CW Interventions
Indonesia, North Macedonia, Senegal, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, Viet Nam

This evaluation assesses the relevance, effectiveness, and sustainability of GEF interventions in the chemicals and waste sector. Building on prior IEO assessments of the chemicals and waste focal area, it examines the alignment of these interventions with international conventions and the needs of participating countries, as well as their consistency with GEF strategies and programming directions. The evaluation provides an in-depth analysis of GEF’s efforts to reduce pollution from persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and mercury. It also evaluates the design and relevance of recent projects that reflect a strategic shift toward sector-based approaches. The portfolio under review includes 487 projects, representing USD 1.8 billion in grant funding and USD 12.7 billion in co-financing, covering the period from GEF-5 to GEF-8. To ground-truth findings, the IEO team conducted case studies in Indonesia, North Macedonia, Senegal, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, and Vietnam.

Supporting Documents