gore. She has a degree in Complex Project Management by the University of Cambridge. As an evaluation analyst in CABEI, she has carried out two reviews of the environmental and social standards of the Bank’s portfolio in a sampling of 62 initiatives for more than US$ 5,900 million for public and private sectors (road, mobility, housing, education, hospitals, health and COVID-19 responses, water and sanitation, renewable energy, agriculture, and financial institutions, among others) in 11 countries members of CABEI. She is a professor in the master’s degree for Renewable Energy Management at the Universidad Tecnológica Centroamericana (UNITEC) in Honduras.

Andrea Lupiac
Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI)
Evaluation Analyst