AIR 2008
Evaluation Report:

The second annual impact report presents information on topics including an overview of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) impact evaluation work in 2008 including the mixed-method approach which was pursued in line with the conclusions of the 2007 Annual Impact Report. This includes two new case studies completed in 2008 in Thailand and Costa Rica which provide insights on the impacts of protected areas. Findings included that districts surrounding Costa Rica and Thailand experienced less poverty than counterfactual districts, and that income inequality increased near protected areas in Thailand and so aggregated income improvements may disguise pockets of worsening poverty.

The report also includes information on the methodological development for, and initial implementation of, an impact evaluation of GEF activities in the ozone-depleting POPs focal area.

The report was presented as an information document to the GEF Council in November 2008.

Evaluation Learnings

Evaluation Learnings

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