Book Launch IEO 2021
Virtual Meeting

Evaluation is important for finding sustainable solutions for people and the planet and to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. The GEF Independent Evaluation Office and the Earth-Eval community of practice organized a webinar on the book Environmental Evaluation and Global Development Institutions: A Case Study of the Global Environment Facility (GEF). Our panel reflected on how to make evaluation count for international environmental action.

About the book

The book explores why the Global Environment Facility (GEF) invests in evaluation for accountability and learning to inform its decision making on programming priorities, and how this leads to wiser funding decisions and better program performance on the ground. No other multilateral development or environment agency places evaluation fully at the center of their decision making. The book outlines the trends in the global environment and the changing landscape of international environmental finance. It defines the role of the GEF and explains its institutional framework and the unique partnership that involves donor and recipient countries, multilateral development banks, UN agencies, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and national agencies in the developing countries. Further, it provides useful pointers to other organizations wishing to enhance evidence-based decision making for improving their relevance, performance, and impact.

The book is available online as an open-source publication here.


Juha I. Uitto
Independent Evaluation Office Global Environment Facility


Geeta Batra
Chief Evaluation Officer and Deputy Director
Independent Evaluation Office Global Environment Facility

Carlos Manuel Rodriguez
CEO and Chairperson
Global Environment Facility

Gabriela Blatter
Principal Policy Advisor International Environment Finance
Swiss Federal Office for the Environment

Osvaldo Feinstein
Professor, Master in the Evaluation of Programs and Public Policies
Complutense University of Madrid