Biodiversity Program 2001
Evaluation Report:
Argentina, Central African Republic, Gabon, Indonesia, mauritius, Peru, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Yemen

The Biodiversity Program Study, which was sponsored by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) secretariat, was conducted between September 2000 and March 200 l in collaboration with the three GEF implementing agencies (UNEP, UNDP, and the World Bank), and the GEF Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel (STAP). The main objective of the study was to assist the team assigned to implement the GEF's Second Overall Performance Study (OPS2) by analyzing the achievements and impacts of, and lessons emerging from, biodiversity projects funded by the GEF since 1992. Specifically, the Biodiversity Program Study had three main objectives:

  • Highlight and assess achievements, initial impacts, and lessons learned from the GEF biodiversity portfolio
  • Conduct an analysis of the area covered by GEF-assisted projects, including a comparison with lists of globally important ecosystems ("coverage")
  • Assess mechanisms for incorporating lessons learned into more recently approved projects.