RBM Systems

The results-based management (RBM) system of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) aims to capture and report on the outcomes of GEF projects, enhance management effectiveness, and strengthen accountability. This system integrates lessons learned into decision-making while tracking progress toward achieving realistic targets. Over time, the GEF’s RBM approach has evolved significantly, transitioning from a broad set of indicators to a streamlined framework designed to provide reliable data, track operational performance, and highlight the effectiveness of GEF partnerships.

This evaluation, conducted by the GEF Independent Evaluation Office (IEO), assesses the performance of key RBM components during the GEF-8 cycle as part of the Eighth Comprehensive Evaluation (OPS8) of the GEF. It focuses on elements such as the GEF Portal, core indicators system, portfolio efficiency, self-evaluations, and the reporting of results and process indicators. The evaluation also examines monitoring and evaluation (M&E) practices in fragile, conflict-affected, and violent (FCV) contexts, identifying opportunities for improvement.

The evaluation found progress in several areas, including enhanced guidance for midterm reviews (MTRs), updates to the GEF Portal, and refinements in results measurement frameworks. However, challenges persist, such as data entry difficulties, gaps in tracking systemic and transformative impacts, and limited integration of conflict-sensitive objectives in FCV settings. The evaluation highlights the need for improved user-friendliness in the GEF Portal, better alignment of efficiency indicators with project cohorts, and targeted guidance for M&E in FCV contexts.

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