SCCE Biomes
Evaluation Report:
Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, Nigeria, Uganda

The African Biomes Strategic Country Cluster Evaluation (SCCE) covers GEF activities in 23 countries situated in two Sub-Saharan African biomes: the Sahel and the Sudan-Guinea Savanna. Selection of these two biomes is based on the countries' comparable land-based environmental challenges. These countries also face challenges related to governance, demographics, migration, conflict and fragility, working as drivers for the environmental issues at hand. Most countries situated in the two biomes are Least Developed Countries (LDCs), and half are countries in fragile situations.

The overarching objectives of the evaluation are:

  1. to provide a deeper understanding of the determinants of sustainability of the outcomes of GEF support in the two biomes, and
  2. to assess the relevance and performance of the GEF towards the two biomes' main environmental challenges from the countries' perspective.

Gender, resilience and GEF operations in fragile situations will be assessed as cross-cutting issues.

The GEF Council is the primary audience for this evaluation. The evaluation's evidence can also inform GEF Agencies' proposal development and GEF Secretariat's appraisal of project proposals. Country- and non-governmental partners engaged in project and program design and implementation form the secondary audience.

Supporting Documents


  • The case of the GEF IEO's Strategic Country Cluster Evaluations External Link

Technical Document

Evaluation Learnings

Evaluation Learnings

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