Evaluation Report:

This review of the GEF Policy on Agency Minimum Standards on Environmental and Social Safeguards (2011) aims to provide insights and lessons for GEF7 replenishment cycle, focused on four key questions;

  1. To what extent have the GEF Safeguards added value to the GEF partnership?
  2. To what degree are the standards aligned with relevant international best safeguard standards and practices?
  3. How is the GEF informed of safeguard-related risks in supported operations?
  4. How might the GEF Safeguards evolve in coming years?

Note: The Global Environment Facility (GEF) adopted its Agency Minimum Standards on Environmental and Social Safeguard to ensure a minimum level of consistency across the GEF partnership in addressing environmental and social risks associated with GEE-supported operations.

Supporting Documents

Approach Paper