Since retiring from the International Finance Corporation in December 2013, Alan has been doing a variety of work related to climate finance and policy for diverse clients, most recently several projects related to sustainable cooling including a chapter on finance for the Global Cooling Stocktake released by UNEP at COP28. He authored a chapter in "Sustainability: Business and Investment Implications," and regularly blogs on topics related to climate change finance and policy. Other post-retirement projects include: a UNDP project to improve weather and climate information services in 11 African LDCs including a UNDP publication: A New Vision for Weather and Climate Information Services for Africa; with Climate Finance Advisors, a report on financing adaptation for the Commission on Adaptation; through Crown Agents, working with US AID to promote increased private friendly investment in developing countries; a paper on coordinating the Montreal Protocol HFC phasedown with climate finance for energy efficiency for NRDC; with Stacy Swann, preparing six articles on climate risk, insurance, and development for the IFC (all available online) and a law review article, Climate Change and the Financial Sector: Risk and Opportunity; helping organize two days of climate change programs for a World Bank conference, Law, Justice and Development Week 2016. He continues to lecture on energy and climate change issues including courses at the Universities of MIchigan (environment and natural resources), Maryland (public policy), and American (business).

Alan Miller
Sustana Cooling Partners
Managing Director