LDCF 2014 Napa
Evaluation Report:

As part of OPS5 the Independent Evaluation Office undertook an update of the Joint Evaluation of the Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) undertaken with DANIDA (Danish International Development Assistance) in 2009. Quality-at-entry reviews of the 138 projects approved to implement National Adaptation Programmes of Action (NAPAs) were done to assess the extent to which they respond to key issues identified by NAPAs.


  • The majority of NAPA implementation projects are aligned with their NAPA. Fifty-eight percent of projects in the portfolio show very high alignment with the NAPA, i.e. that they address the highest priority identified in the relevant NAPA.
  • Agriculture is the key adaptation issue in NAPAs. Agriculture is listed as a key adaptation need in 96 percent of the NAPAs analyzed, followed by water resource management at 87 percent and NRM 78 percent each respectively. Thirty-two percent of NAPA implementation projects list Agriculture and food security as a primary priority.
  • All projects are found to be consistent with LDCF strategies, eligibility criteria, and priorities. The NAPA implementation projects are also well aligned with other national development priorities.
    NAPA projects are mainstreaming gender into adaptation initiatives. Eighty-two percent of NAPA implementation projects have a gender strategy.
  • A large majority of NAPA implementation projects included wide stakeholder involvement and are assessing risks. Ninety-six percent included stakeholder involvement at project design, particularly with community based organizations.

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